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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. Melanie....I just came on here to see if anybody had a Oriental Trading coupon code! THANKS!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Yeah that arm definitely channels Nicole Richie.
  3. Oh Honey, I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this...and only a few months after you got married. But you know it is the right thing for you and your children. I myself was in a relatinoship where my boyfriend was drinking 3 pints of 100 proof vodka a day...if not more, I wasn't with him 24-7. It took him pinning me to a wall and punching the wall beside my head to leave him. He had never been abusive physically but the mental abuse wasn't enough for me to leave him. I dealt with it for almost three years. I commend you for standing up for you andyour children. Unlike everybody else I think your kids come first and then you, but take of everybody. I wish you the best.
  4. My worst date ever turned into the best decision EVER! It was Cinco De Mayo 2006. I was out with my boyfriend at the time and my soon to be husband! Well, we were out with a BUNCH of friends and there was a lot of drinking! My boyfriend at the time had a BIG drinking problem, he was drinking about 3 pints of vodka a day, and we had rented a hotel room for everybody to go back to...well it had a little night club type thing and he wanted to go to it and I said I didn't want to...cause it was 3 in the morning and I had to be at work at 8 the next day! Well, he pinned me up against the wall and punched the wall next to my head and said he was going without me! I was like GOOD! So needless to say that was the moment I realized I didn't want to be with him. I left with Jeremy, because I was scared and he was the only one who saw what had happened. I have been with Jeremy ever since!
  5. Okay, so, I am obviously one girl who needs lots of help...HaHa! So, I got my tax refund and I'm ready to buy the junk I need to make my invitations. I have bought 50 plastic bottles, 2 bags o sand, and 1 bag o shells. Now, I'm on the hunt for a good lightweight paper. If there are any girls on here that have done the MIB invites, please help me find some paper. Thanks!
  6. Okay, first off I must say I agree with everybody else...if you're getting married on the beach, no shoes required! But here are a couple I have found on Your insider’s guide to casual shoes, dress shoes, handbags and more for women, men and kids. | Piperlime The first one is made by Naturalizer and the name of the shoe is Prissy This second one is made by Rampage and is called Madyson I am not sure what type of style you are looking to go with that B - E - A - UTIFUL dress...but that's what I have found so far. I'll keep looking for you though!
  7. Oh....this woman upsets me so much. The fact that she has lived off the government so many years for her other children. And the fact that she has had plastic surgery and invetro many times and she is asking US for money. It's not like those things are cheap.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by aimee&ted oh no! at least you can get them again for cheap. did you order postcards? can we see pics? we'll help you spell check, lol I did order the postcards. Apparently I am sending a "SVE THE DATE!" Here is the front: Here is the back: If you can't read the back it says "In light of the recent economy, we wanted to give plenty of notice of our upcoming nuptials because we definitely want you there. By sending out the 'sve the date,' we hope you will plan a mini-vacation and join us on our wedding day." OH SNAP.....I just realized it wasn't my fault. They printed them WRONG! I was looking online at my order and it's spelled correctly! Contacting vistaprint as we speak!!
  9. Well, I got my FREE Vistaprint save the dates today. First off I did the slow shipping (21 days) and got them in a little over a week. So that is a plus....I swear I read, re-read, and re re read them.....and what do I see when I get them....a MISPELLED word. OMG....I can't believe I did that! But on the good side, I can reorder them, only bummed cause I have to pay for shipping again. Oh well, that is my rant.
  10. Are you getting married on the beach or at a gazebo or something like that? How tall are you and how tall is your FI? I'm sorry, I should have asked that in my last post. Very pretty dress BTW!
  11. Congrats! being an aunt is almost as good as being a mommy! But if you're not a mommy...then being an aunt is better...cause you get to give the kid back!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ashrose Carly! I love the dress too! Yeah the dress is definitely not in my price range, but I am going to see if I can find someone who can make something similar. I don't want my girls to have to pay more than $150 for a dress... I think that dress is so expensive because it is 100% silk and... is technically a couture party dress. I'm pretty sure I could find a girl on Etsy to make a cuff similar for me. Aye. Big dreams. Try Honeybridalstore! I found them on Ebay and seem good with prices and a sewing machine! Good Luck!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam That dress is absolutely exquisite and to DIE for!!! The jewelry is so pretty too. But yes the pricing is painful, lol. I would definitely see if you can get a knock off made cause good Lord it's beautiful!!!! Tee Hee....this coming from the girl who paid $400 on a pair of shoes! Just messing!
  14. I plan on doing an announcement. I am going probably a different route then anybody else...but here is what I'm doing. I will be using the over sized postcards from Vistaprint.com you can upload your own image and write what you want on the back and they are cheaper to mail the something with an envelope.
  15. I did go to the Swarvoski store in the mall and they did have one. I bought it right then and there. However I have made some modifications to it. There are two starfishes on two chains. I was able to find chains the same...um...thickness at Khols and so I bought two and got home cut the original necklace and so now I have two necklaces for around $100 give or take. I am at work right now, so I can't post pictures of my semi DYI project.
  16. Okay girls, I have tweeked, tweeked, and retweeked this monogram thingie a gajillion times...here is the one I think I'm going to use...with Georgia spelled the correct way! HaHa! Let me know what ya think of this one! And Abbie....my FI WANTS our nicknames...he put his foot down on that one! LOL! So, to make him happy, we will be using nicknames!
  17. I am stealing an idea from another girl on here....I had no clue what to do untill I read her post. I am going to do a photobook from Shutterfly | Develop, Print & Share Digital Photos: Create Photo Gifts Online. I am also getting them a starfish necklace and earrings from Swarvosk. I am sure anything you decide they will love. Keep searching on here there have been a lot of threads about this!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by boven You did a great job with both logos, but I would select the first one. I assume that pink and blue are your wedding colors?? Our colors are actually Pink, Turquoise, and Yellow. My FI did the blue starfish one...his way of contributing to the wedding.
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