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Everything posted by AlliMay

  1. I love that arch, aaronsgirl!! How gorgeous! Are you having a seated reception in the gazebo or just cocktail hour / apps? I think that I would like to have a cocktail hour with champagne and appetizers in the gazebo immediately after the ceremony (which we are doing in the gazebo) and do toasts and the cake and everything there. Is anyone doing this or have talked to Jacy about this??
  2. Welcome badriane and jgomez! I think that you will find this forum is super helpful and fun Bianca---I think that if you still do not hear back from Jacy or the GM by tomorrow you should call. That is just way too long to go without a response especially considering that you are bringing substantial business to the resort by having your wedding there. I understand that they are busy and there may be some sort of technology problem, but you should not have to wait this long. Just my $0.02...Good Luck and let us know what happens...
  3. I would email her again, Bianca. Five days is too long...your email must have gotten lost in the shuffle. I have only communicated with Jacy through my TA, but whenever she has sent questions, Jacy responded within 48 hours. Good Luck...I will be anxious to see any wedding photos that you receive!
  4. What a great story, marryinghimagain! Congrats on such a long and happy marriage...as RBB said, I hope to celebrate as long a marriage as you and your hubby! Kimmaranto---I will take your advice and try to stay off of Trip Advisor...well...I will still probably troll for photos and read the good reviews, tho! I really appreciate having this forum...It is so nice to be able to talk with others that are in the same boat as me I know that the group we have going are not high maintenance and will def. have a blast regardless...and I will be GETTING MARRIED! YAY! BTW...I ordered a dress yesterday from J.Crew and finished my template for our invites. Progress, ladies, Progress!
  5. Blkatz--Thanks so much for the reassurance (and thank your FH as well!) Your review did make me feel better and truthfully I don't think that any of our guests are that high-maintenance to let minor details spoil the fun...Like Bianca most of my guests will be new to the AI expereience and there are enough of us that I am sure we will have a great time regardless. I guess I just needed a little reassurance after that reading that review...It kind of had me rattled!
  6. I agree completely, Bianca...I am not super concerned with the actual ceremony (I expect to have an audience and that it obviously will not be quiet), it is more with our guests being content. We have mostly couples going who are around our age and I want them to have a great time. We do have a couple kids going, but they are age 11 and 15. I am def. not having doubts about my selection, just my first freak-out over whether everyone will have a great time...
  7. Argh! Has anyone read this review on Trip Advisor? Sunscape Puerto Aventuras - Traveler Reviews - Dreams PA is a FAMILY RESORT - TripAdvisor Does it have anyone else concerned? I normally try to let these reviews slide, but this one does make me a little nervous...
  8. It might be outdoor seating for the restaurant (Oceana) that is on that side of the resort. I will be interested to hear if that is an area where you could have a reception. Hopefully Blkatz or someone else that has been down there will chime in!
  9. Hi Ladies, When I requested some info. from Jacy via my TA, she also informed her about the deposit and gave the following forms to fill out. I was a little nervous about the copies of my credit card, etc. but those have been sent in and it appears that no one has stolen my identity yet. I am yet to get clearance from the accounting department to say that my deposit has been processed. For those of you having a hard time getting connected with Jacy, I would recommend filling this form out and sending it down to her to ensure that your event is held. Let me know if you have any questions, gals! Thanks, Alli DPA Deposit Form.doc
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca Ahhhh!!! Someone got married at DPA! That is all I know. The latest review on TA said that they saw a wedding at the gazebo. That was about it... Great minds think alike, Bianca! I just read that review over lunch and was going to post about it...maybe that means that there will be pics somewhere soon...hmmm...
