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Everything posted by beachbride2009

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Hoosierfan Hello fellow Azul Fives Brides - I just got the news today from my TA. Heartbreaking (and he had a bride with a wedding scheduled there for May too). Anyone found alternatives? My TA is checking on the Sensatori for us since who knows if things will come through for our Nov. 21st date. It's definitely Friday the 13th...ugh. Hi Hoosierfan...Have you figured out if you'll be moving to the Sensatori? I know there is already one other wedding on Nov 21st at AS. Mine is on the 20th and I found out there is a second wedding on the 20th already too (bummer!). Keep in touch and let me know...the thread for the Sensatori is great...the girls are all awesome and really helpful. Good luck!
  2. Welcome fellow Calgary bride! I second the motio that this forum is going to be your best resource...I was lost before I stumbled onto BDW! Good luck with your plannig!
  3. Hi ladies...I just made a cheat sheet of all the accommodation options at the Azul, minus the honeymoon and presidential suites, including a map of the property (thanks JHarwood!). If anyone would like a copy please PM me and I will email it to you. It has room descriptions and pictures.
  4. Erika, I think you are right about some Fives brides moving to the Sensatori, so I have a feeling they are going to be a lot busier and a lot of us will run into multiple weddings on our own days. I just hope this doesn't mean the wedding coordinators we have get over run and we get neglected! Sounds to me like they need to hire more WCs!!!
  5. Does anyone have a copy of the resort map handy they could send me as an attachment, or add to the thread? THANKS!!!
  6. Steph you looked gorgeous...and a handsome groom you have. You look so much like your mom! Congrats!
  7. I just found out from Tiffany there is another wedding the same day as mine, and that it will depend on what our guest numbers are as to where we can have our events. I'm only concerned that the other bride will be wanting the same areas as I do! Has anyone run into this issue? I'm 9 months out but would like to have it set so I don't have to worry about it between now and then. I agree with you Pepper...if you pay you should know what you are paying for!!!
  8. Great thread! Scrimp: - flowers: Going with simple bouquets/bouts and nothing extra for the tables as I'm bringing Chinese paper lanterns / rose petals and LED tealights down myself - reception dinner: going with a cost effective set menu. Our resort is "Gourmet Inclusive" and has amazing restaurants for our guests to enjoy for the entire week we are there, so we decided that serving hors doerves during the cocktail hour prior, a simple dinner, and then fruit & cheese trays later on would be enough. Saves about $50 USD per person! - Music: instead of hiring the resort DJ for $1300 (OUCH!), we decided to use our ipod instead and hire a mariachi band for the cocktail party with the difference. - welcome dinner: using the one included in the wedding package. It will be in one of the main restaurants and not toally private, but sure saves a lot of money! Splurge: - photographer: We're bringing down a friend with us from Canda and are paying his travel expenses plus his fee. But we're getting our TTD session included, plus he'll be around all week for other events too, so we feel we're getting a great deal! - rings: my wedding band has to be custon made to fit my engagement ring, but we were floored when they quoted us $2000, and thats with a 25% discout! - reception: I've hired a loungey-style sitting area to be set up for the reception with comfy bench style seating and low cocktail tables set up near the dance floor so guests can relax without having to sit at the dinner tables. And it looks really sexy too! Worth the $830 USD. - Mariachi band: worth the $900 to set the tone for the evening! - Group outing: planning a private catamaran cruise for the group on us...as a thank you for coming all that way! - Honeymoon: after a week at the resort we are marrying at, we are splurging on an adult's-only 5* resort...haven't decided entirely between 2, but they're both bdget blowing at $500USD/night! But we deserve it! LOL SO FAR....those are the plans...
  9. I'm going to check in every couple months to see if the 3pm time opened up...hopefully! Hopefully your guests will carpool in a taxi...it's wedding and worth the splurge!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by trayce2222 I made my final payment to Tiffany today! Yea!!! I know it's more than 45 days out, but she and I had already planned everything out and since we knew everything we wanted I thought I would go ahead and pay. This way she can get all of my requests to the onsite coordinators and they can make sure it's all been reserved and taken care of (plaza deck, etc). I was told that they can't promise you a specific wedding location or private event site until you are paid in full....of course that prompted me to get on the ball! Now, let's just hope they get it all right! lol Awesome, congrats! What a good feeling that must be! You may have already shared before, but would you mind sharing your budget and what they charged you for your private event & extras? I'm hoping I haven't forgotten anything I need to budget for...epecially since everything seems to be an additional charge! Thanks!
