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Everything posted by Ayita

  1. Found this : Washing Methods If you’re not using hot water and hot air to wash you’re bedding than all you are doing is giving the dust mites and/or bedbugs that live in you’re bedding a bath. The only reliable way to remove and inactivate pests and allergens, is to use hot water above 60c / 140f and then dry in hot air. Another method for removing dust mites from bedding is supplemental rinsing. After a warm water wash, put the bedding through 2 cold water rinses, this has proven to help remove most allergens including pet dander and pollen. The problems associated with supplemental rinses include using 2-3 times the amount of water as a single hot water wash and the trade off in costs between heating a single hot water wash and using 2-3 times the quantity of fresh water. The most important aspect of hot water versus cold water is effectiveness. While a hot water wash has proven to remove all dust mites, a warm water, 40c / 104f, wash removes only 6.5% of dust mites. While a hot water wash will kill all dust mites and inactivate the allergens generated by dust mites, only a hot air drying cycle for an extended period of time, over 40 minutes , will kill bedbugs. Bedbugs are larger and hardier than dust mites. They can survive much more extreme environments and conditions, and so can their eggs. Putting ALL bedding through a hot air drying cycle will desiccate ( dry out ) any live bedbugs or eggs that survive the hot water wash. Bedbugs or their eggs cannot survive the extended high heat and will die. From here : How to Choose and Wash Bedding for Maximum Protection from Allergens, Dust mites and Bedbugs A lot of other sources say the same. Hot water should be used to kill bacteria and mites, as well as allergens in general. For instance : How to Get Rid of Dust Mites How to Kill Dust Mites Dust Mites: Everything You Might Not Want To Know!!! Allergens:House-dust mite and insect pests | Surviving Allergy Enjoy - specially the ones with the pics haha !
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Debs Oh ya, I leave our guest bed without sheets at all, just the comforter over for looks. Then when guests come over I put fresh sheets on so they can SMELL that they are fresh! I do that too
  3. I'm not good at this ! I change them usually every other week, like, I look at the bed and I think "ewwww" meaning it's already too late lol ! Always hot water though ! The hot water from here is actually not hot enough for me. With the top load machines, you can only chose "hot", "warm" and "cold. With front load you can chose the temprature, and I learnt since I'm a child that you should "boil" (ie use 90 degrees C / 210 F water) all body cloth - towels, linens, etc - to kill germs, get rid of little skin particules, etc. When I purchase linens of towels I always make sure I can use at least 60 degrees C water - ie 150 Fahrenheit. My next household investment will be a front load machine, for this and the happiness of finally not tearing my shirt apart with the nasty central stuff in the machine !
  4. These are not really drinks, but why not some little bottles of 5-hour energy ?
  5. My resort did so many awesome things that it will be difficult to remember them all ! Let's try by chronological order : - they were worried about the color of the drinks following the ceremony. They wanted them to be the color of my choice ! - every night, when they came to open the bed, they left some little pastries for us on the bed - they let us use their 20 tikki torches for free and they set them along the pool and in the garden, not only the night of the wedding, but also the night of the welcome drinks - they took pictures of the welcome drinks and the wedding and made a CD with 200 pics that they gave us as a wedding gift !!!! - of course they decorated our room with swans and petals the night of the wedding and they gave us the pink centerpieces to decorate our room and our parents' rooms. they actually asked before what I wanted to do with them and I left them the lillies and orchids centerpieces - when my parents said they wanted to change rooms since the second Master Suite was free (guests not coming because of swine flu), they told them it was on them and did not ask for the price complement - I had about 6 rooms no-show and my contracts specified I was responsible for the no-shows. When I came in to pay for the remaining 50%, they said they would not ask me to pay for it. - I had 10 guests no-show. They recomputed all the charges for dinner, brunch and open bar with the number of guests that were here, even though I had pre-paid for it and my contracts said I was responsible for no-show - They allowed the guests that still wanted to come later (they had just cancelled because of swine flu) to rebook later with no additional charge, even though I had special discount for the wedding. - Some waiters stayed up until 4 in the morning so that we had a bar running at all times !!!!! What can I say. amazing.