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Everything posted by nibsmom

  1. I think a luau sounds like an awesome idea! It's a great way to incorporate the culture. My wedding is in the early afternoon, and we were planning on doing a more formal reception and having a gap, but now I'm reconsidering. A lot of people who are coming to our wedding are not very extroverted - not dancers or partiers, really - so I'm not sure if people would really even want all that!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by TinaM2b CitrusBride, We are getting married July 11. We will be at the resort from Sunday the 5th through Thursday July 16th. We have been assigned Kalena Arroniz! I still have my TA (who also helps with the wedding planner) still being the middle person. As soon as it gets more detailed, I will go one on one with the WC. My TA says it sometimes speeds up the process if they are dealing with TAs. Let the planning get going!! I'm glad to hear someone else has Kalena. Maybe I should have my TA try to contact her - It's been a week since I emailed her and I still haven't gotten a response. Maybe my expectations are too high? I don't know...I just expect for emails and phone calls to be responded to within two or three days!
  3. Hmm...my wedding is at 1pm, so my schedule will probably be pretty different than yours kmac. I'm having an awful time deciding what I want to do for the schedule, since the wedding is so early. I've sent an email to my WC seeing if maybe there have been any cancellations and if there was a way we could move to a later time. We'll see. Speaking of WCs - has anyone had Kalena? A few months back, I was assigned Kalena because I wanted to make sure I had a particular gazebo....so I emailed and emailed and emailed her for almost a month and a half with no response. Finally, I called the resort, only to find out she was on vacation for several months, so I was temporarily assigned Maribel - who was awesome and responded to everything right away. So, as we get closer to the wedding, I've emailed Maribel asking her if she's my permanent WC now, and she responded that my assigned WC is Kalena. So....I emailed Kalena last Wednesday, but no reply. I'm really nervous about this and working with her...anyone have any experience with her? Or does anyone else have her too??
  4. I'm hoping all the swine flu stuff is over, at least for now! It's practically fallen out of the headlines, so we'll see what happens! I've heard maybe it will make a comeback in the fall - but hey, we'll be hitched by then!! Woot!!!
  5. Hmm...I would call the resort - I know the Moon Palace requires that THEY do all the translation. You can't get it done in advance from what I understand. So, that makes it pretty easy, I just bring all my paperwork down in english and they take care of everything. Of course, there's a charge, probably more than I would have to pay to have an outside party do it, but whatever...it's easier to just have them do it anyways! One less thing to worry about!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by TinaM2b I am getting very excited and very nervous! I am starting to go over thing after thing to make sure we have purchased everything! There are several of us all getting married the same week in July....... Ladies, it is gong to be here before we know it!! OMG. You're telling me. I'm starting to freak a bit!! My veil came in today though! It's beautiful! I got a birdcage veil, and I looove it!
  7. Ughhh...I'm glad I found this thread. I don't usually wear any make up at all, except for a little eyeliner on special occasions. I have no IDEA where to start with this. I was just going to go into Sephora and let them talk me into spending a lot of money. I'm worried about getting make up done by the resort! I went into one a few months ago and just sort of inquired, and they did recommend the HD make up, and said NO bare minerals! I better get on that soon!
  8. MP also told us there is a three day minimum, but our travel agent worked it and I have a few guests only staying for two. So, maybe something can be worked out for just one night. I was wondering about the rose petals as well...I would like to do a pink/orange color too!
  9. Camie! What an awesome review! Thanks for all the info and tips - I was wondering about a lot of that stuff!! And thank you for taking the time out of your vacation to take all those pictures! They look great! I'm so glad to hear that your WC was so nice and helpful. My WC is Kalena - I'm a little nervous about it. Hopefully she's just as wonderful!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by doblauvelt TinaM2be, Is the pressing of your dress part of the 2009 package? The 2010 packages don't say anything about pressing of the dress... do you know how much extra that'll be? Tonya Hey Tonya! I think I remember seeing somewhere on the Palace website that it's around 50 dollars. I'm hoping my dress doesn't get too wrinkly on the way down! On a lighter note - I've started having crazy dreams about the wedding. I've dreamt that I left my dress at home, or other important things...two nights ago I had a reoccuring nightmare that I kept missing my hair appointment! UGH! Only like 2.5 months to go...I hope I stop having crazy dreams!!
  11. My mom had mentioned getting a white dress at one point. I think she was just trying to think of ways to stay cool since we'll be in Mexico in July and it will be super hot. I just told her no right off the bat, and she understood. She did end up getting a white dress with pink and orange flowers on it - which I don't mind. As long as it's not solid white. Maybe this is the case with your MOTG?? If not, I definitely agree with having FI talk to her...
  12. Definitely! But I'm actually not too worried about it anymore...LOL. There are like 5 confirmed cases within 40 minutes of me, so I figure I'm way more likely to get it here than Cancun! LOL. Besides, I think what's going to happen is that it's going to die out with the coming of summer, then come back in the fall, so I'm hoping us July brides will be good to go!