  11. Thanks Jess! I especially love the taffeta fabric...no need to worry about it getting wrinkled ever! And the colour is champagne so less likely to show any dirt from the sand or whatever...and super comfortable!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jetsbride Beachbride, what store in Calgary did you find a Nicole Miller dress, I have been in love with her dresses for so long now!!! You can't find them here in Edmonton anywhere. What is the style number of your dress? I really need to get my dress by the end of this month!! I am a little stressed about finding the "right" one! All you ladies are so helpful...thanks a bunch! Hi Jetsbride, I got my dress at Evalina Couture...she is by appointment only, but give her a call. I got my dress on a Tuesday if I remember correctly and that was the sample sale day, but ask just to be sure when you make an appointment. Here's my dress: Nicole Miller Wedding Dresses - Wedding Dress Style FT0002 | Brides.com I hope this works I am no ace at uploading pics on here!
  13. Hoosierfan, yes, I agree with you...for the sake of the new inlaws I'll definitely try and work it out with her. I don't have to like her, but I can pretend when necessary! I sent out our STD's 11 months prior and will probably send out passport-style invites in June or so...but just for the people who have indicated YES or MAYBE.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by beckerba I am looking for Chinese paper lanterns for the reception tables. Anyone know of a good vendor for ideas? Does anyone know how the resort sets up the tables for the private receptions (dinner). I am trying to figure out how many people can sit per table. This way I know how many lanterns I will need. Thanks everyone. Hi beckerba...I too am using paper lanterns as my centerpieces. I believe the tabes sit 8. I'm probably ordering mine through Paper Lanterns, Party Supplies and Chinese Paper Lanterns - PaperLanternStore.com they have a ton of options and colours!
  15. Erika, I know! It seems really confusing and you have to be super-organized to meake sure you are keeping up with your budget! I'm not worried at this point as I am so far away from my date, but i still need to know the costs associated. I'm planning a private event too and the budget keeps creeping up and up! On another note, I've had my heart set on a beach day...ceremony, cocktail party, reception...but I've heard multiple times that it is really windy on the beach an I don't want something like that to put a damper on the festivities. Does anyone know for sure what to expect?
  16. Shannon...did you get my PM? It took forever to load so not sure...let me know. Ladies, there are some great new reviews on TA! Also, it sounds like they are working on getting rid of the rocks at the water's edge! There's even a pic on TA of the poor souls who are working on chipping away at it!
  17. Hi Erika...yes, I had an email waiting for me this morning. I emailed her Friday at 421pm mountain time (621pm Eastern) and she emailed back at 950am Eastern this morning. Apparently the weddings aren't free anymore as of last month, so if you booked prior to then you should be okay, but get it in writing!!!
  18. Very nice! I have yet to design one, and have no idea where to start! Is there a website that is user friendly?
  19. Yo are lucky you don't have a deadline of time...unfortunately our resort has us shut down at 11pm! So we will probably move the party into a cantina in Puerto Morelos which is only 5 mins away if there are a lot of party animals! We're also getting married in November and our ceremony is at 4pm (hopefully only 20 mins!) so we can get photos done right after, before it gets dark and while our guests are enjoying a cocktail party before sitting down to dinner. We're having a TTD photo session the next day so we cn get lots of shots then too if we miss them the night before! Yours sounds lovely at a private hacienda!
  20. Yo are lucky you don't have a deadline of time...unfortunately our resort has us shut down at 11pm! So we will probably move the party into a cantina in Puerto Morelos which is only 5 mins away if there are a lot of party animals! We're also getting married in November and our ceremony is at 4pm (hopefully only 20 mins!) so we can get photos done right after, before it gets dark and while our guests are enjoying a cocktail party before sitting down to dinner. We're having a TTD photo session the next day so we cn get lots of shots then too if we miss them the night before! Yours sounds lovely at a private hacienda!
  21. Yo are lucky you don't have a deadline of time...unfortunately our resort has us shut down at 11pm! So we will probably move the party into a cantina in Puerto Morelos which is only 5 mins away if there are a lot of party animals! We're also getting married in November and our ceremony is at 4pm (hopefully only 20 mins!) so we can get photos done right after, before it gets dark and while our guests are enjoying a cocktail party before sitting down to dinner. We're having a TTD photo session the next day so we cn get lots of shots then too if we miss them the night before! Yours sounds lovely at a private hacienda!
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