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Everything posted by Soon2beWed09

  1. I thought RIU provides Tranfers from the airport? Well I just called and they say they don't now what can I do? Have anyone came across this problem and if they booked someone else how much do they charge?
  2. yeah go to the facebook group RIU ocho Rios and a lot people have listed wedding dates
  3. Please someone answer I need help with that too
  4. U 2 look stunning..wow I at first didnt want a veil, but now I see the bird cage veil it is so nice...I think I will bite...
  5. Thanks ladies for all ur support I'm still waitng on my results
  6. Aww man Im taking my daughter with me..he he cause I need more than 5 pair...thats ur limit..
  7. Girl u beat me to it I was just about to let everyone know, but I'll be there bright and early with my daughter..lol
  8. They are ok..i brought 5 of them, but I think im going to take 2 back, because my younger kids cann just use a regular towel. I just didnt want to spend a lot of money on towels.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by inunez lol...i'm not telling my mom either! she'll think i paid for her makeup...haha! every penny counts. my wedding's August 14th at the RIU Negril. i see yours is before mine. let me know how she does! I will post pics..
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by inunez did she tell you that the mother mother of the bride's makeup is complimentary? isn't that awesome! when is ur wedding
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by inunez did she tell you that the mother mother of the bride's makeup is complimentary? isn't that awesome! yes my mom will like it, but im not going to tell her its free..lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by inunez here is a link to some of the photos she sent me. so far - i really like her!Flickr: Tamara Scott - Makeup's Photostream Ok thats what she sent me too..I think i will go with her..I remember someone named loni jones was charging 150-200 too much
  13. ok I called her she charges $100 US including eyelashes if u want them. $45 US for each additional person, but discountis given for 3 or more people including the bride. MOB is free..She is going to send pictures to me later, but she said she didnt have that many cause her laptop was stolen. But once i get them I will email them to anyone thats interested. This quote is traveling from Kingston to Ocho Rios
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by inunez i just called her and she charges $100 which includes a trial and her transportation. she is located in Kingston, but is willing to travel to Negril. she said she may have to add a couple more dollars to that cost in order to travel to Negril (gas). she is sending me pictures tonight, as soon as she sends them to me - i will post them. Is this $100 is for one person?
  15. Aww sorry to hear that..It's called Baby Momma drama...Bitter women mad because they see their ex is doing good and didnt fall on their face..girl just keep ur head up she will understand later once she's older.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BBtoB oK, so I was watching Bridezillas tonight (ha, ha that show is hilarious in small doses, those ladies are crazy! ) and they talked about getting their passports and it dawned on me, FI STILL NEEDS TO RENEW HIS PASSPORT!!!! We both travel a lot and the passport is never an issue. He got his when he was like 20, well...now it is expired! He is a CPA and just got done with a very busy tax season and I reminded him a while ago...his response, of course "I will do it!" So I didn't want to be a nag, so I assumed he would take care it. I actually told him multiple times and it almost caused an argument so I think I dropped it! So I ran upstairs and said, BABE, you didn't renew your PP!!!! And he was like, OH SH*T! Ok, so I guess they can expedite it in 2-3 weeks and we pay more money, but you can imigine how much this is freaking me out!!!! He promises to do this tomorrow. Anyone ever go through this? 7 weeks ladies!!! Aarrgggg!!!!! Girl I'm going throught the same thing with my FI except he's Jamaican so he has to get their passport..I keep telling him to get he always say I'll do it.. I really dont know how things work in thier country, but I know over here it takes 3-4 weeks, there's probably longer. Im just so tired of complaining about him not doing it, I would pay for it except he lost his pasport and in JA when u loose ur passport u have to pay $190 (no way Im not paying that). I have me and my other 3 kids to pay for.. Girl it will work out..
  17. I'm so down right now, but I tried several times to pass my nursing test. Not sure what Im doing wrong, but this time I really studied my butt off. Maybe I had too much on my plate trying to plan a wedding and dealing with kids..not sure whats going on..My results are available, but I dont want to pay $7.95 to see that i failed. U guys are thinking how do u know if I failed there is a trick u can do to see if u passed I did it and it got the part it said ur not suppose to get too..I'm also getting laid off right before the wedding mayb thats a factor too, maybe that will give me more time to study without thinking about anything just nursing, but I'll let everyone know once they send them in the mail...thanks for letting me vent
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by blushedpink Hi I know of an amazing artist who did my friends wedding her number is 1 -876-342-3998 her name is Tamara, hope that helps. do u know the price she charge or have pics?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg Okay, so I am a little bummed. I haven't heard from my photographer in over a week. I had emailed him on the fifth about wanting to see more pictures, and he said he would look Monday and add some more. There were a lot that I would have loved to have seen, but haven't. I don't know what to do?!? I understand if he's busy, but blah. I want my pictures....I want my book.....anniversary was May 5th and no gift for Jeremy. Wow that's crazy...when did u take the pics again? And what did u guys agree upon for the delivery time....give it another day or so..do u know where his studio is drop by and give him a visit.
  20. girl!!! I feel ya..I have 2 months left and only have 3 booked and 2 of those people have paid in full so i feel ur anger...people keep saying they are going but no one has put any effort as to book and pay...i wanted it to be just FI and I but he insisted inviting family...i gess people will wake up
  21. I'm getting mine done b4 I leave home...only if I break a nail I will let them do it hate waiting in the salon for hours...
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