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Everything posted by da.shmoopies

  1. Estella1007, I couldn't agree more! I've thought the same many, many times! Except designers would finally make it fit correctly, but then put a giant rhinestone parrot on the front to "hide" the fat rolls. lol Mummergirl, I'd suggest shopping for mix and match seperate bathing suits. I think I posted here earlier that Lands End sells tops and bottoms seperately and they have bathing suit tops that go up to D-DD cups! It does suck ordering from catalogues and you can't try it on before buying! I have two suits at home that I have to send back. What a pain. Maybe we should all start a Plus size women's bathing suit business!! Anyone know how to sew?? lol
  2. FYI, gals. Forever21 is starting to carry plus sizes. Wow. Didn't see that coming! http://www.forever21.com/category.as...th_main&Page=1
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by marny61 They look great - where did you find the first aid kits? I got the first aid kits from Office Max for $1.34. They are the Johnson&Johnson first aid kits. Sign up for an Office Max account and you'll get discounts and free shipping offers.
  4. Here’s what I did on a Friday night instead of going out. (Fiance thinks I may have gone over into the DIY deep end. LOL) I had purchased cardstock which ended up being the wrong color. I couldn’t return it so I decided to “step up” my Hangover/Weekend Survival kit (I was originally using ziplock bags). I stole the idea of the cute stick people that BDW bride Ayita stole from another BDW bride. Here’s a couple of pics: In the kits, I have: First Aid kits 2 oz. Aloe Vera Gel ($.99 ea. at facevaluesonline.com) Pepto Bismo ($4.99 for 48 tablets also at facevalues) Advil Waterproof band-aids ($2.75 for 20 also at facevalues) Sunblock and Anti-bacterial wipes from La Fresh. For the bags with a bag topper: Use plastic Treat Bags from Michaels (5 inches x 11.25 inches). Standard sheet of cardstock cut into quarters (fits the top of the bag perfect). Each topper is then scored length-wise (long-wise) in order for it to fold easily. Put your goodies in the bag. Fold over the bag Place a folded note card over the folded bag Staple the card shut and then put on your labels! I have attached the labels for the bag toppers and for the first-aid kits. I printed them out on Staples Sticker sheets. I used Microsoft Publisher to create them but I attached them in formats that most people use. These were fun to make! hang over kits labels.ppt Survival Kit Labels.doc
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 LOL Lisa I am hoping I am like you that day..I went to pick up my dress yesterday and MY sister was like, How are you going to Pee It's is SOOO big & Fluffy..LOL I love it though. Isn't that what the bridesmaids are for?? LOL I actually saw a picture on a respectible wedding forum (possibly the Knot) where they showed the bridesmaids helping the bride hold her dress up! Now that is true friendship.
  6. You can't go wrong with that plan. You'll love both islands! Check out Anini beach if you like to snorkel. We saw the most turtles there. And, also, don't forget to get a Puka dog in Poipu.
  7. I just realized... JoLo... 15 more days!! Are you getting excited??
  8. FYI, if you get the "space bags" make sure you get the ones that you have to roll to get the air out. The ones that use a vacuum to compact them are neat, but if you end up going through customs during international travel and they decide to search your luggage... kaboom!! And then you have to try to pack it back in! JoLo, I haven't tried spanxs yet. Is there a problem with them rolling up/down or anything like that?
  9. LisaLoo, I say that all the time when I pack. It may seem that I'm overpacking but my clothes just take up more room!! LOL When ever I go to the tropical areas, I find that I wear mostly light jersey cotton dresses. The pack very well, and I always feel beachy chic. Plus, I love Jersey flowy capris like these: Women's & Men's Clothes: Plus Size, Maternity, Baby & Kid's Clothing | Old Navy I leave the jeans and jean shorts at home as they take up alot of room and are too heavy for the weather anyway. Rolling your clothes tightly or using those new packing cubes and folders from Eagle Creek seems to improve my packing space. When I went to Europe last year, they really helped me be able to bring everything I wanted to. Packing Folders: Eagle Creek Folders Packing Cubes: Eagle Creek Cubes I buy them when they go into the clearance bins at REI.
