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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. I would definatly be careful telling me that! I may contact you every couple of days with questions...HaHa. Do you know how far Carlito's is from Tybee Island....Oh...wait....that is what mapquest is for...DUH!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by frazali Carlito's has good food and fun atmosphere, and it's downtown. 119 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Savannah, GA 31401 (912) 232-2525 Thank You! I have been wondering about this since I posted this thread.
  3. If everything is paid for then why do they need this information? And why now, so close to your wedding date? You do not need this added stress. To me it sounds bogus, I would contact them and ask them what they will do if you do not comply with this request, because everything is paid for.
  4. Jessica, you have to watch the original version of Last House on the Left. I was so gonna start a thread over the weekend titled 'Original vs Remakes' but got caught up in the remake (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) I was watching I totally forgot to. I haven't seen the remake yet of Last House on the Left, but I totally want to. My FI hates 'horror' movies, so I have to get a friend to go with me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE horror movies, especially the ones based on something that really happened.
  5. Well, my wedding is in May 2010 and so far I have completed, picking out/purchasing BM dresses, buying grooms attire, bought the flowers for my mom to do my flowers and BM flowers and centerpeices, I've bought my raffia fans, bought wedding reception shoes, BD shoot shoes, found photographer for wedding and BD shoot and engagement pics, created the info brochure for Tybee Island, bought everything for my MIB invites, and reserved our date with a WC in Tybee, none of the places we are looking at does wedding packages like some of the out of the country destinations....ummmm.... I think that is it right now, I bought everything with my tax refund this year and I am currently storing everything in my old room at my mom's house...which she is so nice about. I don't want my FI to see how much I have bought....he'd freak. Our resort doesn't have 2010 prices out yet, so hope everything is available come time to do it.
  6. MMMMMMM, cupcackes.....sounds so delicious. But I can't. I want to, but no. You shouldn't have put this into my head...I will have to blame you for breaking my diet....if I decide to have one.
  7. I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and hope you find everything you need here. I also just giggled at your screen name...I can't help it....TnA....giggle giggle.
  8. WOW....that really sucks. If I were you I would suck it up and apologize. But then again I would explain why you were hurt with her comment and explain you feel that you shouldn't be the only one apologizing. Hopefully she will see that she was also in the wrong. Everybody gains weight, but that is fixable. I would tell her, your son doesn't mind the extra cushion for the pushin. LOL....I hope everything works out for you. Good Luck!
  9. I think maternity pictures are a great thing to spend the money on. If I had known the people I know now that did photography I so would have had them done while I was pregnant with Wyatt. I think being pregnant is a beautiful thing and many people think this too. Capture every moment of it as it will go by so fast....and before you know it your baby will be grown.
  10. I proposed to Jeremy Cinco de Mayo 2008 and we are getting married Cinco de Mayo 2010. We didn't tell a bunch of people, because I hadn't received my E-ring yet and we didn't want to explain to everybody as to why it was so far away. But once I got my ring we had to start telling people. When they asked we simply said...."we are paying cash for everything and want to be able to afford what we want." Left it at that. People seemed to understand and stopped asking the questions.
  11. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear CCCCEEEEELLLLLIIINNNNAAAA. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Hope you have a great day!
  12. She is just nasty. I can't believe that she is threating you with legal action and getting other weddingwire girls to email you. If I was that bride I would have been thanking you for saving me the hassle. I wonder if she is going to be like this with every DW she shoots. Poor brides.
  13. My sister had a DW in Destin, FL and it was so pretty. There are a few things that happened in her wedding that I said I would NEVER let happen. 1.) She didn't have a professional photog, so she has NO good pictures from her wedding. 2.) In every single picture there is a guy (not skinny or good looking) in a speedo with a metal detector. We couldn't help but laugh, but still.
  14. I sell AVON and I know that sometimes we have awesome deals on chapstick with spf in it. So if you know somebody in your area you might want to ask them to let you know when there is a deal on the chapstick with spf....just a thought.
