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Everything posted by *Kerin28*

  1. *Kerin28*


    Hello! Welcome to the forum.
  2. Please let us know how you make out. I have my fingers crossed for you!!
  3. Lol someone else has to have had this problem... im interested to see the answers.
  4. Glad to hear your ok My nurse does that to me too... They shoud really find a new method.
  5. Congrats! Have fun and good luck! Bring home lots of pictures!!!
  6. I would maybe put your wedding website info on the invitation so they can "follow your progress" or "learn more about the couple". If your registry info happens to be on the website then it makes it all easier...
  7. Hey! Welcome to the forum. Im not engaged yet either, however my bf and I have talked about a wedding in October 2010. Im not one of the girls who wants to be engaged for a long time so he has waited to pop the question. You will have so many ideas from here by the time your ready to plan. Good Luck.
  8. Ok- with your FI being a DR--- my FI is a paramedic... they just dont have the compassion to feel bad about your pain... I split my head open and he was like aaah, you'll be fine ( as it was gushing blood!!!) .. they just see it all day so they dont feel for it anymore. As for your pain I dont really have any advice but keep your head up and do the best you can... if they do suggest surgery do it asap so you can recover and get back to saving for your wedding. Good Luck with everything
  9. I think its really pretty how it is.. I would ask your seamstress her opinion because she will know best if it would look good... either way your dress looks fabulous on you!!
  10. Hey if your open for options check out Shephards Beach Resort on Clearwater Beach... Its a really laid back atmosphere and isnt too expensive...
  11. Erica- Everyone has said everything that needs to be said- with that just know we are all here for you. **hugs**
  12. I'm right with ya! I have no idea what to do!!! AHHHH!!!!
  13. You did a great job!! Good luck on your big day. Everything looks great!
  14. I know Dreams Tulum is very similar to that. The wedding Packages offer up to 20 people but you can add more as needed.
  15. Wow that dress is so cool! Very different. I love it! It must look awesome in white... Congrats on finding such a beautiful dress.
  16. uuuummm yea!! Where are those drawings?!? Thats such an adorable story! She is so lucky! Pleeeeease show us pictures!!
  17. Ladies, I'll be in Clearwater the first weekend of March on a girls weekend.. if you need anything from down the PM me.
  18. The resort is anything you want to make of it. Things go wrong and they will, but its how you handle it and what you want it to be. Somer people will never be happy. From what I read I say go for it. All of the brides on here think very highly of DT, their reviews are why I want to have my wedding there.
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