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Everything posted by mrsbancroft2be

  1. Abbie- I thought my FI would never think of taking dance lessons either but he really surprised me. I did all of the research before I asked him about it you know, time, dates, how many people would be in the class and the possiblity of having private lessons etc. I say figure out the details and then just mention it, hey it never hurts to ask!
  2. Good luck!! Everything will be great, have a margarita for all of us who are still waiting to get hitched!
  3. I am not staying with my FI until we are officially married, that means I will be staying with my parents for 4 days prior to the wedding. Yippe!! I think it will be worth it though!
  4. Yes I dyed them myself and I was very nervious the first time I took them out and left them to dry they turned out streaky!!!* I did not really want to buy new shirts (since I was going tohave to buy 4 of them) so I put them back in the dye and they turned out great the second time.* A word of advice for anyone that is thinking about dying clothes, look at the fabric and make sure there is not over 65% polyester because that does not work.* I tried to dye a flower girl basket and it did not work!
  5. Here is mine! I am only going to use it on my oot coolers and I used it on my pre-wedding brochures.
  6. I just got through my second fitting and here are the pictures of my dress. I posted them on my planning thread but I figured I should post it here too!
  7. So I just received my flower girl dresses and I love them. They match the BM dresses perfectly! I also finished dying the flower boy's shirts orange (although it took three different attempts) I also had my second fitting on my dress and I think she made it toooo tight. I can get it zipped but am I going to be able to breath for 9 hours ( I am still debating)
  8. Ohhh, salsa. So the FI and I had our first 3 dance lessons and everything went well we have the tango part of our dance down!! But then we moved on to Salsa and the FI found out this feet don't move like they need to. Oh no so we are still working on it but we may need to change our whole idea of what we wanted to do for our first dance
  9. I printed directly on my envelopes and it worked out great! If you do this make sure you buy extra envelopes because my printer jammed up a lot. But all in all it was worth it, because it turned out great!
  10. Wow your pictures are amazing. You look great! What a great idea with the picture in the pool, very fun!
  11. Thanks for your very kind comments and for all of your help!! Once I have more pictures I will post them. I am really getting excited to see how everything comes together on my wedding weekend. It is coming up way tooooo quick!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM You look beautiful & I really like your invitations. We also want to design our own invites & take them to a local printer so it's nice to see how nice they can turn out! It is the easiest thing we did, although it did take some time to put all of the bows on. We had the idea and the lady the print shop helped us put it all together and we ended up saving about $800 doing them ourselves.
  13. Thanks I am finally begining to feel like a bride, when I first got it I thought it was too formal and huge but now I think it is just right.
  14. We bought silk pants and shirts (ones that look like Tommy Bahama shirts) at Mens Warehouse and they seem to be fairly light weight. And they were not that expensive. My FI is going to be the only one wearing a jacket everyone else is just wearing the pants and short sleeve shirts, I dont know if that could be an option to make your groom stand out
  15. I am going to be using Vanessa Vargas. Her prices are very reasonable and I love her work. The only thing that made me nervous was she only had one review on this web site. Oh well I love her work she has posted on her web site. VANESSA VARGAS PHOTOGRAPHY
  16. Ok I am back with more of my stuff. So I just got done with my first fitting so I can actually post a picture of my dress that is big enough to see. Here are the invitations I had made at my local print shop and saved a ton of money! here are the pre wedding brochures I made (thanks to this forum, I love to cut and paste!) http://i542.photobucket.com/albums/g...e/Slide2-1.jpg These turned out better than I expected when I got them back from the print shop! I love them they just look soooo professional. Here is the bouquet I want (hopefully it will turn out as pretty as this picture) Here are the centerpieces that I want. I will be taking down the candleholders and the florist will add the flowers. http://i542.photobucket.com/albums/g...e/IMG_0006.jpg I will be having 3 flowergirls and 4 flowerboys so i made these little baskets for the flower petals. I am still waiting on my OOT bags to get here. Instead of using a real bag, I decided to get some small black soft coolers that hold a six pack of beer perfectly. They are getting embroidered and I hope to get them soon! I will post a picture when it comes. My flower girl dresses are still a mystery. I have already sent back two different styles because I can not find one that fits the event. The flower boys will have orange guayabera shirts (once I dye them) and khakis I will post a picture of those later as well. That is it for now, I will be back with more goodies! Thanks for all of your help during this process!
  17. With exactly one month from today, I am finally going to start my planning thread. Here is what I came up with so far. First thing I did after we got engaged was found a dress (If you cant see these I will upload bigger ones later) http://i542.photobucket.com/albums/g...2be/dress2.jpg http://i542.photobucket.com/albums/g...2be/dress1.jpg Then we sent out these save the dates postcards: Then off to the planning part of the event what were the bridesmaids going to wear. I had an issue because some of my bridesmaids are small and then my matron of honor will be 7 months pregnant so I found something that would work for everone! Once I found the dresses we decided on having the color theme of dark pink and orange. So I came up with these invitations that I had printed at our local print shop and ended up being very cheap to make (I will post it later, did not realize it was sooo late I need to get to work!)
  18. My FI and I are going to be getting legally married on Friday night during our rehersal by a Mexican Judge (which will be short and sweet) and then we are having our real ceremony with our pastor from home on Saturday afternoon. As of now, it looks like it will work great!
  19. You found the right site! Let me tell you if you can not find it here,it does not exist!
  20. We saw that one too but he is wearing a beige suite so the white is going to be too bright, bummer
  21. So my FI wants to wear a tie, and I think it is a great idea. Unfortunately we have spent all day looking for a dang orange and pink tie. Does anyone have any suggestions, where should we be looking?
  22. I am getting soooo nervious! We have our rings, a pastor, all of the paperwork done, my OOT bags done and now I am just waiting to do my dress fitting (but my seamstress said it would only take 2 weeks to fit perfect) Can you believe it is finally here? Five weeks from today I will be legally married and then five weeks from tomorrow spiritually married. I am so excited I can not wait. I am a little nervious about the entire reception and how that is going to go down but besides that I can not wait!!@!!!!!
  23. I am getting soooo nervious! We have our rings, a pastor, all of the paperwork done, my OOT bags done and now I am just waiting to do my dress fitting (but my seamstress said it would only take 2 weeks to fit perfect) Can you believe it is finally here? Five weeks from today I will be legally married and then five weeks from tomorrow spiritually married. I am so excited I can not wait. I am a little nervious about the entire reception and how that is going to go down but besides that I can not wait!!@!!!!!
  24. I was thinking about starting a thread like this, how funny. I am in the same boat Danniellou, I really want to get this done but I am nervious. I dont really care about the pain as much as how uncomfortable I would feel with someone I dont know looking around "down under" Does anyone else feel this way?
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