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Everything posted by da.shmoopies

  1. I think any florist will work with you based on what you like. I'm not going through Dellas (I wish I knew about her before I chose my florist!), and my florist is creating centerpieces based on our "look" for the wedding. I'm all about the Hot Pink and Orange Mokara Orchids so she is creating a custom order. It never hurts to ask! And usually the vendors are accomodating. Though if you ask for a flower that is impossible to get during a specific season, it won't work.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Mialonghorn Ok, here is the centerpiece and the bouquet that Della is doing for me! Fantastic centerpieces and bouquet! I'm doing somethings similar but with Mokara orchids. Are you adding anything else on the table? Votives? Table Runners? I'm still trying to decide if I want to add a few votives around the centerpiece. We are having our reception on a patio on the beach, and I hear the Maui winds make candles difficult to use.
  3. Hmmm.. I don't know of any particular place. If you do some research on Maui beaches they will tell you what types of facilities they have, such as picnic tables and BBQ pits. Unfortunately, some may have an early closing hour like Kamaole III is supposedly closed a 7:00 (I was looking at this spot as a possible BBQ location). Here's the website I was using: http://www.mauibeachguide.com/Main_Page.html I also wanted to make sure that you knew about a new ordinance that went into affect last year. You aren't allowed alcohol on any of the Hawaii beaches, so that could possibly affect your festivities. Maybe you could have a simple dinner at a coast side restaurant.
  4. Hi Mialonghorn, If you go to a photo website like Photobucket, you can upload your pictures to the website. Then use the image code Photobucket supllies by cutting and pasting it into your BDW post. The image code will have the URL enclosed with the words "." Hope that helps, because I'd love to see pictures!
  5. P.S. She also has some great photos of the weddings she worked on the site for help with decor ideas!
  6. I ran across her website by accident. If I had seen her work before, I'd have booked her as our florist. Her work is amazing! Dellables — Maui's Unique Wedding Designs — Flowers, Leis, Arches, Table Arrangements, Decor Maybe one of you other Maui brides will use her so I'm sharing! Deb
  7. Awesome! It must have been a hard decision to make, but it sounds like you are much happier going with what you orginally wanted rather than what some else wanted. Good for you!! It's going to be a fabulous wedding!! Are you going to have your reception at Olowalu also?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by 1sunshine thanks!! i have to update it but im behind!! been sooo busy, how are your wedding plans da.shmoopies? I wish I had time to create a wedding blog! I guess if I spent less time on BDW, I'd have more time. The wedding plans are slowly getting there. Had a bit of a meltdown regarding vendors yesterday. lol I wanted to do our own centerpieces for the reception, but the lack of communication and customer service from some places was getting to me, plus issues with our Post Office is driving me crazy. John and I decided it's less hassle and easier on us just to throw some money at it instead! P.S. I can't believe how expensive flowers are sometimes!
  9. I find that if you sign up for accounts or newsletters with vendors, they will send you offers of free shipping (which adds up!) and discounts. Example.. right now Oriental Trading Post just sent me an offer of 15% of $49 of purchases plus free shipping (Key code WCX8305). If you sign up for Michael's Crafts Newsletters they will send a weekly coupon for 40% off one item... and lots of the cashiers will take more than one coupon if you ask. Also, check the dollar aisles at Target and Walmart. A BDW bride posted an interesting sight for OOT bags under $5: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t47552 Lots of BDW brides post helpful links. It's definately a matter of sticking to your budget and not going crazy! Make a list and stick to it. The fiance has had to talk me down from the ledge a few times. lol
  10. Whoohoo! Another Maui bride. Welcome to the forum. For my wedding dress, I am using an ivory evening gown. I figured it would be lighter than a full weddding dress! I love some of the light wedding wear from Watters/WToo. We are getting married at Kalaeokai'a Estate in Kahana and then having our dinner reception at the 5 Palms on the patio. I love the idea of a private estate for the wedding, but it was definately cheaper to have a Reception at another venue... otherwise, I'd have a ton of rental fees. Whether to have the reception at the estate or elsewhere depends on your budget usually. Are you using a wedding coordinator? It's a huge help. Let me know if you have any questions.
