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Everything posted by Soon2beWed09

  1. Yes they do the ones thats included in the packages!! I'll post them once he ssends them 2 me
  2. Do u think True Colors will be Ok if use them for all my pictures
  3. i saw some other post where the ladies had their wedding @ RIU Negril http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30256 Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket cant remember if they used True Colors or not, But I'm waiting for him to send his samples to me still
  4. Thanks guys for answering our questions.. I'm getting the Royal Package also...I've been going back and forth witht the photographer Dwayne at True colors...Waiting for him to send samples of his work because he said the site is old...I'll keep everyone posted..
  5. lol janky means cheap..or not up to standards Please email me @[email protected] when u get the list...thanks Am I the only one that feel that These 3 resorts are owned by one comp, but negril is always lefted out or on a diffeent page?
  6. If u contact Micheal @ ROR or Mo Bay he wil come do ur pics..I emailed him and he said he will come and do them...with no traveling exp but he can't honor the royal package. It seems to me like the other 2 resorts are better to get married @ Oh well no where else had my date or anything after either. Those prices @ True colors are little exp
  7. please let me know too because i'm getting married there 2 in July 2009? and asked for the same, but got some cheezy pic from the sales dept of the set up....Are u using the hotel's photographer?
  8. I was reading in a couple of topics DW brides asking about the sand cermony. Can anyone help us out on the process? Expample who provides the sand, do we have to tell the WC, is it extra, etc....
  9. Please let me know ho everything go I need help 2..lol also make sure u send me pictures of ur wedding I'm getting married @ RIU Negril 2.... (I finally found someone that's getting married at this resort)
  10. Do anyone know where I can find a good site to find the translation? I tried google but it's to many sites with not enough info. Wanted to include them in my OOT bags...Thanks a bunch.
  11. RIU Negril uses True colors...but micheal said he will come over to RIU negril to take them...
  12. I'm trying to compare if I want to go with the resorts photogher or venture out....
  13. I'm just curious on the set-up on weddings at RIU and what they look like....
  14. do u have a picture of ur cake? or the prices of the cake?
  15. do u have more pics of the actual set up of ur wedding...the reason i ask is because I'm getting married there 2 and wanted to see the set up also wanted to see more pics from true color photography...thinking about using them
  16. Ok Im new to the site...what is trash the dress? What is AHR? I'm so lost...Does that cermony take part at all destination weddings?
  17. I'm sorry I'm new to the site what are OOT bags? Do u have to give them out? I would love to give them out, but just don't know what they are...I need to learn the lingo on this site lmao
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