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by DarcyJAde I appreciate the different perspective Kelly. You are partly right, she is super stress out with school. That's why I haven't asked her for much. After our heart to heart, she said some things that hurt me. I told her I noticed our friendship had changed since I got engaged, to which she replied " sorry you didn't notice that it had changed before that." ? Ok, guess I hadn't noticed, thanks for telling me though. Also, she made a point to say I bring my FI everywhere and she feels like a 3rd wheel (which I would understand) however, she says we are the ONLY couple she hangs with that make her feel that way. That is completely not true. We are not a PDA type of couple, and my FI is super friendly and talks to everyone. Plus, we all work together so I though we were all friends. AND I swear I didn't always bring him along, but if I did and apparently it bothered her why didn't she ever say anything until I brought it up? Well, it sounds like she is hurt by something, although she does not really tell you what... It also sounds like she resent you (not as a person, maybe more as a couple). I am going to ask a dumb question here, but did you ask her if she wanted to be your BM ? I mean, asked her again if she really wanted to be in your party after hearing all this ? If not I would actually provoke a conversation again. Tell her some words hurt you and you don't understand them, make her talk and try to understand exactly what is it that makes her think "your friendship changed" or you're the only couple making her feel like a third wheel. And then if you see it's going too far, ask her again - if she really wants to be in your party, given all that she's feeling ? Hint : I took this awesome training on communication where I learnt a trick : in order to make people talk, try not to ask questions. Repeat what they say and let them develop. For instance, you can start by repeating what she said about your friendship. Then repeat it in a different way. Works much better than asking questions where you could put your own feelings/thoughts in.
  7. Well, I see your point, and I see his point. He says he does not want this to be "wedding part III". At first, I wanted to go somewhere and have drinks with everybody, but it turns out "everybody" is 70 people and I know no place that would welcome us all... Also, if we don't do this, the whole week is gonna be having drinks with people to celebrate - because people want to celebrate with us - so instead of being a cocktail, once and for all, it will be like a whole week of going having drinks and celebrate ! That would be more a "wedding part III" to me... well now, it turns out the places i wanted to do it in are all closed... not helping...
  8. Welcome ! I need to get back on the diet, baaaad. I have fallen off the wagon since my wedding ! First the wedding, then the honeymoon, then whatever, I put back 10 lbs Need to get back on !
  9. I got engaged a little over a year after arriving in Houston. All my family is in France, as well as my friends. I do have 2 or 3 friends here in Houston, but not so close as to come with me dress shopping. And I had only 6 months anyway ! So I went dress-shopping alone. Each time, I asked the sales person to take pics of me, or even mini-videos with my camera for the ones I liked best. If pics were not allowed, I was taking them in the changing cabin. But even in these places the vendors were sensitive to the fact that my mom could nto be there with me - and I must say, because my name is Muriel, I felt a lot like Muriel's wedding - that poor chick taking pics or herself in wedding dresses even though she was not going to get married, saying it was for her mom that was sick ! Lol. It made me laugh. Anyway, I posted the pics and the videos on a share site and sent the link to my BM and my mom to see. Once I narrowed it down to 5 dresses, one of the girls (the wife of DH's best man) came with me to see them in person. We narrowed it down to 2. Then I chose myself. I enjoyed the experience even though I felt sad at times. But I liked trying on dresses, and being able to make my own selection without being influenced by others. The shared site allowed me to share anyway ! what you could do is start by yourself, and once you have narrowed it down to 5 or 10, plan a fun week-end where you have your mom/friends come over...
  10. So we got married legally in the US in February, and the wedding itself was in May in Mexico. Most of my friends from France could not come - because of kids, lack of vacation, budget, etc. So I'll be in France in august and want to throw a cocktail to have a drink with those who could not come. That would be my "AHR" even though technically, it's still a destination stuff. Anyway, DH does not see the point... for him, we're married, it's done. We had a first, a second wedding ceremony, people culd not come, c'est la vie. I'm trying to explain it's just a 2-3 hours cocktail, have a drink with friends to celebrate ! But he says : yeah, and you need a place, and booze, and food... it's all the same ! In the end, he'll do what I want to do, but it will be more to please me or at best to avoid a lengthy discussion. I don't want to have him see this as a burden or something useless that he'll just have to bear with me... Not sure I will be able to convince him here
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek the dad was a famous lawyer that was on the oj case. Kim is supposedly famous for the sextape she made with Rayjay. i guess its kind of like the Hiltons. OK thanks I always wondered !! I had never heard of them before coming to the US...
