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Everything posted by da.shmoopies

  1. Wow! 15 days. Congratulations and welcome to the forum.
  2. Ugh. United. Yeah, a good bag for the flight is a great idea, especially if you have to transfer planes and for some reason there is a delay... like what happened to me yesterday... so nothing to eat all day except for some fruit I had early in the morning! My vote is candy bars! You can get a max pack at Costco. Or you can make your own GORP/trail-mix and put it in ziplog bags with your logo sticker on it.
  3. Ugh. No matter what file format, how big or small, or how many points I have, whether at home or at work or hotel, I keep getting a "Upload File Error." Here's a URL to a file sharing website that will take you to the template. Menu Card_PPT.ppt Maybe this will work! lol Deb
  4. I've tried a Power Point, Word, AND Zipped file. Nothing has worked, except I was able to upload a PDF. I've tried from home, thinking it might be due to our firewall, but nope! Uploads aren't related to points are they?
  5. What airline are you on?? It's been my experience that over a certain amount of hours of flight travel an airline will provide food from the mainland to Hawaii, or provide some kind of food for purchase. It's still a long flight though! I think a Airplane goody-bag is a nice gesture. I'm sure it will be appreciated.
  6. Wow. What a fantastic review! It almost... almost... makes me want to change from Hawaii to Mexico. I can't wait to read the rest!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Getting Maui'd da. we have also booked that estate, we are getting married on June 11th! Yay! It turns out John and I are going to be the last couple married on the estate. Bitter sweet. Filby42, we are having our reception dinner at Five Palms also! I can't wait to read all your reviews! Take lots of pictures! Deb
  8. We were made to feel guilty by my fiance's parents (who originally said they wouldn't go). It hurt John incredibly, but he said this was the wedding we wanted and that was that! His parents eventually changed their minds. Our reasoning for having a Destination Wedding was that we didn't want a big hoohaa. We wanted something simple and memorable for everyone. By going away for a week and have an intimate party, we will be able to spend quality time with everyone, instead of a few moments when we drop by their tables. You know what I mean? Even in "this economy," we have plenty of folks going! Everyone wants an excuse for a vacation... and they'd have to spend the money to come and stay even if we had a local wedding. We'll have an At Home Reception to make it up to those that aren't there... it's amazing how much cheaper prices are for things when the word "wedding" isn't attached. lol Have a wonderful wedding the way you want it!
  9. I think pretty much every restaurant in Maui will accommodate a wedding party! LOL When I was doing the research, they all seemed to have event planning available. Filby, we are having our reception dinner at Five Palms Also! Make sure you review them in a "Wedding Review" right when you get back! We were originally going to go to Sarento's, but the wedding party is getting bigger, and bigger, and I don't think their patio is going to be big enough. Here are a couple websites I used for research: http://www.islandweddingmemories.com/carte.htm http://www.maui-angels.com/restaurant-guide.html
  10. The wedding is in West Maui, and the reception is in South Maui. Thanks for the heads-up regarding the wind!
  11. She keeps saying that they are "definitely used." LOL I figure I'll take 'em for those that really need them, and it will be fine. Bummer about the fans! Bad fan joojoo. Personally, I'd MAKE my guest take 'em!!
  12. My wedding coordinator's husband plays guitar... Jamie Lawerence. He will be playing at our ceremony. He plays hawaiian music as well as modern. We are going to have him learn a special Elvis tune for the walk up the aisle, and have a modern tune for our first dance. The rest will be Hawaiian tunes. He's pretty reasonably priced for two hours of play time. You can hear some of his music on their website: Tropical Maui Weddings provides Maui Wedding Planning Services For our reception, we will be playing a pre-arrange mix of music off an iPod using a Logitech travel speaker. Basically, you just have to pick what music you like... pretty much anything goes now adays. Good Luck!
  13. This thread is addictive. Got these in orange (though I could have easily taken pink)... Charles David Leaf: And these.. Naturalizer Prissy: I have to decide which to wear!
  14. Thank you for answering my questions, Chiquita. I think I'm done... for now.
  15. I stole the idea of course titles off a knottie! I couldn't find her name though to give her credit. One of my friends asked me, "What no engagement??" and I said, "Not enough courses!" So I'm thinking of putting the Mai Tai round of drinks as the "First Date" and moving the rest of the courses down a step in order to add "Engagement." Mai Tais would be fitting as the First Date.
  16. Here is a picture of my Menu Cards! (It looks fishbowled because of how close I had to get the camera... the edges are straight, I swear!) The restaurant that we are having our reception dinner at will print out a menu for us, but I wasn’t liking what they provided! I was going to purchase mine off of a Etsy seller, because I couldn’t find the right graphics in order to do it myself. Luckily, BDW bride Ashley0802 posted the website — iDiY . They have lots of great ideas, and free downloadable graphics! Thank you, Ashley! My colors are chocolate, orange, and pink. I used power point to create the menu, and printed it on cream card stock purchased from Cards & Pockets. I used a Fiskar’s cutter to trim the menu card and backing. I then used zots to adhere the menu to the sparkly bronze cardstock. Viola! If you want to use different floral arrangements, I suggest using dafont.com. They have hibiscus, shell, and palm tree fonts, and a lot more you can play with! PM me and I'll send a template to you, if you wish! (I couldn't attached a template due to Upload Errors... I'll try to post the template again later.)
  17. I keep getting an "Upload of File Failed" message when trying to upload an attachment. The attachment isn't bigger than the requirement, so I don't know why this is happening. Any suggestions?
  18. Great find! Thanks for sharing. Too bad the canvas tote does come in different colors other than yellow. It's cute!
  19. Those are great Jessica! I sure wish I had found dafonts.com before I had my monograms made, and my labels, and tags!! I could have saved some moola and done alot of it myself!
  20. Definitely the more you cut out the boarding passes the better you get!! Towards the middle of the process I was zipping through them faster than the Fiance could punch out the corners! If you use the Fiskar's cutter, just make sure that you run the blade down firmly (not too hard though) and then zip it back up the paper so that you cut any little bits that got missed and would keep the cut off pieces attached (you end up ripping paper, by trying to pull it apart). I was lucky. I had a friend that just had a wedding and they purchased a really good deskjet. They let me borrow it so I saved some $$ that way. If you don't go the printer route, maybe you have some good friends! Otherwise, I agree with Carly about having them printed out. Also, there are some good tropical prints from the — iDiY site that another BDW bride posted earlier today! And the DaFonts has good fonts for adding things like a Hibiscus: dafont.com
  21. Land's End also has a Tankini with a bra, but it ain't cheap! Women's Solid TrimLine Separates Tankini Swim Top from Lands' End
  22. That is awesome! I love including humorous notes to the wedding. That is a fantastic idea! Two thumbs up!
  23. Thank you! Thank you!! I was going to pay someone on Etsy to do my menus because I couldn't find the right graphics for what I want. This website has some great tropical flower pics that I have already downloaded and used! I'll make sure to thank you personally for the site when I post my "DIY Menu Cards"!! Whoohoo!!!
  24. Oh! And your boarding passes look great!!! If you like them the way they are, then it doesn't matter what the wedding coordinator says. lol
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