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Everything posted by da.shmoopies

  1. Welcome to the forum, and congrats to another Maui bride!
  2. Hey LisaLoo! The same thing happened to me. I went on WW and lost 80 lbs and have gained it back. During that time, I strictly watched what I ate, worked out twice a day, and was laid off so I had plenty of time to work out! I was kinda fanatical about it since I was so sad about being unemployed. Now that I am happy I am back to being fat again. LOL I guess there really isn't a secret to it. Michael Pollan says, "Eat less... mostly plants... and exercise more." One recipe that helped me lots a pumpkin spice cake, that is about 1 point for 1/9th of a 9x13 pan with non-fat cool whip on top! It helped curb that sweet tooth. Pumpkin Spice Cake: 1 box Spice Cake mix 1 can of pumpkin 1/4 cup of water Bake as instructed on the Spice Cake Box, and top each slice with non-fat cool whip. You can also use Chocolate cake instead of spice cake. It's really good!
  3. Welcome and congrats. You'll love this forum... it's addictive!
  4. Thank you, Filby, for the review! I'm using Lori and Jamie for my wedding in October... along with alot of the same vendors. I'm even having the reception at Five Palms! So, your review has helped me lots. I'm glad you wedding day turned out so wonderful. Great photographs. You looked amazing.
  5. Yay! Another Maui bride! Welcome and congrats.
  6. Yay!! Another Maui bride! Welcome and Congrats!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by 1sunshine hey ladies! havent been on the forum lately i was soo busy running wedding errands, but today something happen, my FI was laid of from work, we are 600 miles apart i know is the excuse he need it to move where i live but i gave lots of ?? now what? what is going to happen to our DW, he worked for a hotel and we got a nice discount because of that so now what? i dont even know what to tell him when he says, "everything is going to be ok" but how? help!!! What a bummer, Sunshine! I know how you feel. Two days after we got engaged, my FI got laid off from work (I actually think he was to be laid off that day, but his boss just couldn't do it to him. lol). John decided we should go through with the wedding even though I suggested that we postpone it (I was freaking out). A year later, he still hasn't found employment. This economy sucks! Luckily, he is the type that saves for a rainy day and has no debt (unlike me! lol), plus Unemployment extensions have helped, so I took his word for it that everything will be okay. I've watched every penny for this wedding!! I guess it will depend on your financial situation. Moving in with you will definately help cut expenses. Also, start a budget and stick to it if you don't postpone the DW.
  8. So, it matters if the bride is hot, but not the groom?? And what if the groom is so pretty, he outshines the bride? What an ass who lacks tact. I don't think you should waste much time on him. He ain't worth it, not even to exact a point. Posting his email to you here is enough bad press. There are so many photographers out there who can make anyone look good, which is the true mark of a good photographer.
  9. Scubadiva, that's a great story! On our first date he held my hand like it was something we'd been doing already for years... that was the cincher.
  10. I love this movie. I think Jason Segel is cute. ~ It made me want to watch "How I met Your Mother." We are getting hitched in Hawaii and we keep quoting the moving... "A wedding in Hawaii.... How original!" Hilarious.
  11. Redo. That's my vote. If you don't like them, it will just keep bugging you every time you see them! (Sweet of him to try though... you have to give him credit for that!) Maybe we need to all write explicit step by step instruction for our men to follow. On a lighter note... isn't it funny how some gals complain that their fiance isn't helping at all.. Yet, when they do offer help, we rather they didn't?? LOL I have deligated printing and corner punching but that's about as far as I'll let the fiance do anything... and even then when I let him print he'll forget something pertinent, like, um... printing the other side!!
  12. Are any of you taking ballroom dancing lessons? Yesterday after our lessons, we notice a man and woman outside the studio... the woman was crying. At first I thought that she and her man were arguing but the man looked passive and more concerned than anything. My fiance thinks that she was feeling extremely self-conscious about dancing, as the woman was quite *curvacious.* John also thought he saw her look at me in surprise when I came out of the studio. As we were driving away, I saw the owner of the studio and our instructor trying to get her to come into the studio. I wish I had been more perceptive. I'd have told her that if I'm doing it, then she sure as heck can! It's so much fun!! I'm having so much fun that I don't have time to feel self-conscious... plus, it's exercise! My calves ache! LOL
  13. On another note... it kinda sucks that I'm back down to being a "Noob" since Tammy changed the member status requirements. Only 15 more posts to go!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 HAHA! That's a great idea for anyone that bought the swimsuit! Well, I don't want to shock the new in-laws! Thanks for informing us, Estella! I love the swim dress so if it's see through when wet, I'll have to figure out how to fix it!......... or just wear it when only the fiance is around.
