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Everything posted by beachbride2009

  1. So I finally hit up the Dollar Giant here in Calgary and got some great stuff! -playing cards 2 for $1 -mini loofah - pack of 2 -travel candles -matchsticks for candles -slim CD cases for homemade CD's -bandaids to top up first aid kits And if you are making up special bags for the kids, there's a whole aisle with toys, and lots of beach toys! I'm still looking for bulk mini packets of alka-selzer / immodium...anyone know anywhere locally to get them? Also the pocket size Spanish for Dummies...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by leannevb Hi All, I just booked my wedding week, so I too am a November 2009 Bride! We're going to the Grand Palladium Colonial from November 15-22, but the wedding date is still to be confirmed. We're going to spend a second honeymoon week at a different resort but haven't decided on that yet - maybe the EDR? Great thread! Good luck in all your planning everyone! Welcome & congrats! I'm travelling the exact same week! We are getting married at the Azul Sensatori on the 20th. and honeymooning the second week at the EDR as well! We'll have to have a margarita to celebrate our new-found wedded status!
  3. Hey ladies, I think I heard somewhere (or maybe I dreamed it) that putting a small shamWOW in your OOT bag for guests to use when they get out of the pool to dry off with...I was thinking of buying a bulk box at Costco for this purpose...and of course adding a fully little note with each so my guests know what they're for! I've never had them, so what do all you experts think...good idea or no?!
  4. Prettyhazardous...I've got a loosey-goosey budget of about $20,000, and this includes our 2 weeks in Mexico, plus the wedding/reception etc, private function for group, photog from Canada, and all the extras at the hotel...however I haven't been including the OOT bag costs or my dress or my FI's clothes,etc. EDRBride...I'll definitely look out for you! We're leaving the Sensatori for EDR on the 22nd and staying a week. I'll touch base with you closer to the date. What are your wedding colours? I'm just thinking if there's anything that I'm brining down for my own wedding (decorations) that you could use (like possibly chair bows/chinese lanterns) I can bring them over for you. Our colours are turquoise with accents of red...
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by EDRBride2009 Hello all I too am a November bride. We are getting married on November 26 at El Dorado Royale. We actually got engaged at El Dorado Seaside in January and were so impressed with the service that we wanted to have our wedding at an El Dorado resort as well. So far I have ordered my dress, ordered the MOH's dress, bought the invitations (DIY from Michaels), ordered the Save the date postcards from Vista Print (100 for free, just pay for shipping), and bought my shoes. Obviously I'm way behind some of you! I've also started with some of my details with the resort. I am booking Claudia Rodriguez for photography. I'm looking forward to finalizing more of the details soon! Hey EDRBride2009...I'll be at the EDR for my honeymoon, I'll have to watch out for you!
  6. A lot of resorts won't let you ship things prior to arrival, so make sure you check with your hotel. Another option is to see if there is an upgrade available on your flights...I know from Canada if you fly on Skyservice Airlines there is a $200 round-trip upgrade where you get an extra 10kgs of baggage allowance...plus free drinks on board among other things! Check if you have this kind of option!
  7. I gotta get me to a nearby Dollarama! I'd better google it. I think I will try and get the actual bags locally and not worry too much about the quality since I'm spending a fortune on the contents instead. Everyone will probably be brining one of their own to match their swimsuit anyway!
  8. Punkie...I made my first order from Vistaprint! I designed some postcards to send to my guests letting them know about our group catamaran excursion! I used one of their stock designs but customised the text...I can't wait to send them out! Such a great way to keep people in the loop and excited! And they were FREE!!!!! I also got mailing labels for future FREE so the shipping was less than $12! SWEET!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Meesh Hi girls, Is anyone doing paper lanterns for their centerpieces at the reception? If so, what size and shape are you doing? Also, has anyone heard from Tiffany lately? In the past, she has been really good about emailing me back within 24 hours, but I emailed her at the beginning of the week, but still haven't heard back from her. I know that a lot of people have been experiencing this issue, but I hadn't until now. I was just curious if she has been in contact with people this week and if I should email her again. Also, has anyone actually paid in full yet. I have only heard of 1 person who has paid in full and has been confirmed for their reception site. I am concerned because my wedding is at 5pm and there is another wedding at 6pm. I just want to make sure that I get the reception location that I want. Thanks! Hi Meesh, I plan on using paper lanterns too. I haven't bought mine yet, my wedding isn't until Nov, when is yours? I want to make sure not to get them too big so people can't see over them and across the tables. I saw a picture of the table size they use set for 8 gueses and it looks like 10 or 12 inch lanterns would work well, depending on if you're having anything else in the middle.