  12. I'm sorry but I have to ask - was it the show that made the Kardashian famous ? Or were the famous before and somebody decided to make a show ?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan hahaha I gave you a rep point & wrote "what color am I." It wasn't a negative one though. Hey I noticed something today. Even though I received only 6 cards, I have 29 points of reputation ! So trying to do the maths : 4 green + 2 blue = 29, how much is worth each card ? Well I can only find answers with halves ! Like green = 6.5 and blue = 1.5 for instance. Or, I have more than 6 cards and I only started to notice the cards later in time... hence my thinking that the 2nd and 3rd were blue for me. So maybe there is a pattern ? [Play] 4th dimension music [/Play]
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by zethers We had our 1 1/2 year old and 6 year old nephew carry them through the beach!! We didn't think about using fake rings, that propably would have been a good idea, haha, too late, but we did think ahead and had them tied down in case they tripped with them. I bought a large clam, hot glued a starfish to the clam, and then glued a ribbon to the starfish and knotted the rings around the ribbon. It was really cute, and appropriate for a beach wedding. Ayita-A sombrero!! How cute!! Never thought of that one. I used one of these mini-sombreros that you can buy for nothing in the streets of Playa, or 5$ online in most party stores, and sowed some additional wired ribbon to it. We tied the rings very tight !!! And had planned for scissors to cut the ribbons
  15. So the other day, I receive a little notification on my BB - upgrade for the latest version of FB ! OK why not, I'm at immigration anyway, only this to do... I download the new version, 1.6, the BB asks to reboot. I reboot... and nothing. The application is in my list of apps, but no icon... I try several times, download it from facebook, from blackberry, from T mobile... Delete, download, reboot, ok'ed the replacements when I did not delete the prior version before downloading again... nothing. I log on forums and learn that lots of people are in the same case - just because the new FB 1.6 is not compatible with the BB operating software OS 2 !!! On which I am... and that I cannot change because it's company ! So I find the link to download the FB 1.5 again... the BB says the install is successful... but still no icon !!! So here I am... I do not manage to find the anterior versions of FB for BB (the 1.4.1. or anterior) so I'm stuck ! Booh ! that sucks ! If anyone has the link to download a prior version of FB for BB, I take it !!!
  16. First of all .... I see there's a K&G in charlotte, you have to try there first !!! they have lots of linens. Some store carry boys suits, others not - visit your local store. Second : try Gap. this is where I got the linens for my RB... so cute. Not online though... only in the stores ! Otherwise, generally try your local stores... this is how I found DH's pink linen suit for only 80$... I went on Stacy Adams site and select "store locator"... went to one of them, they had tons of linens for men and boys... really cool stuff. Stacy Adams Store Locator Here are some links for white suits online... not sure all linen but cool suits for sure : The Sean Ivory Tuxedo Boys Suit Childrensalon Beige Linen Pinstripe Boys Suit Childrensalon Boys 5-Piece White, Ivory, or Black Suit White Boys Suit - 5 Piece Suit Amazon.com: Boy Suits: Apparel Product Detail: BS102W : THE BOYS WHITE SUIT® IN REGULAR SIZES Product Detail: BS103W : THE BOYS WHITE SUIT® IN HUSKY SIZES Zoot Suit Store: Stacy Adams Zoot Suit Store: Stacy Adams | Flash Collection, Inc Amazon.com: Gino Formal Suit Set White for Boys From Baby to Teen: Apparel Amazon.com: Gino First Communion and Wedding Suit Set White for Boys: Apparel
  17. My RB was of course much more interested in the sand than in the rings. In the end, his mother carried the rings along the aisle (she actually had to stay with him or he would not have come down at all ), and my parents held on to the ring-sombrero until time came... then they called my RB (he was somewhere playing), and there he came, picked up the sombrero, and gave it to me very nicely. That was cute and nothing got lost.