  10. Welcome back, LisaLoo! Bummer about your bra. I hate when that happens. Especially, considering how much undies cost and when it's a favorite item! FYI, girls. Landend.com is having a sale on bathing suits with 20 to 50% off. For the boobilicious gals, some suits are specifically sized for DDD cups. Plus, they have lots of mix and match seperates so you can have a different size top and bottom! Use the following at check out and you'll get free shipping: Promotion Code JUNE9 and the PIN 00002930
  11. Oh! And this Map bio can also help cutify it up! The Knot Message Boards
  12. If you do a Google Image search for "Cabo San Lucas" and "Maps" you'll find what you're looking for. I did it for Maui. Here is one that is very simple and plan and you could add your own clip art finds! http://www.cabo-san-lucas-beaches.co...s/cabomap1.jpg
  13. GodaLoveMe- Welcome! Mummergirl - I didn't notice any of those things that you pointed out. You looked amazing and your pictures are amazing. All I kept thinking when I was looking at your pictures was how beautiful and happy you looked.... oh, and I wish my arms and hands looked as good as yours! LOL I hope my pictures turn out so well!
  14. Wow, JoLo. 6'6"! My fiance is the long and lanky type (bastard can eat anything he wants) and I thought HE was tall at 6'3"! LOL He just says he has long arms so he can wrap them around me just right!
  15. I wish it could just be the two of us for our wedding... our families would kill us though! This is suppose to be Maui's "only" wedding cliff site. Keali'i Nui Botanical Gardens - Maui Oceanfront Estate I would think along the Road to Hana there might be some spots: More Maui Wedding Locations I don't know where this is in Oahu but it looks wonderful. You're not getting married in Oahu but I thought I'd just share the find. I figure that's what you are looking for, and it I just liked the pictures! wedding cliffs photography on Oahu ceremony in Hawaii
  16. Welcome back Lisa!! Your pictures look fantastic! You look absolutely amazing and incredibly happy. Thank you for sharing. It was a beautiful event. I love the picture of you reclining. Number 32!
  17. Both look good on you! But... I'm in the minority. I like Dress #2. It looks flowy and romantic. Perfect for a beach wedding.
  18. I've also read that you should use your business card contact info (if you have it) when traveling rather than all your personal info. So all my luggage tags have my business card in them instead! You can never be too careful sometimes!
  19. Yay! Another Hawaii bride! Welcome to the forum and congratulations. You'll love Kauai. Check out Anini Beach for some good snorkeling (only place we saw turtles when we went... and it's not a crowded beach) and Puka Dogs in Poipu.
  20. I've been fat all my life (including as a baby), and I will never be thin. I totally accepted that fact at the age of 30! I moved on with it and have been happy ever since. Helps to have found a man that loves me for my mind and my body, too! I'll probably lose weight to be healthier, but I'll always be a fat girl. I opted out of the traditional wedding dress and got an Ivory evening gown. Much cooler for a beach wedding! Got it at Nordstroms for a steal! I saw on another thread that a girl is using this dress for TTD! Oh, well...
  21. I've been to both islands. I absolutely love Kauai. It's my favorite island. It's wonderfully laid back and very quiet and intimate (<------- my siggy pic is taken in Kauai). But.... I chose Maui for our wedding (FI has never been), because it would make my life easier in terms of finding items for the wedding, there are more selection of vendors, and more selections of where to go, and what to do, for the guests (especially those with small children). Both are equally beautiful. I'd say it depends on what kind of wedding you are wanting to have, how many people you plan on inviting, and what kinds of activities you'll want to plan. You may want to check out the Maui and Kauai Revealed books that you can get at any bookstore. They are a great resource for what is on the islands. You could always get married on one island and honeymoon on the other! Good luck!
  22. Try dafont.com under Nature Dingbats. You'll find plenty of flower fonts there.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by kate&devon Super cute. Just an FYI to all future DIYers, on the Tears of Joy packets you can probably make your own labels using a shipping label template from publisher. If I had known about dafont.com and — iDiY before I had made my Tears of Joy packets, I would have made my own label. Since then, I've gotten sticker crazy and have been creating my own! The Staples sticker paper is great!
  24. Yay!! A Hawaii review!! Thank you for the great information. Besides the dumpy timeshare, everything sounded wonderful.
  25. I found a great company that sells perfect travel-sized wipes of sunblock, insect repellent, anti-bacterial, and other personal care wipies!! La Fresh Group, Inc. If you sign up for an account, they will send you discount offers. Plus, they have free shipping on purchases of 50 bucks. I read alot about how some gals wish they could add sunblock and other items that would cost too much or are too big. This is a great solution. I purchased the sunblock wipes to put in the OOT bags and to place in a basket at the wedding reception for guest to use. Plus, they have pre-made packs of certain items... such as the golfer's pack which would be good for some of the Male OOT bags which are harder to shop for!
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