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Everything posted by Christinamaria22

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 Thanks you very much for that information that is very helpful to know that they are will to do that!!!!! Thats for sure!!!!!!!!! That makes it soooooo much easier!!!!!!!!!!!! We just need to get the people to begin the process........... 250 cups minus 60 for us but we would both do 50 so minus 100 150 to gooooooooo............
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Riley I really like the starfish logo! Would you be interested in going in on these cups??
  3. your awesome... why didnt i think of that lol.......... well i think it will work out! I am crossing my fingers!
  4. Yah that and the double palm tree is my fav so far... everytime i post it it gets smaller.. I cant figure out why
  5. Outdoorgirl and I are looking for some more Punta Cana brides to possibly go in with us on ordering the color changing monogramed cups... I have a thread in Dominican Republic Thread as well with some possible monograms... we are easy to work with ... if your interested check it out!
  6. I hate taking medications... I feel that it really leaves you vulnerable for other things s now im kinda ugh!
  7. I have watched this a couple of times too is precious!
  8. Well I think that they always recommend black for the print and then I would like to get the assorted frosted ones...... have you seen tara tvt cups when they were all done...... she got the assorted and they looked prettty nice would that be okay or do you want a set color?........ I would just have to make the font a little bigger it didnt post too well.... I am playing around with a couple of more ones and then hopefully other will like to join us.......
  9. To all you moms and moms to be.... I just bought my daughter like 10 pieces of clothing for next winter for about 50 dollars online......... HUGE SALE.... Just letting you all know
  10. This is one logo I am working on for the cups........have to make it a little bigger I think
  11. OK well let us know... We will be putting Punta Cana, Dominican Republic on them there will be no date or resort because we have to buy in bulk and they will only do one logo for the cups....
  12. If you dont mind if your towels are not monogramed I found these I am getting.... they are per dozen so about 4 dollars a beach towel I am getting one of the two... hope this helps someone Jaquard Beach Towels Wholesale and Retail the polka dots ones or Cabana Stripe Beach Towels Retail and Wholesale
  13. Yah I am doing that when i come back.. I am in the same boat my mom is like asking me did you invite him or her and why AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! !!!! So I decided to just send a picture of us on the wedding day to the family I did not invite and said we were married in a private ceremony.......
  14. I asked another DR bride waiting for her to reply.......... I am going to ask the other girls who did this how they payed for it all together............ In the mean time I PM you let me know about the logo and we can start figuring taht out......
  15. so you contacted your doctor and specified you wanted something for malaria or you just let them know your travel and they recommended it?
  16. I am purchasing mine from here Handmade Raffia Fans BULK [Raffia Wedding Fans Bulk Cheap] : Wholesale Wedding Supplies, Discount Wedding Favors, Party Favors, and Bulk Event Supplies
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Inked1 I like the first option, though if you are having a hard time deciding how about just get the eternity band for now and if you end up really wanting your ring reset; bam!; instant anniversary gift! I think that is what I will do... I like the whole BAM anniversary gift....... I will take my time and find the RIGHT one........
  18. WOW... This is kind of a damper on things... I mean everyone knows where ever they may travel has risks of picking up a health issue but actually needing to take medication... How many people who have traveled to DR actually taken this medication?? Do you have to take this pill everyday that your at the DR??
  19. Yah thats the problem I have seen the setting on ( not the exact one) a similar one but it was just a setting... I have never actually seen this setting on with a diamond and I am worried but every place I go does not have that type so I am just stuck
  20. well heres the thing he knew I wanted a setting but he couldnt decide so he just brought me the princess cut that I wanted and when he propsed he told me that I can do whatever I want leave it as a solitare or re set it......... so now is the time i am deciding.......
  21. Do you think #2 setting will take away from the diamond?? Ugh girls I have been debating for months now lol.... He thinks I am crazy men just dont understand!
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