  18. So do you guys have favourites ? (May not be the best dancers... just faves...) I really love Melissa... hope she'll win the whole thing ! And I think Kayla is an mazing dancer. For the guys - my faves are Ade and Vitolio. Granted, Evan and Philip are awesome too, but they are a little "limited" to me. Maybe I don't watch the show witht he same eyes like you girls ! It's my first season. DH was really into it and got me to watch this year. Last year we were not living together so... did not get to watch, and the year before I was not even in the States yet ! So it might make me see this differently. Although I do agree that the singin performances suck and Mary is annoying ! I also really don't like this choerographer (forgot his name) with the red hat, that got 2 awesome couples to the bottom 3 last week... seriously, do the judges realized that maybe, the choreographer is the guy to blame here ? His routines were annoying and not doing anything to make the dancers shine... no winder they end up bottom 3 even thought they are quality dancers !
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I heard that too and was like "Oops I guess he's not going home." Then I thought maybe I read into it and she just meant since Asuka is going home, she and Vitolio would be separated whether he went home or not. Asuka's answer surprised me though. Were her and V starting to crush on one another? But I agree with everyone- it was time for Jonathon and Asuka to hit the road. They were not developing. At first she said she was not atracted to him, but soon it changed haha ! It seems that I'm the only one sad to see her leave... I liked her. Maybe because she comes from a Latin Dance background so I can identify (I myself have danced salsa for years, teaching, doing shows, etc... although not "ballroom" style, more "social" style). Anyway, it's kind of difficult, you have to chose and to keep the best... and it's true the others were better. Mary annoys me too, so much ! Yesterday I was commenting to DH (before reading this) that she looked so ugly because her nose was so small... he thought it was primarily her mouth but I told him, if her nose was not so small her mouth would not look like this !!! Lol.
  20. Your dress is absolutely amazing and looks perfect on you ! I know exactly how you feel. I have purchased my dress on the 7th day after I started looking. There were tons of dresses I loved, on the models, but then on me... there was a shortlist of 3 only. After I purchased my dress, I unfortunately saw a lot of dresses here and elsewhere, and I DID go and try some more (specially some Maggie Sottero that I thought looked amazing). Well, it only made me feel better about the dress I had chosen. Some of them were nice, but never nicer than the one I had picked (at best, they were as nice). I was happy to have tried them on, it left me with no regrets. I did end up with two dresses anyway, because I purchased a $99 David's Bridal for my TTD. So it kind of took the crave for a second dress away Why don't you do this... find a really cheap one for your TTD, that would look like the Maggie Sotteros you look at... My TTD dress was not AT ALL similar to my wedding dress and I was so happy to have both !!! At DB's I had to wait for a while before the dress I had picked came back in stock in my size (they have returns all the time so you should not desperate if the dress yu like is not instock when you first find it)... I monitored every day ! It was worth the wait You have a lot of time to pick a TTD dress. And a lot of sales coming up. So I say, satisfy your crave with a TTD dress !
  21. Happy wedding MarieSam ! I hope your wedding is as amazing, if not more, than all the beautiful weddings of all the brides that you helped on DBW and elsewhere ! Have a blast !
  22. First of all, know that communication is often hard with WC. My hotel first told me they did not have one, then they had one, we started, then she quit, then I started with an external one, then the hotel got a new one, I had to resend her everything that had been agreed with both the external and the former internal WC... irritant, loss of time, stressing... but not unusual unfortunately. At least, you get answers !!!! It's not the case of all brides so look at the bright side As regards the ceremony : personally I had actually never thought of NOT having either a minister, or a friend, do our (symbolic) ceremony. I wanted something professional and moving. I am surprised to read that WC actually sometimes perform ceremonies... I would never have asked. Anyway... if your WC has never done one... well maybe you don't want to take the risk and it's better to ask a friend ! Ot try other ministers eventually. Mine cost only $300 (not 400).
  23. I also only got about 1/3 RSVP ! Even the email did not work. I just assumed no RSVP = No. Well, turned out it was not always the case even if it was in majority true ! Had I known, I would actually have mentioned it in my email, so that everybody is clear on this...
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