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Everything posted by Lindz

  1. Thanks for all the great pointers! The bags are amazing! Good inspiration!
  2. Katrina I love it..that you for sharing!! I haven't thought much about what we are going to do, (I guess I should!) But I read your posting and it's perfect! Im going to share it with the FI and hope he loves it just as much! Thank you...from a non-traditional bride!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KylesBrideToBe I am wondering where amy and mike got there logo of tulum with wedding date for totes, shot glasses and stationary? I love it and really want to do that....let me know if any of you know the answer to this question... I feel like I am getting behind in planning and need to pick up the pace a little. Thanks!!! Thats so funny b/c I wanted to know the same thing and had asked her right after their wedding...she had a friend design the logo for her. I even asked her if it was in a jpeg or something that she could share it and we could change the name/date on it but she didn't know... Sorry, hope that helps!!
  4. These are great ideas! Thanks guys and keep em coming!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by SBlake Hey, We had our reception on the beach next to the massage hut. We brought paper lanterns (10small white, 5 large pink, 5 large orange) for lighting around the dance floor. The dance floor was $700, the fee for hanging the lanterns was $150. They also placed tiki torches around but I wasn't charged for that. Our band, Kiko and Carlos band(highly reccomend! $950/ 45min set but they played for 3 1/2 hrs with only 1 break) has there own lighting system with colored lights that also helped with lighting. We had three floating candle center pieces with orchads in the water to help with lighting($60/table). You can see our pics Craig Wolfrom :: Wedding Photography :: Idaho, California, Mexico, and Beyond. You'll have to scroll down past his more recent weddings. If you want to see every single pic(there are a ton!) you can go to Craig Wolfrom Photography look for Sarah and Scott. Our password is Chicago. I would also highly reccomend our photographer. We payed for his regular fee and room. He said he'd stay for as long as we would like for the same fee. He was perfect and very talented! They will bring a mic and speaker on the beach for $150. They have an IPOD hookup available. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me. Enjoy!! Thanks so much! That is very helpful! And your pictures are so adorable!
  6. oops...forgot to ask... if anyone has had any luck finding starfish sandals
  7. Thank you for sharing the "hair comes the bride" website. I've found some similar but the quality of these looks so much nicer and def. found what I was looking for!
  8. I had a few questions about the beach receptions, 1. how do they set up the beach lighting (same question as jerzygirl) 2. does anyone have pictures of their reception on the beach? 3. Is there a dance floor, speakers and mic on the beach? Thank you so much!!
  9. Ashjanbro-- Im with you and have the same questions...we have a group going of 55ppl (whoa!) and Im totally confused as to what options we have for the rehearsal dinner and reception dinner. The guide says one thing but it sounds like they don't even follow their own guide!
  10. I am still really stuck with what song to use for when the girls walk down the isle...what is everyone else using??
  11. Lulu-- Thanks for a great wedding review...it's such a exciting and calming feeling to see how perfect (minus the cake!) your entire wedding was. You look beautiful and I can't wait to see more pictures. Congrats and thanks again for taking the time to post the review.
  12. I went to a destination wedding last year and the bride and groom had a hilarious game that really helped the guests at the party get to know each other...almost like a grown-up "ice breaker." I am looking for suggestions of games/activities that other brides are doing that will get the guests opened up and interacting... Thanks!
  13. Im so bummed I missed the order date! However I just got another email from VISTAPRINT (again) saying that $100 postcards and shipping are free! Since I am challenged with designs and computers can anyone share the designs with me? If you have them PM me for my email. Thank you so much for such an exciting idea!
  14. Lauren, Welcome home and congrats! The little picture posted at the bottom of your comments looks great! Looking forward to any review or comments you'd like to share... I had a question for you (Im sure many more will follow,) how much "ribbon" or chair wrapping did you bring? How many lanterns, and draping material did you bring? Did you carry it all with you? I'm just about to order mind and wanted to double check on the amount. Thanks! And congrats again!
  15. http://www.brides.com/images/vendor/...02_primary.jpg Heres mine (not sure if I posted it correctly)...also a nicole miller...I love her...Ebbica your dress is BEAUTIFUL! I'd get it if I didn't already have one...I love your dress!
  16. Does anyone know if they do the same activities week after week? Meaning, Mondays are beach bbq night, tuesday fire dancers, wed...(you get the idea, and Im running out of examples..haha!) If I could figure that out it would be really helpful when planning out the week. We are getting married on a Tuesday, our rehearsal is on Monday night and I was just wondering what activities we may have to work with. Thanks everyone!!
  17. Hey Morgan- Not sure if you are still on here or not...but where did you do your guest books? Love the idea! And the bridesmaids pics are amazing!!! Wish I had your talent!!
  18. Okay, REALLY weird question for people who have been to the resort and had drinks there. I am looking for advice for items for my OOT bags. I'd like to get customized koozies/beer huggies, are they worth it? Do they serve beer/drinks from cans, bottles, or cups? Just want to make sure if I get these that they can be used. Thanks!!
  19. I can't believe those pics are from the resort photgrapher! Congrats they are beautiful! And you were such a beautiful bride! We have been on the fence with getting an outside photographer. I think you just saved us a lot of money--I can only hope to have pics turn out as amazing as them.
  20. Thanks again for taking the time to respond to me and the rest of us...it is soooo helpful!!!
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