  15. I find it VERY unprofessional for her to post your full name on weddingwire for everybody to see. It's not everybody's business to know your name...that is why you have screen names. You may want to do something about that.
  16. I re-read what I wrote and I was loike....wow...that is a lot of babble...lol. I wrote it last night and I was kinda sleepy. But I guess what I was trying to say is, if these are people your FI wants at your wedding and if it means they bring their kids so be it. It should ruin how much fun you're having. Just don't get upset if they can't do some of the things you have arranged for your guests to do, like excursions and going out to party. To be honest, I don't know if I would travel that far from home with two small children....so you should feel special they are willing to drag them that far for your special day. If that sounds rude, I'm sorry, I am not trying to sound that way at all. I know I hate taking far away vacations with one baby let alone two. I'm not sure how far of a flight it is from your FI friends to your wedding location, but traveling on a plane for that long with two small kids, one who is an infant isn't fun at all....for anybody. They just want to make it to your wedding and have fun with their babies at the same time. I HOPE that you don't take any of this the wrong way. It is your day and you and your FI are the ones that have to make the decision in the end. It will all work out for you! You will have a great wedding either way. DW are about family, friends, and fun in the sun....so that's what you gotta do....have some FUN! ~Samie~
  17. I have an 8 year old and a 17 month old and I can see where you are coming from. But if somebody invited me to a DW I know that I couldn't leave my two kids at home with Grandma. I would like the vacation away from them, but getting a babysitter for 1-4 days (or longer) when my mom has to work and it would be totally hard and outta the way for her to take/pick them up from the sitter. Another thing to think about, not that this is your case, but like my wedding is during the week...I hate that I have to take my daughter and my sister has to take her kids out of school for a week, especially so close to the end of the school year. But my sister has already told me it is worth it to her. And about having to leave a reception early...when you have kids your life isn't just about you anymore. You do have to give up fun when others are having some. I don't know the last time FI and I went out on a date just the two of us, but this is just something that comes with being a parent. I don't know how others feel, but this is my two cents.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis This is as close to a jig I could probably do right now: lol I'll do one with you!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by binzer I'm bit nervous that my stuff is going to be left out in the rain or stolen. I made my order earlier this week, but I'm out of town all next week and I'm worried that my "21 day" shipping will arrive while I'm gone :S If you're gonna be gone that long, you can have the post office not deliver the mail and then when you get back you go to your post office and pick it all up. Or can you have a trusted neighbor or family member get your mail?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis I have the worst luck ever, I swear... On Wednesday, I go to orientation at school and they give us free backpacks. So I'm travelling by bus and don't want to take a big backpack AND my purse, so I stuff my purse in my bag. Then before I get to the bus stop I thought about my pass being in my purse, so I squat down and put my backpack on the ground so I can get my bus pass. So when I stand back up, I get about halfway up and my right knee locks. I look like a COMPLETE idiot standing on the corner downtown half standing half squatting, then my knee finally lets go... With a loud POP!.... So I finally get to a doctor yesterday, I damaged the cartilage in my knee. So now I get to start school on Monday with crutches, and I have to start physiotherapy ASAP... I swear if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have ANY lol AHH, I didn't see this, this is just a little set back. Now get up and do that jig I was talking about....just do it with some crutches.
  21. I am super duper happy for you! And I didn't mind the hijack....it's okay. That is what BDW is for. I can't wait to see how your progress goes! Maybe we can push each other in the right direction. I used to drink soda all the time and McDonald's sweet tea....I haven't touched the stuff in two weeks and I feel so accomplished. I don't care...lol...I do...if you keep everybody posted, but please keep me posted. Now, get up and do a jig cause your life is on the right track again! for ya! Samie
  22. Thanks. Shipping is expensive...but you pay for 21 day shipping and get it in a week and a half...so it's all good to me. I'll try your trick next order.
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