  11. Thanks for the updates lyales! Good Luck with all of your final preparations...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by aug0208 Are you guys getting married in the gazebo? And if so are you planning on wearing shoes? Sandals or heels? We want to do our cocktail hour on the sand. I'm not sure where we are going to hold the dinner yet, but I've talked to Jacy about the reception being near the adult pool (outside)...so all of that being said, I can't decide what I want to do about shoes?!?! Anyone else having this dimemma?! In addition to my dress dillema (i.e. Can't find one that I like!) I am also debating the shoe issue. You are not alone!! I think that I am going to settle on something flat, though, just to avoid any problems. Not sure I want to go completely barefoot, until I would see if the floor of the gazebo is smooth or not. I am thinking some sort of flat sandal, but still dressy and with a back ankle strap, so that they would stay on walking through the sand. Future hubby is planning to wear leather flip flops from J.Crew...
  13. Hi Ladies! I did not look back through the posts to see if anyone has posted this yet, but it may be an updated version. If its a duplicate I apologize! Jacy sent this document with bouquet / bout. examples to my TA this week and I wanted to share... Hope everyone's planning is going well:) Here's a little update from me: My very generous and "crafty" friend offered to help me make boarding pass invites so I am going to get started on those and hopefully get them out in the next couple of weeks. Also we booked a venue for our at-home celebration...it will be a cocktail party in the afternoon-very casual. Still need to find a dress, tho...eek! Just thought I'd share...How is everyone else's planning going FLORES DREPA 09.pdf
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lp579 Hi to you all! I just joined the forum beacuse I wanted to thank you all for your information in planning your wedding! I haven't had much time to e-mail Jacy with my questions, but must say you've saved time & e-mails by sharing your info! I've also gained some very insightful ideas for my reception....thanks again! Welcome lp579! This forum is so fun and so helpful...Good Luck with your planning!
  15. Hi RBB, Sorry to bother you, but any way I can get that file on the photographer as well? Does it include samples? Thanks, hun! AlliMay
  16. Happy New Year Everybody!! Quick question ladies...Is anyone else on here NOT planning to do the silver or gold dinner?? I am not sure that is what I want. I am hoping that the hotel will be at low enough capacity that we can rent El Patio (as it says in the guide), but I am just not sure that will be an option. Is anyone foregoing dinner and having just a cocktail reception after the ceremony? What are other options you are exploring? I know that the higher packages are reasonable, but I would rather spend the money on my guests in other ways (spa certificate, tour, etc.), instead of dinner when they are already paying to be at an all-inclusive. Girls, am I crazy?! Any feedback is much appreciated... Thanks!!!
  17. Kimmy44--Not sure what the cost of a taxi would be to Playa, but I was told that DPA is only 15-20 minutes south, so not in the middle of nowhere...I like the fact that it is not in the middle of Playa or Cancun, and therefore less hectic. As far as your reception goes, when I was researching resorts, it seemed like there was always additional charges for groups above 20-30 people...So for 60 people I would expect additional charges at any resort, regardless of their package. sg1307---Congrats on setting a date You are getting married 2 days after I am! There is another bride on this forum getting married that week, too...hopefully we can all keep each other on track! I need to get invitations sent out ASAP...that is my project over the holiday break...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by bcbride Hi ladies, I am considering this resort for our wedding hopefully Dec. 09... just wondering if anyone knows what the beach is like? I read the review posted here and she mentioned some rocky parts... hopefully the rocks are not everywhere? thanks any info. will help! bcbride--From what I have heard / read, the beach is rocky in some parts, but that there is a nice amount of clean beach there, as well. If that is a big concern for you, I would wait until a few more reviews trickle in, since the resort has opened (it looks like there are a couple members of this forum who will be there this month), and make your decision then. Check out the review that RoryS posted and the pics that Bianca posted...the resort looks great!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca Girls!!! What we have been waiting for!!! Pics of DPA! 100_0942 pictures from friends & fun photos on webshots THANKS BIANCA!! So cool that there are pics now...I had no idea that the sushi bar would be on the rooftop! Everything looks just great...I am anxious to see room pics, too, tho! YAY!!
  20. Welcome aaronsgirl! This forum has been a wonderful resource...I am sure you will enjoy being able to participate! FH and I are getting married the 2nd week of July... Blkatz - I have bathroom OCD too! Glad that you will be taking photos I will be anxious to hear what you think of PA as a town...shops, things to do, etc.
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