  10. Hi beckerba...i sent the photos to you days ago but I think they must have been rejected due to size so I'm resending them. Sorry about that!
  11. LOVE that version of Just Like Heaven. I'm torn between You're So Cool from True Romance (instrumental) or Caribbean Blue by Enya. I may have on for my maids and one for me...need to figure out the timing!
  12. Ladies...you're killing me! Now I'm rethinking my iPod choice! I guess I'll stick with the iPod for now and if there is extra $$$ in the budget later I'll think about it again. I just emailed the hotel about getting some pics of the beach area they use for the dinner / reception so if I get any back I will let you know for all who are interested!
  13. Yes, I'm going with cottonfruit as well. I chose the larger size (34/70) since most of our guests are really tall - includig me, I'm 6'1"! I figured the larger size would hopefully be used more often in the future. The cost is $10.25 per towel, plus $88 for shipping...and with the exchange rate to CAD it gets a little painful. Ah well, it'll be worth it in the long run to see our guests using them around the resort! PS...I asked about any discounts and unfortunately no was the answer, but I'll try with my other purchases. Thanks everyone and happy OOT bag stuffing!
  14. Thanks Kelly...that's my thought too...going to Mexico let's have it on the beach! So then the dinner would be set up under the tent, with the dancing (I've requested a dance floor) happening under the night sky? hmm...although I think tents are darn expensive it might be worth it. Our ceremony is set for the beach and then a cocktail party with Mariachi and the donkey bar at the yoga place on the beach.
  15. Very good point...I am just crazy right now with wanting to order! I am more worried about not having enough, but the minimum is 48, and we have 40 guests confirmed with about 10 as maybe...I'm pretty sure I can only buy them in bundles of 24 and there's no way we're having more than 50. Yes, it is a good price...just seems like a lot when I look at the total. Thanks for your opinion!
  16. Has anyone tried or had any luck with negotiating better rates for bulk items for OOt bags? I'm looking at getting towels embroidered, and while my order isn't huge (only 50) the charge is $10 USD per towel plus shipping plus exchange, etc...I want to ask about a better price but don't want to tick them off. Anyone had any luck with negotiating Is it worth a shot?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by D&ESept2009 I'm officially an Azul Sensatori Bride now!!! Wedding date September 5, 2009!!! Welcome & congrats! Good times and info on this thread!
  18. Wow, this is really turning into a shmozzle! I heard that if you have your reception at Zocalo your guests have to share the bar with the hotel guests...is this true? If so, definitely a turn-off unless you can negotiate a private bar set up for your group. Has anyone seen this spot? From the pics I've seen it looks really tight for a group of 50...and is there a good spot for a dance floor? For the beach, which is where I've been leaning towards having my reception, do you think it's really necessary for a tent? I'd prefer to look up at the stars, but if it's really that windy...AHHH! I'm driving myself crazy with this too! We have between 40-50 too...final numbers won't be known until September, but of course like many of you I am feeling the pressure to get something locked in because I've been told there is another wedding the same day and I of course want my choice! Does anyone have any insight on beach receptions THANKS!
  19. So far I'm leaning towards the two-tone boat bag #SB-61...it's $3 USD / bag but it's pretty nice. I think it includes a one-colour imprint. I'm going to call and find out...
  20. Punkie...I'm signing up on vistaprint as we speak! I can't wait to get going on there! Ifound Promo Force - Promotional Products Custom Imprinted Items for cheap bags but it's so hard to find something cheap/decent/min quantity of 50.
  21. Do any of the past brides know if the sound equipment they have for an iPod is good enough for a crowd of 50, or would an iPod dock with speakers be better? I'm a little confused on this. Our crowd is really into partying and dancing after so I'm hoping the music will work well with us...
  22. thanks Punkie569...I think I'll head over to the local Michaels to check it out tonight. Everyone talks about Vistaprint and how awesome it is so I think its time I checked it out! I haven't found the actual tote bags yet either! I'm leaning towards not spending so much on the bag now since I'm going all out on the beach towels (7.50 USD/towel plus embroidery/shipping!)...I'm thinking I'll go with something basic like the recycle bags you can get anywhere...
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by binzer where are the puzzle books from? The whole package looks great, but cheap puzzles are one thing I havent found yet! I found crossword and sudoku books for $1 at that big dollar store on Douglas St in Victoria...check it out!
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