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Everything posted by mrsbancroft2be

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by BeautifulBridetoBe FI and are planning a dramatic Argentine Tango...the dance of passion... think Antonio Banderas with that girl in the black dress in that movie...oh, what's it called? The one where he teaches street kids to dance? We want to make it intense and theatrical. We are going to wear white masks and I am changing into a short, slant cut white dress. We have chosen an R&B song to dance to...let's hope it all goes well! Perhaps you should consider dance lessons? Depending on when your wedding is, you can begin soon and learn a few social ball room dances...cha-cha or swing...just the basic steps can help you choreograph something fabulous... We are going to be doing the tango dance from True Lies and then changing half way through to a salsa dance. It is going to be so much fun. My questions to you is, when you change out of your wedding dress into a smaller dress are you going to put your wedding dress back on after the dance or are you just going to finish the night out with the short fun dress? I am debating this because I feel like I should get my money out of my wedding dress, but at the same time our dance would look so much better with a short sexy number on.
  2. I am looking for a song for the processional that is fun and will set the mood for the rest of the night. Any suggestions? So far I have: -I'm a believer -walking on Sunshine -Wouldn't it be nice I would really like to use the song celebration but my sister used it in her wedding a few years back
  3. I had the same issue, I went dress shopping with my mom and two sisters and it was HELL. I thought they were all just fine (Big white dresses are not really my thing) My mom and sisters had to tell me which one (out of the 100+ that I tried on) was "The One" When I got my dress it came in too big and I was not very excited about it, I guess it is growing on me but I dont get those butterfly feelings about it. I still have not had my fitting, so hopefully that will help. But really I don't think dress shopping is for everyone!
  4. I am getting married in 5 weeks and I still have members of my bridal party waiting to get that last minute deal. They assured me that they are coming so I am leaving it in their hands. As for other guests, I still have about 10 people who are not sure if they will come or not. I personally am one of those people who wait until the last minute for travel so I understand but it is hard to plan without hard numbers. I figure everything will work out in the end!
  5. We are doing the same thing! Every Thursday we are taking two hours of salsa and tango lessons. No one knows what we are doing, nor will they expect it. Our dance teacher is going to choreograph a dance that starts off with a tango (using the song from the movie True Lies) and then half way through switch to salsa. My FI and I are working on staying off each others feet and having a great time doing it.
  6. My FI and I met with our pastor this weekend to start our counciling. At first I wasn't very into the idea because I did not think we needed counciling, we have been together for 2 1/2 years and we are eachothers best friends. After the first part of our counciling I noticed it was not about getting to know one another, it was more about how god plays a role in our marriage and life once we have kids etc. I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of it, we still have one more weekend to go and I am actually looking forward to it.
  7. I just made my final list of things to do and I am getting so excited!!* As of yesterday we have 78 people coming and still have a week to go before I have to stick my mom on the call list to see if we will have any others joining us.* My FI and I are meeting with our pastor this weekend to start our marriage counciling, I am a little nervous about that one!* We have been dating for three years but I am sure we will find out things about eachother that we did not know. And last but not least I need to post all of my DIY projects and my dress and everything else I have done as of now that pertains to my wedding on this site so I can hopefully help some other lost bride to be out there with some ideas.
  8. Hello all- I have not been posting to this thread but I have been looking at it for motivation. Over the last two weeks I have been really trying hard to work out and have been very successful. Unfortunately I am on vacation with my entire family in Hawaii and we are over indulging in food and more than anything else alcohol. I only have 6.5 weeks left and now I still need to lose the marms (man arms) any suggestions? (And I know I should give up the alcohol but I really only have 2 days left with the fam.)
  9. I bought all of my ring bearers (4) old navy sandals for 1.99 a piece. I could not find a good pair for my FI so we finally went to the walking company and got a great pair of sandals for the wedding (they were expensive but I know he will wear them later! (I hope anyway))
  10. Thank Goddness For Mom's they really know how to get things done.
  11. I am in the same boat, as of right now I have 22 people confirmed but I know there are about 50 other people out there that have not yet sent back the rsvp card. I am hoping one of these days I will get them back and I can start making all of my goodies.
  12. Jenny K- The JW is a beautiful place. Are you getting married at the gazebo?
  13. I did check out zappos but there are so many to choose from I can't make up my mind. So I have decided to put that mission on hold and find little shirts for my ring bearers (I have 4) I am going to check out the forum and see if anyone has posted outfits for little boys. Is anyone else completely overwhelmed with this stuff? I thought getting married in a different country would make it easier on me but I guess I thought wrong! Oh well I am looking on the bright side, the more I have to worry about the less time I have to veg at night in front of the TV. Saludos y Suerte a todos!
  14. I think we have decided to have a people meet on Thursday night at the sports bar in the CasaMagna. We are not inviting all of our guests to the rehersal dinner on Friday so I feel we need to welcome our guests somehow. I think we will do it after dinner so we don't have to pay for food and just front the bill for drinks. Does everyone have shoes for bridesmaids? Mine have fuschia dresses and I can not find shoes anyone have any ideas? or good websites to look at?
  15. I have booked Vanessa for my wedding and my FI and I are very excited. I am looking at Juan Salcedo to do our video but he is having troubles sending me a sample of the work he does. Has anyone worked with Juan before? If so I would love to hear about it. Thanks
  16. Wow you sound like you have it all put together. I wish I could say the same. I am too embarrassed to write my to do list on the forum, everyone would laugh. Oh well I work best under pressure. Are you going to have a welcome dinner or cocktail hour for your guests when most of them arrive? I am debating whether or not to have one.
  17. Here is a centerpiece I put together. I would love it if someone had any advice on how to make it better. Our colors are pink and orange.
  18. Does anyone have a way to get rid of MARMS (man arms)? Up until a year ago I had toned arms but all of the sudden I grew arms that I can not get rid of. I am lifting weights and doing cardio but that is not helping, does anyone have any suggestions?
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