  15. Uh-oh. I thought the Bandeau Swimdress had lined cups?? I'm going to put it on and get in the shower and check it out tonight!
  16. We had a similar situation. We didn't know why the fiance's Parents (read mother) didn't want to go... they have the money and the time. (We think it's because the FMIL wanted to have a big blow out with her friends and family, and at the time it seemed that most of my family was going... now it's most of John's!). John refused to change our plans and he said, even though he would be incredibly hurt (as was I, because I like his mom), it was our day and that was more important. He stuck to his guns! They didn't talk for months... then, when John's brother booked his trip, he booked the parent's a room and flight too!! Since the money can't be refunded, they are NOW going. LOL I guess my point is that it's more important to do what the two of you want to do for your wedding. There was many a time I wanted to contact her and scold her for hurting John (who is a very sensitive man)... but even though I am soon to be family, it was between my fiance and his mother, and I had to stay out of it. You don't want to come between the two... though it's difficult not to say anything!
  17. Also, the price for flowers may be alot more expensive in Vegas because they are not grown there. It's nothing but desert and everything has to be brought in.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by 1sunshine by the way da.shmoopies my FI lives in fremont!!!!! What a small, small world!
  19. I think it's doable... if you stick to your guns!! If you create a budget and you do your homework in order to find the cheapest prices, it's possible. Also, if you can recruit family and friends to help you with projects, you can save money. I'm trying to keep it under $7000 for our budget, with 30 people attending. Hardest thing I find is not going overboard with all the extras. Once you start researching and looking at flowers and decorations, you can get caught up on all the details. Biggest ticket items so far are the photographer, the dinner, hair and makeup, and the wedding ceremony venue. Here's a link to a wholesale flower business in Maui that we plan to use for our reception table flowers: Hawaiian flower lei farm delivering fresh Hawaiian leis and flower bouquet: Orchid, Plumeria, Tuberose My biggest tip is this... research, research, research.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl wear them for the ceremony and pics ... then LOSE 'EM for the reception! (lol, i've actually done this at other people's weddings ... about halfway thru the reception when i'm getting drunk and sweaty, it's time for the ol' trip to the ladies' room to lose the annoying spanx/pantyhose/etc.!) That is a perfect idea! Thank you for the tip. I'll do it!!
  21. I may have to try the Spanx. My dress is very clingy, and I need something to smooth me out a bit! But now I'm worried that it will be too hot, and what if I have to go pee!! So now I have to weigh looking good/better, or being comfy! LOL I was away this weekend up in the mountains camping... and I have to admit that a few times BDW Forum crossed my mind... specifically, I missed reading this thread.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by VioletVol These are great! I have almost all of my things together for my OOT bags, but I can't quite figure out how I'm going to 'package' it all. This is precious. What kind of plastic bag did you use? Thanks! I used the "Clear Party Bags" that I purchased at Michaels. They were $3.99 for a pack of 20.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 After tomorrow, we are off to Mexico!!! I cannot believe this has flown by!!! P.S. ladies, I bought the body glide at Dicks sporting goods... wil definitely write up a chub rub review when I get back!! Wow. Congratulations! I can't wait too see the pictures. Have a fantastic time!
  24. It's not that large. If you go to the link BlissfulMsMiranda posted and hit the "Specification" Tab, you can see the dimensions. It weighs about 2 lbs. It comes with a well made travel case.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl oh that's what i normally do (there is almost nothing "one-piece" in my wardrobe, let alone bathing suits), but for the wedding i needed bandeau and just wasn't finding ANYTHING two-piece that was strapless (except the bikinis in the juniors section, LOL). Ah, yes, that makes it a whole different ball game! Ugh. I put on the Newport News Bandeau suit last night, which is one whole piece. I felt like it was a sausage encasing. LOL It would probably be better if it were two seperate pieces... I kept having to hoist up the top, because my middrift is a bit longer than the suit is made for. Suffice it to say, the fiance got quite a show seeing me struggling to pull the dang thing on. I'm not taking it to the lake this weekend as there is red dirt and I don't want my nice white bathing suit to discolor. I like it though. Again, I say we all start our own bathing suit line!!
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