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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. Okay...so I loaned a book to a co-worker of mine back at the beginning of February...yes February! Keep in mind this is a book that I have read once.....in perfect condition. She emails me this morning to see if I am here so she can bring me my book. I shot her an email back right before lunch and told her I was here but would be out at lunch and she could just leave the book on my desk. I get back to my desk and see the book.......it is covered with stains all over it and pages folded down. Is it so hard to ask that you return something in the same condition that it was in when it was loaned!?! This just bursts my bubble!
  2. FI and I chose Tybee Island sight unseen. We picked it becuase it was close to Savannah....which we love. Although we do plan on making a site visit in the near future...but we knew that is where we wanted to get married!
  3. She's talking about us on her site you guys.....she's so crazy! Making fun of how we call fiance's FI....omg!
  4. Just read your update Morgan, I think you will be able to get all those nice things for your ferret...especially the acting classes. HaHa!
  5. Those are very cute dresses. I like how some are smaller versions of actual wedding dresses and the price is RIGHT! Good find!
  6. OMG Morgan, you are so funny. thankyouthankyouthankyou! ROTFLMAO
  7. Well that was fast! Seems like just the other day...oh wait....it was just the other day...you started this thread. I am so glad everything worked out for you! I'm sure FI will adore your non raunchy pictures...lol!
  8. Here is a thread already about this topic....good luck! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t38006
  9. WOW....That is all I can say. I have busted my ass for the past year paying off credit cars and other misc crap that put me into debt and FI and I are paying CASH for our wedding and keeping it under 10k. I would be floored to have a 20k wedding. I wouldn't know what to use all that money on....wait...I'm sure i could find something. But still to have the nerve to ask strangers for money. And to pull the Karma card, that is just BS! I would rather donate my money to helpmepayformylife.com....tee hee. LOVE IT!
  10. Congrats Girl! You both deserve to win this awesome title!
  11. WOW....56 years old?!? Is that going to be your something old/borrowed?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl besides, cinco de mayo is an awesome anniversary to have! party your *sses off every year! I know...Cinco de Mayo is the day we had our 'first' date, that is the day I proposed to him, and that is the day I want to marry him!
  13. I too was thinking of the costs. Especially in May...a big tourist month....everything is cheaper during the week. I was seriously thinking about changing the date....I'm glad you girls talked me out of it. People can get over it and come or not come...I don't care at this point...I just want the people that want to be there to be there.
  14. Cattie....it looks so pretty! It's different and sophisticated all at the same time.
  15. Well, I have our STD's already...ordered them twice...but I think I am going to have to do a third set because I just love love love the water in these pictures. I wanna say those were taken while she was shooting a wedding in Jamaica. She posted a thread on here asking if there were any B2B that wanted her take pictures of names/dates in the sand for STD's. I shot her an email and forot all about it till this morning when I checked my email and saw that she emailed me pictures. So....back to the STD drawing board!
  16. You look like you had a blast. I loved all the pictures....I love reviews with pictures. Congrats!
  17. I agree when it comes to a DW nothing is mandatory except the vows, i do's, and kiss the bride. We are doing the bouquet and garter toss at our AHR. Just for fun. But it isn't mandatory.
  18. I voted for Ethan. But the more I think about it I like the way Benton Ethan sounds.....why not use both names?
  19. Sorry girls, I realized that we are ALL picture whores on here. So what kind of person would I be if I didn't post pictures of what Misti emailed me. The water is so pretty and clear! I can not thank her enough for doing this. I had STD already made...twice...looks like I'm back to vistaprint!
  20. You girls are on the HOT TAMALE TRAIN! Wow. I think we should have a BDW modeling agency cause wow. Who knew there were hot girls on this site!?!
  21. I think as long as your WC says she can accomidate to this, I would do it. It is so pretty...and with the beach scenery, B-E-A-UTIFUL! Good luck!
  22. WOW.....those are great prices. It is now saved in my Favorites folder. Thanks for the heads up!
  23. I just got me email she promised....LOVE IT! Thank you so much! I am not sure if there is already some thread on here about these pictures you offered to take for us BDW members (I didn't see one). But you deserve a Thanks, Samantha
  24. You could give her the title of Jr. Bridesmaid, but give her the same tasks of a flower girl.
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