  11. Starchild, they said they delivered the package last Wednesday. My fiance was home all day, and, like you, we have a dog that barks if anyone comes to the gate. NO one delivered that package on Wednesday. Liars! Now the vendor that sent the package is saying that if the USPO says it was delivered then it was delivered, and it will be hard to dispute. Sooo unlike the last vendor who called the Post Office until they found the damn package.
  12. I've gotten to the point where I'd rather pay more for UPS or FedEx rather than deal with the BS of the Post Office.
  13. The US Post Office sucks. They smash our mail in the mailbox, say they delivered packages when they didn't, will not help you find said missing packages, and do not leave missed delivery slips! No wonder they are loosing so much money. It's not due to increase in the use of email, it's due to their lack of care and Customer Service!! They say they've delivered an item and it hasn't. The only way we can get customer service from them is if the vendor we purchase from contacts the USPO. Otherwise, they only inform us that the package has been delivered. Last time, after the vendor contact the USPO, the manager of our Post Office branch hand delivered the missing package which was at their facility the whole time. Their package tracking system is a JOKE! UPS and FedEx gets all my business and I personally request their use with vendors when I can. Arrrrrgh!!! Thank you. I need to vent.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 Here they are... all 34323897342 of them loaded to my facebook page for friends and fam to see!!! ( This was the easiest way, but I felt like a facebook hog, oh well!) The Gran Bahia Principe Tulum.... Claudia Rodriguez was AMAZING and made us feel so comfortable... We would reccommend her ten fold... Joanna Murray Albers's Photos | Facebook Wow! Your wedding pics are amazing. The wedding was beautiful. You look fabulous. You and your honey are a very cute couple. I love the black and white of the two of you holding hands in the water and sand. Sexy and Fabulous!!
  15. Hey 1sunshine, I just checked out your blog. I Looooove your picture story about how you guys met and ended up together. It was fantastic.
  16. Yeah, my bro-in-law surfs and he's always calm about shark sightings. I guess if you surf you know who is king in the water! It's an amazing story that's for sure!
  17. I love to read wedding blogs to get ideas, and I ran across a great one that is specific to Maui. In fact, almost everytime I've searched for Maui ideas this site comes up. She's very good at suggesting wedding favors and such on the island. Check it out! My Maui Wedding P.S. Read her tale regarding her future hubby's shark attack near Wailea before their wedding.
  18. I don't know if any of you have seen these before: The Solemates You place the plastic doo-dad on your heel. It's made primarily for grass, but it may work on hard sand. My wedding will be on grass, so I'm probably going to get one for myself and my bridesmaids. FYI, VioletVol, wet sad = mud. I don't think you'd want your dress dragging in it!
  19. Aaaw, Lisa. That was very sweet. My fiance thought it would be sweet to purchase my favorite deli turkey and LEAVE IT IN MY PURSE (ended up in my purse overnight). I think I'd have preferred the song dedication. LOL Congrats on the 1000th post, Senior Member!!
  20. You may want to check out iDiY.com they have lots of decorative items to download or copy. I used a graphic from that website for all my paper projects. Dings: Flower Ornaments | iDiY Also, dafont.com has some fonts that are scrollie-ish.
  21. We are getting married at a private estate: Kalaeokai'a Estate. We loved the idea of having our privacy for the event. If we got married on a public beach or golf course, we'd run the risk of having scenes in our pictures that we wouldn't want. The fiance was adamant regarding not having the wedding at a golf course! lol Alot of the private estates have small beaches that are great for photo ops. Plus, Maui now has an ordinance not allowing alcohol on public beaches, and since the private estates are...well... private, you can have cocktails or champagne available for the guest. We are having our reception at Five Palms Restaurant. Like Azulskies stated, the choice is mostly dependent on how much you are willing to spend! FYI, Azulskies, my wedding coordinator is Lori Scott too! And I LOVE your planning website. Everything looks amazing.
  22. I SOOOOOOOOOOOO love pumpkin and so making the recipe. A few questions though, what size of can was the pumpkin and was it pure pumpkin or pumpkin pie filling? The recipe calls for the use of one 15oz can Libby's pure pumpkin. This cake really helped me with the cravings for the "crap" food. It was like a special treat at the end of the day for being good.
  23. Welcome to the Forum and congratulations!
  24. Yay! More Maui Brides! Welcome and Congrats.
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