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Everything posted by *Kerin28*

  1. OMG that is the cutest thing ever... and yeah, i read the whole thing too :-)
  2. Ok- I do the same thing. If my Fi wants to be involved he always pulls a fit about the way I want things done. I have been planning and getting stuff together for this with a specific vision in mind and he comes in and wants to change it so that it doesnt even make sense anymore, the concept is totally thrown off. I learned to let him do what he wants then change it. He never notices. He picked our logo, it was the most uncoordinated logo with our stuff out of everything we got to choose from. So I said "ok baby" and ordered the other one that I liked. We got it in and he says "see! I told you it would look good!!!" .... yeah, you told me alright! Boys are so funny...
  3. FINALLY!!! Ok- so we were at the country music festival this weekend- we both love Kenny Chesney... Outside in the parking lot tailgating with all of our friends and family. He had the MP3 player set to play our song and when it came on he took me and we were dancing in the parking lot. In the middle of the song he got down on one knee and proposed! It was so cute. It felt like we were the only ones there. Afterwards everyone was clapping and shouting! His friend is a photographer and he took pictures of the whole thing. It was great. Afterwards I had people I didnt even know coming over from like 3 parking lots away to congratulate me and look at my ring. It was great. Later I found out he went to get my Dads blessing and planned to be there about a half hour after my Dad got out of work because he is home alone for a while. Well, my Dad went golfing that day. My bf waited 4 hours outside my parents house waiting for Dad to come home. He totally got his blessing. My Dad avoided me for days because he is not good at keeping secrets. Everything was wonderful. We had a great time! I'm so excited!!!
  4. Hey! How did it go? Hope all is well...
  5. *Kerin28*


    Welcome to the forum!!!
  6. What I would give for a new- used bedroom set!! If you like it take it. If your mom is anything like mine she will get over it and find something else to pick at.
  7. Ok here goes: Surgery #1- #4 From 2 months old and the last one being when I was 6- Tubes in both ears ( during the second surgery the took my Adnoids out also) Surgery #5: Repair and reset my broken thumb Surgery # 6: Put a pin in my hip Surgery #7: Attempt to remove pin ( it didnt work, I still have it) .... thats all.
  8. Thats totally awesome of him!! Good luck!! Keep us updated on your progress!
  9. Nice to see your back. Welcome.
  10. ~Hey There Ladies~ I'm looking for a little help. My family is going down to the Myrtle Beach area and renting a HUGE beach house for my Grandmothers 80th bday week, there will be about 20 of us. While we are down there my FI and I decided that since we wanted to do a DW anyway, that would be a perfect way to get it done with everyone together, and we can't possibly expect everyone to dish out for another vacation a few months after that like we had planned (this was all before the birthday bash was planned, but no one really knew yet, its not their fault, and she only turns 80 once right?!). I'd like to do the ceremony on the beach right outside the house and go to a restauraunt for the reception. With only 20 people I wouldnt want anything bigger or more elaborate, we are very simple. Does anyone know of any restauraunts that have a seperate area that we could have a sort- of private dinner? Or does anyone have any info on that area? This all just got planned yesterday so now im onto a whole different route for planning. (a lot different then an AI in Mexico....) Help me! PLEEEASE!!!!
  11. Congrats and Welcome to the forum! Disney World sounds Fun!!!
  12. *Kerin28*


    Congrats and Welcome to the forum!
  13. Congrats and Welcome to the forum!
  14. Awe i'm sorry your sad about it. I think its a good thing to get your stuff taken care of in the states, much easier if you need to reference it later ( just my opinion). Keep looking on the bright side- its only paper work... your "real" day will be very special i'm sure. You wont even notice it.
  15. You were a beautiful bride! Glad everything went well. Congrats!
  16. Oh that stinks Good luck with everything.
  17. They are beautiful- very tropical. They will look great in pics
  18. Great review. Thanks. It seems like you guys had a blast. Congrats!
  19. Ladies.... I need some help. My bf and I are going on vacation in October and I cant decide what resort to go to. Does anyone have any opinions on these? I have never been to Jamaica or stayed in a Riu resort so I really am going in blind. We are looking for a relaxing place with good food and a decent life to it. We aren't super picky and dont expect the NY Ritz but just somewhere clean and fun. What should I do?!?
  20. Thanks guys. Its really nice of you to offer to help out the brides affected by this.
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