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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. I posted my original ring in this section when I first joined and many of you know that my E-Ring was stolen, as well as other stuff, (you can read the story in this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35037 . Well I totally forgot to post my new one in this thread...oops. So here is a pic of my new one that I got on Valentine's Day...it's not as extravegant (sp?) as my first one but if you read the other thread posts #1 and #67 you will see why I love this one just as much. Sorry it's not a very good pic!
  2. I see on the daily emails that you are allowed to order like 10 free items in one order. How do you do this? I have played with it and it charges me for the additional stuff I put in my cart. Any help is appreciated!
  3. My FI an I bought a livingroom table set from there like 2 years ago, we LOVE it. They all have a glass top and leather legs with chrome accents. I think we bought all three for like $275.
  4. These are so creative and different from the other stuff I've seen. You can tell you put a lot of time and hard work into them. Your guests are going to LOVE them...pun intended. Pat yourselfon the back for this one!
  5. So, FI and I woke up early today so he could take me to my car, which I left at work, we get in the car and start talking about the stupid movies. I was really upset and he is all like "I remember where you put them!" I was like yeah right....sure enough he remembered flipped down the sun visor and they fell into my lap. I was like..."F**K I remember putting them up there now!" I put them there cause I didn't feel like holding them. I'm such a dummy. We found them so...YIPPY!
  6. So, we are driving home from dinner with FI parents and we pass a Wally World. So I say to FI lets rent some movies from Redbox....he's all like okay; we need to return the one from the other night. So I walk in wait like 15 minutes in line...cause it's almost 9:00 p.m (which is when the movies have to be returned by or you get charged for another night) Anyway, I return our movie and rent two more. I walk back out to the car, get in, and we drive home. Get home...come inside....go to put one of the movies and and WTF...I can't find them anywhere. Two stupid $1 night rentals....NOWHERE...I can't find them and my FI is to busy posting shit on Ebay to give a rats ass. That kinda pisses me off...if it were his money he'd be all like, we gotta find the movies. I guess I'm really pissed because if I can't find them and don't return them I get charged $25.00 per movie for a movie that I coulda bought for $12.99 NEW. OMG I am so frustrated......but I feel a tad better...BLAH.
  7. It is amazing how fast she was to throw in legal action. Against what? Your honest opinion! I can't believe this and I hope you have a way better photog! Good Luck and Morgan you RULE!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 LOL girls she said her Bridal Shots were recognized not these BD shots. LMAO AAHHHHAHAHHAHHAAHHA, you're right! OMG such a tard! My bad! Anywho....lalalala
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Omg your dentist was a psychopath Yeah...he was. Jac, I was just checking in to see how your mom was doing. I hope she is doing better then when you last posted. Still in my prayers!
  10. HOLY HOT BEJESUS! You're man is going to LOVE these. I would also like to know how somebody from MIDDLE SCHOOL was able to recognize you? Your face isn't shown in any of these....so who were you showing your hot bod to in middle school?
  11. The company I am going through for my wedding has an option of using vows w/ children...here they are: Often marriage is viewed as the union of two persons. In reality, marriage is much broader. It is always a joining of families. As part of the family nature of this marriage we recognize Children and their importance to this family. Children you will have a share in this marriage, for your lives will be touched by the promises made by your mother and father today. Your participation will be needed to develop the bonds of this new family. We now ask you to promise that you will all join together to create a family of mutual help, respect and support. We ask that you help to create a home and a way of life in which all of you may grow into the best people you can be. In this spirit, will you pledge to continue to grow together and honor this new family for all the days that follow? The children respond: “We will.†Groom and Bride, as you give yourselves to one another in love and loyalty, will you also promise always to keep room in your new life together for Children? Will you commit yourselves to respect and honor them as individuals and members of this family? Will you pledge to cherish, encourage and tenderly care for them as long as they need you? Couple responds: “We will.†As a symbol of the two families joined as one today, a special gift will now be presented to each of you. As you receive your token of family unity, always remember the love that has brought all of you together and that will guide you and nurture you in the years ahead. (Give medallions to children) It is my pleasure to present to you Groom and Bride in their new relationship as husband and wife and their children Children. We will be using these vows....or something similar.
