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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. Ohhhhhhh......good thread. I would have to say go for it if you can come to an agreement of the length of time to do this. Question I have is what is a proper amount of time to be 'cut off' from it? Six weeks....I'm sorry, maybe I'm a nymph, but that seems like a looooonnnnnggggg time to me. LOL. But I guess if you're used to getting it every night and stop for a month and a half.....wooooooweeeee, watch out to the people next door to the Honeymoon suite!
  2. No, you're not crazy. His brother should have known better then to pull crap like this. It isn't fair to you or your FI, who have spent time planning out this wedding in detail, to go through this. I hate to say it, but I am not sure what type of wedding he plans on having with only having what like 5 months to plan it....with little to no money....since your FI is paying for HIS kids to go to your wedding. I can just see it being one of those that we are talking about in the thread, things you swore you would never let happen at your wedding. Like blue jeans and pigs in a blanket. I am sorry. I am still pissed your FI is still going to pay for his brothers kids to come. Haven't you heard the saying, "what's his is mine, and what's mine is mine!" HaHa. Good Luck!
  3. Everything turned out great. Congrats! I love your cake, very unique. It doesn't appear to be leaning to bad. Tee Hee.
  4. Oh what a bummer. I think it is rude. I think him doing this may also put added stress on your guests as I am sure you will have a few of the same people, who may have to travel. I know I would be uber pissed if I was in your situtaion....thankfully non of FI bros/sisters are in a place to get engaged let alone married. His sister....OMG....she has an on again off again guy that she has dated over the years, she propsed to him like a month ago, she had a breakdown, and turned lesbian....AGAIN. She can't make up her mind as to what she wants. I don't know what her deal is....don't go askin a guy to marry you and then do this.....second time she's done this only first time it was with a girl and they had everything planned and paid for...then she decided she wanted to be with a guy.....but all that is besides the point. I think you really need to have a sit down with your FBIL and tell him that if he can pay for a wedding of his own he needs to pay for his own kids to come to yours....IMO. Doing that may cause more stress...but anyway...DO you!
  5. Yeah, I know. That was the ONLY thing at our house. Everything else is at my moms so he can't see what all I've bought. I put it under the bed, on MY side, and he found it. He's such a neat freak. He saw the box under the bed, picked it up, and shook it, didn't hear anything rattle so he threw it away. I was like....ARG! It was a small box with two shells wrapped in bubble wrap....no it's not gonna make noise. If it does, that means it's broke. I do like the thought of the starfish too. I just bought 60 from OT, so I may mess around with one and see what I can come up with. Who knows, we may not even have a ring bearer. We haven't really decided yet. Kinda up in the air about the whole wedding party idea.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by moepeedy I want to post some items on this forum but don't know how to tag them on to the new thread. Could anyone help me out. Are you trying to post like pictures of stuff you want to sell? Just find a picture host site, photobucket.com or tinypic.com and upload your pics and copy and paste the forum link. PM me if you have any other questions.
  7. ARG, I searched everywhere when I got home for the box with those shells in it. I asked my FI where the box that was under our bed was, with a dumb look on his face he tells me, "I thought the box was empty so I threw it away like a month ago." SO needless to say we are both on the hunt for shells. Sorry
  8. It think it is a super cute idea, but I agree it isn't practical. Beach bags can be used over and over and over and unless you have kids the pails will just get tossed. But hey....it's your wedding, so do whatever makes you happy. Good luck with what you decide.
  9. Not a problem, anything for a fellow BDW sista. I get off work at 6 and will get home around 7. So I will email you a little bit after that. I thought I had pictures at work, but I don't. My computer crashed and had to reload EVERYTHING. I lost everything I had saved...which sucks cause all my wedding stuff was saved on it....since I have sooooooo much free time at work. Also, I will try to find the cheapest way to mail it.
  10. I have a ring shell that I bought from somebody on another forum, I was expecting one and she sent two. I would be willing to sell it to you for like $5 + shipping. Let me know. I can take pictures of it tonight and post it.
  11. Congrats Erin! That is awesome! What an honor and great choice made by the MODs! Doing a JIG for Erin!
  12. I don't know what I can say that hasn't been said before. I hope that everything works out for you and your family. Just remember to do what is best for you and your baby. I will have you in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Oriental trading has them. I got mine and LOVE them. I can't wait to see how they turn out with the ribbon and what not. Good luck finding them. I would just save time buying r dozon from OT and you don't risk getting some that aren't the same as others.
  14. My daugher was the flower girl for for a friends wedding and wore this dress. It was worn long enough for the wedding and pictures then it came off so she could play. It's been collecting 'dust' in her closet since. I thought what a better place to try to sell then on here. I hope it will go to a good home. I will have it cleaned before it ships out. The person that buys it will pay for the dress and shipping. I do also have a pair of shoes that match that I will also sell for an additional $10.00. Please PM me with any questions. David's Bridal Style - H8052 - Color - Blue Velvet - Size 6 (no alterations) Front: Back: Shoes From Davids Bridal also Michaelangelo - Betsy - Color - Blue Velvet - Size 11 Almost forgot to list a selling price for the dress. $50.00 + Shipping.
  15. I'm not 100% sure on this, but I thought the favors were taken care of by the hostess throwing the shower.
  16. Congrats and welcome to the forum. You will find lots of information on this site and will make friends in the process of planning your wedding. I know I have. Good Luck!
  17. Raffia all the way here! We just like the look of these over the paper fans. I guess we are at advantage because we don't have to fly to our destination, so packing space isn't really an issue for us. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  18. I love your face in the cake pictures! And your dress is very pretty! Congrats, looks like you had a good time! Can't wait to see your pro pics.
  19. I'm sure we'll do drinks somewhere, we ARE getting married on Cinco de Mayo.....so ya never know.
  20. I just realized that in my original post I said nothing of Carlito's, but this is exactly the place I was thinking of when I wrote this thread. Great (BDW) Minds Think Alike! You are so awesome. I read that Carlito's had great reviews online, but wanted somebody who had actually been there.
  21. Just wanted to let you know that she has been taken off life support this afternoon.
  22. We are doing a backyard BBQ at FMIL and FFIL house. We are so excited because to do this, we are having more of a party rather then a reception. We will have a cake/cupcakes, lots of different BBQ meat, beans, salads, and many types of drinks. Our budget is $700. We are saving on the location though. Good Luck, it's all doable.
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