  13. Yeah, the swine flu thing put things in a little perspective for me...I feel less stressed about all the things I need to do now and I'm just worrying about that. LOL. Right now, I'm feeling a little mad because everyone else within the 3 month mark at the MP got their WC contact, and I was told I needed to wait until 1 month....I'm just going to email and try to reserve stuff anyways! In my brochures, I put the following about customs: Don't forget your passport! You'll need it to get in and out of the country. Be sure to keep it in a safe place! On your way into Mexico, you'll be asked to fill out a customs declaration and immigration forms on the plane. These are mainly to make sure you are not bringing in illegal items or planning to move to Mexico permanently. For more information about these forms, check out: Mexican airport-customs and Mexican airport- immigration. These websites have detailed instructions on how to fill out these forms and what they look like. One will be your Mexican Tourist Card, which will be given back to you once you reach Mexico. Don't lose it! You'll need it to get back into the United States. That's all. I figured people who don't travel a lot would be most freaked out by these forms...I know I was when I went to Jamaica last year!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by CindyMcGue Does the MP provide a cake cutter knife and toasting flutes, or should we bring our own? Hey Cindy! I know they will provide a cake cutting knife, but it's not fancy. I believe Betsy posted about the knife her in review of her wedding. I'm not sure about the toasting flutes though! Nina C.
  15. I agree with sgbrown - I would sit tight. I know my wedding isn't until July - so I'm not in the same boat as she is, but I think this is all worth waiting out. I know it's really hard not to panic, but remember that so far, not nearly as many people have been sickened by this flu as who are by the normal flu every year. It doesn't seem like there is much chance of the US/Mexico border being closed, and honestly, if it does continue to spread, you'll have as much of a chance of getting it here as you would in Mexico. Besides, there has been no flu activity in the Riviera Maya yet, that I'm aware of! The only thing that is going to stop me from going is if they close the border. Which I don't think will happen. The media is really sensationalizing all of this. I've just been trying to keep my guests in perspective by reminding them that this flu thing could go either way! I've talked with my TA who agrees there's no reason to cancel or postpone our trip, and there have been a few brides who are down in Cancun/Riviera Maya right now and have posted that everything is fine! I've started avoiding some of chitter chatter about the swine flu because it has a tendency to make me start panicking...and then I have to put myself back in perspective again. I'm just sticking to the news! Remember to keep all this in perspective, and I think you'll be fine!
  16. Hey momslehcar! Thanks for the tips! I feel better now about not having a dinner, I've been teetering on the fence about this one. It sounds like it was beautiful! I'll have to run the furniture by Matt. Would you mind sharing how much that furniture cost you?
  17. OOO! Camie! Have so much fun and beautiful wedding! I'm so excited for you!! I'm planning on bringing my laptop with us when we go to Mexico, in case I need to do any financial stuff and to check email and stuff. I probably won't blog or anything like that - I'm really bad about that kind of stuff. We can also spy on our dog via doggie cam at the doggie hotel he'll be at...so I know we'll be doing that a lot. We are already anticipating missing our little poochie! Yes, we are registered at honeymoonwishes.com, but thus far it's been a bust. No one has used it - only our other two traditional registries. We've had it up since like January!!
  18. Dang! I just looked at my contract and I don't get a WC until 30 days out! WAH! Leanna, I contacted the resort to request a specific gazebo. I would just tell your WC which one you want!
  19. Ugh! I can't even begin to think of lists of done/to do still...every time I try to I get so overwhelmed. I really need to though - we are getting so close!! It sounds like you have it under control Cassandra!
  20. That is SOOO adorable. I just got my cake topper from Keren in the mail last week - it was so gorgeous! I agree with you, her work is great, and her prices are reasonable. I love the hedgehogs. I think they are sooo cute - what an original idea!!!
  21. Regarding the swine flu - I am going to hang in and wait to see what happens. For those of us who have few months to go, I think waiting to see how bad this gets in the next few weeks will be important, but I'm not going to panic yet. I don't really see a reason to - there's a lot of precautionary stuff going on, but nothing is definite! I know it's going to take A LOT more than a flu to keep me from my dream wedding dangit!!! mrseddy - I know a lot of people have brought their own table decorations, and I know you get rent them for a reasonable price too. I'm not planning on bringing anything - I think the natural backdrop will be beautiful enough! If I really decide I want candles or something, I will probably rent them through MP - I don't want to deal with customs and how heavy my bags will be. I'm a weakling. I know a couple who brought a bunch of stuff down for their wedding decorations, and then on the way back ended up having to pay tariff on all of it because they didn't have receipts stating it was already theirs, so be sure to bring receipts if you do bring something down with the intention of bringing it back!
  22. Oh! It is soooo cute! I just got one of these made from a different seller - but I love these kinds of cake toppers! Your dress looks gorgeous, and I love the dog!!
  23. Oh Camie, what a PITA. I'm sorry your guests are being crazy! You would think people would realize how far away Cancun is from Mexico City. I say just use safe precautions and you all should be fine! Matt and I were talking about this yesterday because his parents were freaking out about it - luckily our wedding is two and a half months out yet... Good luck with this - I hope all your guests decide they can face a little flu for you!
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