  12. You may not like posting him on the net....but your avitar would look funny with you and a couple of hearts by your head to cover up his face. LOL....I just thought it was cute that you went to the effort for him. I went to Old Navy on my lunch break and I looked at these clothes and our prices are cheaper....the shirt was $19.99 and the pants were $29.99.
  13. Tee Hee, I can't help but giggle at your picture! I am assuming that it's your FI in that picture with the LOVELY hearts over his face.....but why cover his face if that is him in your picture to the left? He looks like a handsome guy...tee hee....but I do LOVE the outfit he's wearing...thanks for the tip!
  14. We are also doing a BBQ style AHR. We will be doing Hamburgers, Hotdogs (mainly for the kids), Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Smoked Turkey, Corn on the Cob, Salads (macaroni, slaw, regular, and fruit), Cornbread, Greenbeans, and best of all CAKE! I hope this helps.....maybe.
  15. Is there something in your life...besides wedding and being preggo? How's work and what not? When I was pregnant at 16 we didn't know for 6 months. We went to the doctors the first 5 months for blood/urine tests and the doctors were telling me that the stress can throw your period out of wack. If it is something that you are totally stressing about I would take the test and get it over with.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_reeves I just got back from a wedding in the Mayan and it was on the beach during mid-day and as I turned around to watch the bride walk down the aisle I saw a woman tanning topless who was standing up watching the ceremony (she had huge knockers)...it was totally distracting if you know what I mean. It is something kind of out of your control but if it was my wedding I would've flipped out. When my FI sees me walking down the aisle I don't want him to be distracted by some other womans boobies. We are having a sunset wedding at a private restaurant on the beach so hopefully we can avoid this kind of thing. This one made me giggle. I would have totally laughed if I had been at that wedding. I say this because my FI is always pointing out other females boobs and commenting on them, "oh, those are nice." or "oh, wow, she needs a better bra." He is a total boob man. I think I would have to agree with you though, I DEFF want him looking at me and my boobs on our wedding day....I think he can handle that.
  17. I think i have decided to do the coed party. My FI has a good connection with a company who has these things called the FUR BUS....he worked on all their audio for the buses. The concept is to bar hop and party on the bus in between stops. Who knows....we probably will end up at a strip club....if I know our friends....and I am pretty sure I do. Oh well, thanks for those of you who gave yuor input.
  18. Where are you looking? I found an ebay store that sells 50 (in many different colors) for $9.99 + $6.50shipping. I was gonna get you the link to the store but they are 'on vacation' till 03/25/09. The sellers name is stitch1997.
  19. We always thought he was a little creepy...but he was funny so we continued to go to him. And one day he was on the news for killing is wife. Further in the investigation they found that a previous girlfriend of his was killed the EXACT same way. After like a year in court he FINALLY plead guilty and now he's in jail. Funny thing is, he asked if he could do dental stuff while in prison...they were all like "DENIED."
  20. The only people we are inviting to the wedding are brothers, sisters, grandparents, and parents. And most of my family lives in Missouri/Kansas and most of his family is in Colorado. And I WOULD have my sister's do it....but there is a HUGE age difference in the three of us. My older sister is 31, I'm 25, and my little sister is 16. So, I guess a dinner would be okay. I guess I just figured I would have LOADS OF DRUNKEN FUN. I don't know...haha....we (FI and I) have talked about doing a coed bach/bachlorette party. And I am fine with going to a strip club...as long as my FI goes with. We are pretty open minded people and I have no problem with him going....I just would feel more comfortable with the situation if we were together. IDK IDK
  21. Okay, to be honest, the only 'girlfriends' I have are you girls on here. I have never really got along with other females. I have had TWO bet friends that are females and they both stabbed me in the back and it's hard to trust others. Long story. Anywho, ALL of my closest and dearest friends are guys...and of course we all know what they want to do for me. If you have no female friends, who throws the bachlorette party?
  22. 1st off I must say "Hubba Hubba Sexy Mama!" 2nd, I think a CONGRATS is in order! Now....the hard part, keeping it from everybody! Good Luck with that one!
  23. I just realized it sounded like I was happy that my dentist killed his wife and girlfriend....oops. That is not what I was trying to get across. Just the fact that I was glad I didn't have to see him anymore.
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