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Everything posted by AnnaC

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by CherylMc Great ideas - can you post what the coasters look like - will you have their names or photos as names cards? cute idea! This is my first time posting a picture so hope it works: They're okay but it's the first time I've ordered something from ebay and had to pay COD. I think it's because the seller uses UPS and didn't mark it as a gift. I would have found them locally if I knew this before hand. (I'm in Canada). I'm getting the coffee and rum from here: Floral Fantasy; Flowers for All Occasions from Negril, Jamaica / Gift Baskets
  2. We picked Jamaica because both of our families are from Jamaica, it's where we took our first trip as a couple and where we will be taking our first trip as a family with our son, we knew it was a place where everyone invited would have a good time and we don't need to translate anything or get any blood tests done.
  3. If you have more than 10 guests coming from the same city it may be beneficial to get a TA so that you get a group rate. If not, then just have everyone book on their own.
  4. We are doing 200ml bottles of rum, blue mountain coffee, a candle in a tin and. a beach themed magnet with our wedding date as welcome gifts. We are also doing photo coasters as place cards/ wedding favours. I wanted to do oot bags but I was worried about the weight and space they would take up. We are going to get the rum and coffee in jamaica. Still waiting on my coasters from ebay. Hopefully they aren't too heavy.
  5. I paid $111 CDN for my dress from ebay. I only wanted to spend around $100 for my dress and wanted it to be something I could either wear again or dye and wear again. I'm very happy with my choice!
  6. 1. Registry: not doing one. 2. OOT bags: still deciding if we'll do this or not. I ordered some magnets from vistaprint. We may order blue mountain coffee, rum and blue mountain coffee candles in JA to avoid having to bring everything 3. Wedding Attire: dress-j. crew from ebay:) not sure about FI yet 4. Rings: Spence diamonds 5. Invitations: home made 6. Flowers: N/A 7. Decor: N/A 8. Travel Arrangements: Sell off vacations/sunquest 9. Are you active on any other Canadian Forums? (if yes which ones): nope- unless you count babycentre.ca 10. Other:
  7. I'm running into a similiar situation. Almost everytime I talk to my mother she mentions so and so who I haven't seen or talked to in 10 years wants to come to your wedding. My brother also wants to invite a bunch of his friends. My response is always the same- they are welcome to come to Jamaica and take advantage of the group rate, however, they cannot attend the ceremony or reception.
  8. Just venting about my group booking. We just made the 10 people for our group booking with immediate family. We pretty much expected- and this has turned out to be true- that although we'll invite our entire family and friends we know that only certain people will show up and they have. I called everyone and talked to them multiple times explaining that if you agree to be part of the group you have to be committed because if you pull out it screws everyone else over and we all have to pay more AND FI and I loose the deposit we've put down for everyone. First my mother pulls out because she has too many closings that week so she only wants to come for the weekend. This is after assuring me many times that coming for the week was fine. She knew I was getting married why she could find someone to help her or take over I don't know. But this is to be expected of her and I was able to find a friend to replace her. Fine. Now my step mother wants to pull out because she's afraid to leave her 14 year old son who she doesn't want to bring home since she thinks he'll fall behind in school alone for a week. It's the second week of school, he has tons of time to catch up. Just bring him! I calmly explained to her that if you decide to come for the weekend a) we loose the money for the deposit we put down for everyone everyone else who has booked and paid in full will now have to pay more C) my dad will end up having to pay a single supplement since he would be the only adult in the room and d) It's $700 to go for 3 days and $1030 to go for 7 so you might as well come for the week. These are all things she could have thought about before hand. I'm really hoping this all sorts itself out by Monday which is the deadline to pay. There is no one else who can come for the week and even if there was it means we have to reorganize the rooms to fit to people who can get along in each. Anyone else with similar issues that hopefully worked out?
  9. Thanks ladies. I got the dress yesterday and I love it...only problem is my breasts are just a little too big for it. I'm had a baby three months ago and am breastfeeding so they're a little larger than usual. Going to try and work out to loose a little up there and keep my eye out for one size larger if necessary. I'm hoping the workouts will work because aside from that it doesn't need to be altered at all.
  10. I had a baby three months ago and will be getting married in September when he's 5 months. I've lost all my baby weight but my body isn't the same shape. I'm breastfeeding so they're bigger right now. I agree with the pp about sleep. I also try to do a least a little exercize everyday.
  11. If you sign up for the vista print emails they send you promotions for free items. I just ordered 25 magnets for free plus $7 shipping.
  12. This thread is sooo helpful! I will definitely be going to dollarama for most of my things. The vistaprint suggestion was also great. They have 25 magnets for free (just shipping) right now. I'm trying to keep the contents of my OOT bags small so they're easy to transport.
  13. Don't have any centre pieces but I just wanted to say that it looks like we'll probably be on the same flight from Toronto. I'm leaving the same day.
  14. I've been to both an would definitely choose Jamaica. I think the atmosphere and ambiance lend itself better to a destination wedding. The food is better and there are more 'nicer' hotels to choose from. If people are spending money and travelling for your wedding you want to make sure you put them in a place with good food!
  15. I did research the seller. She had a 100% rating and had sold a lot of items before. It's already on its way. I'm in Canada so can't return it to Jcrew or to the seller.
  16. I ordered my dress off ebay last week and am feeling very nervous about my purchase. It's the Sophia dress by jcrew. I got it new with tags for a fantastic price ($74USD). I called Jcrew with my measurements before ordering it and it should fit. I'm just worried it's going to have a stain or rip on it or something. Any reassurance from others who've ordered their dress on ebay?
  17. I'm bringing my son who will be 4.5 months when we go to ROR. I'll be breastfeeding and pumping. We'd asked when I was pregnant and the doctor said it would be fine.
  18. I'm hoping Westjet will add Jamaica too! lol. I have a some guests who are just coming for the weekend and have to fly Air Canada which is fine but pricey for them. I'm hoping the prices come down for the flights before we go.
  19. Thanks for the info. I plan to have my hair done by them as well. I figured they'd know how to handle it. Still deciding on a style though!
  20. With Sunquest if the price goes down you will not be able to get the discounted price. Nolitours and I think some others do this. Unfortunately, Sunquest is the only one which services RIU's in Jamaica so if you pick one you're stuck with them.
  21. Don't give up on your ROR Jan 2010 date just yet. Keep checking back. When I originally wanted a Friday or Saturday in September (so people could just come for the weekend if they wanted to) they were all booked until a few weeks ago. When people don't pay in the 30 day time limit the dates become available again. Sunset Jamaica Grande has good food though!
  22. Goodness! I just booked my wedding for September 2009 with Sunquest. I hope we don't run into any problems. They are the only ones which service our hotel so we had no choice but to go with them. The price we got is great though. I'm happy we waited until closer to the date to book. When I was asking for quotes few months ago they were hundreds more than what we're paying now...we changed our date too though.
  23. I'm not sure if any of you can wait longer to book but if you can I would. I've moved my wedding to September and they price is now $1030 incl. tax per person from Toronto. Kids are $539. I'm still getting all the bonuses from Sunquest too!
  24. I've heard great things about the Gran Bahia in Jamaica. I've stayed at the one in Mexico and know people who've stayed at the ones in Punta Cana and Jamaica and they were all pleased. Although we love this chain of hotels we've decided to go with a RIU simply because of the free/cheaper wedding packages. We wanted to do a destination wedding to cut down on costs so paying $50 per person at a destination wasn't for us.
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