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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. I proposed to my FI first. I didn't get a ring for a while...I too have expensive taste. Well, after lots of showing him the types of rings Iliked, in a spiffy powerpoint presentation, he got me THE ONE I wanted. It was a Taccori and about 9 grand. Well on a terrible night, I'm still trying to forget, my ring got stolen. So, I didn't know if I wanted a new ring or wanted to wait to see if mine ever showed up, which it still hasn't. He did replace it...because my finger was nakie....I don't like this one as much as my first ring....but it is a beautiful ring. Remember, good things come to those who wait. It will happen. I guess what I am trying to say is, YOU'RE ENGAGED!
  2. Those turned out really good. I can see why it took you 3 sessions to complete them. Your guests are going to love them.
  3. I am so glad that you girls are here. I was very close to changing my date....but after thinking about it and reading your posts...I am going to keep it. Screw them...if they don't want to come...so be it...their loss!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by IslamoradaBride Have you tried calling this person? She is the PR contact with Georgia DNR/Parks and Rec so she'd probably be able to point you in the right direction. Kim Hatcher, Public Affairs Coordinator ([email protected]) Office: (404) 657-9855 Oh wow. Thanks a bunch. I really didn't even know where to start. This helps out a lot, you don't even know.
  5. Where's the teaser pics you guys? I'm so glad you all had a good time. Can't wait to see the pics...if you decide to post your favorites.
  6. I think everybody's concern is...that it is so close to the end of the school year and parents hate to take their kids out of school that close to the school year. I don't care really, my little girl will be in the 4th grade and I'll take her out for a week!
  7. Where did you get the petal boxes? I wanted to do a CD but didn't know how to package them. A plain CD in a CD sleeve just looks to blah....if you know what I mean!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jojoboone1109 True Blood is great, can't wait till it comes back on, does anyone know? This SUMMER!
  9. Okay, so we all know that typical weddings normally happen on a Saturday or Sunday. My wedding is on a Wednesday and I have had a few people say, "You do realize your wedding is in the middle of the week?" I just want to say back, "You do realize it's my wedding!" Have any of you guys had this issue if your wedding is during the week? I am so fed up with this stupid question I am almost to the point where I am going to move the date so that is on the weekend. Please help!
  10. Okay, I only came across this thread, because I typed in 'true blood' and it came up....any way. i read all of this, and it is so funny. I do have to ask if you ever got him back.
  11. Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #1 Ocean waves will do the clapping, as our vows we will say. The sky will be our canopy, on this our wedding day. Please join us as we exchange vows on DATE TIME LOCATION CITY, STATE BRIDE and GROOM Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #2 As unique as a seashell as deep as the sea As eternal as the waves our love is meant to be It is with joy that we, BRIDE and GROOM invite you to share in our happiness on DATE YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #3 Sea of Love . . . As precious as the ocean's treasures, too strong for anyone to measure. Please join us as we BRIDE and GROOM are united in marriage at an outdoor ceremony on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #4 You are my blue sky, my wind and my rain; to you I pledge my love undaunted. BRIDE and GROOM invite you to share in the joy when they exchange marriage vows on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #5 Love washes in like the tide soothing the parched sand . . . BRIDE and GROOM invite you to share in the happiness as they are united in marriage on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #6 A perfect shell is a gift from the sea as beautiful and unique as our love is meant to be Please join us as we BRIDE and GROOM join our lives in marriage on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE
  12. Welcome to the forum! No worry about being not engaged. Like said before, you can NEVER be to prepared for a wedding....especially a DW. Hope we can help you and share our ideas and stories with you! Good Luck!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I definitely think it's a good deal. especially if it includes a 10 mile hike! She said it would be an expeirence she will never forget. We are trying to get ahold of GA parks and recreation so we can find an alternate route so it's not so far to hike. We did tell her we would help her carry any of her equipment if needed.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by FoxyBride Does anyone know when series starts up again? I can't wait! It's supposed to come back this summer. I am so excited. Did anybody notice that Tara in episode 1 wasn't the same in episode 2? I noticed and I was like...WTF...at first I didn't like her, but now I do, I think she did great job.
  15. Oh, I love her work. She is VERY talented. She has her own photography business going, but she's still new so she hasn't really done anything. Doing this will help her create her portfolio.
  16. Bump, Bump, Bumpity Bump. I want this dress outta my house! Tee Hee! Somebody please buy it!
  17. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Hopefully we can help you out in your crunch time!
  18. Okay, I know this sounds crazy,but there is actually a toy guide that has prices of what your 'old' toys sell for. I sold my original NES with games, box, power pad, cotrollers, and everything else on Ebay two years ago for $500. Toy guide said I should fetch between $300 and $400. I can't remember what the name of the guide is, but go to a comic book store and ask them or even Barnes and Noble, or Boarders, or Books a Million. They always have them. There are new ones out every three months or so. I can try to find out the name for you, but I can't remember off the top of my head.
  19. I totally understand, getting caught up in something and not thinking it through all the way. I think it would be cheaper and more eco-friendly to put it all in a slightly bigger envelope. I can ask my sister, she is a mailwoman.
  20. I found a photographer that is willing to shoot our engagement pictures for us for $150. This includes, 3 hours of shooting, CD of all edited pictures, and release so we can make copies. Also, this photographer is one of the only ones willing to do the 10 mile hike to get to the destination where we want our photos taken. She is a trooper. It's so crazy, because I dated her brother for like 4 years. She is such a sweetheart and I am willing to help out an up and coming photographer in the ATL area.
  21. I agree with Merocket, I think if they are spending 'ALL' this money to come to your wedding then you should thank them with something. Are these two couples coming to your welcome dinner? Maybe you could give everybody their OOT bag at the dinner.
  22. Okay, did you think it wouldn't cost extra for the luggage tag, even if you put it in with your brochure? It makes the envelope heavier, so therefore you have to pay for the extra weight. How big are your tags and envelopes? Have you thought about just getting a bigger size envelope vs mailing out two envelopes?
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