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Everything posted by misstrae76

  1. Have a wonderful trip! Thats is sooo exciting! Can't wait to see pics and the review!
  2. Great Pics! I'm gettin so excited and its still over a year away!
  3. There a quite a few that brides on here have used... Check this thread out http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t32174
  4. Welcome to the forum! Have fun! Congrats!
  5. COngrats!!! The pics are beautiful!! I think i will be going with Micheal myself!
  6. I was part of a wedding this summer and I was one of the maid of honors and our other best friend was a matron of honor (she was married). I think its a great idea!
  7. Welcome welcome!! Happy planning!
  8. I use to wear croc style shoes but they were so light on my feet that sometimes I wouldn't pick my feet up high enough and I would stumble! Comfy but i would look like a fool sometimes! I use to wear nikes but b/c of the bodily fluids we come into contact with they had to be leather uppers. The last 2 yrs though I have switched to Danskos and they are pretty comfy. They come in tons of different styles and colors. I have the maryjane ones. But remember when you first start wearing them ease into them , they take a while to break in. Bring a different pair of shoes to work and switch em!
  9. COngrats and happy planning!! Lots and lots of info on here!
  10. How exciting to my fellow Canuck!!!! Have fun!! Can't wait for pics and the review!
  11. welcome welcome!! Plenty of info and wonderful people here! Not to mention very addicting and lots and lots of reading! Happy planning!
  12. Hey Sam, Welcome to the forum! The more you browse the site and read posts the more you will learn. There is tons of info in here and im sure a lot of your questions will be answered! I have recently started myself and still trying to navigate! My advice as a 'noob'...keep reading gurl! Oh and use the search feature. It's great! Happy planning!
  13. Welcome to the forum! You will find tons of info , pics and almost anything DW related on this site...and beware...it's quite addicting! And use the search tool for specific info you are lookin for...happy reading and planning!
  14. I use mywedding.com as well. I loved it b/c I was able to actually upload my engagement video on it so that definately was a plus for me and not to mention the Free aspect of it!
  15. I have yet to get a TA I have family and friends from Canada and US so I am still tryin to figure out what the easiest way to do it. I was thinking that it was a lil too early yet since they told me nothing was going to be out till Feb 09 as for wedding packages at the ROR So yes if you don't mind can you email them to me! I took a little break in the resort stuff since there really was nothing to work with as for prices but now Im am soooo excited!! [email protected] Thanks Sam!!
  16. oops thanks Angela! Where did I get Amanda from! LOL!
  17. Hey there, we are planning for April 2010 but I had emailed ROR and they had said that no packages will be available till Feb 2010. Did your TA get that from ROR?
  18. Hey there Amanda, do you mind emailing them to me as well! [email protected] Thanks!
  19. congrats!! We are getting married there too but in April 2010! Did you book the wedding package already? Welcome to the forum!
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