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Everything posted by Ayita

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by swankster77 This is awesome - thanks for sharing! What type of ceremony did you have in Mexico? Was it the legal or symbolic? I am having a hard time knowing what order things are going to be happening... I wonder if it's different for each officiant or if they follow a standard? Symbolic. Did you have a look in the script thread ? You will find a lot of scripts that will help you see in what order things happen ! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-script-21660/ Also you should try and contact your officiant in order to obtain a copy of what he or she thinks of doing - because you should be able to customize to your liking.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe Thank you for sharing. it's very detailed! Looks like you two had a wonderful ceremony It was awesome. for me it was the most important part - so I spent a lot of time on it !
  3. I am attaching here the script that we did. All the parts that are in French are followed by an English translation so you can figure out what is said. There are a lot of French-speaking parts so you can cherry pick ! Attachment 4929 I also attach the program that has all of the readings and song lyrics translated. This might help, too. The program has a weird lay-out because it was intended to be printed recto-verso and folded in half. Attachment 4930 Special ceremony bilingual with translation of French parts and notes and comments.doc Program to share.pdf
  4. I think I never shared our script ! We did a ceremony that was entirely bilingual - French and English. The idea was that people that would understand only one language would hear a whole cohesive ceremony, but people who would understand both would hear no repeat. Hereunder is the ceremony as if it had been entirely in English. It's longer because originally, some paragraphs are in French... I include the English translation of the French poem (we translated all readings in both languages in our program). Special Ceremony Good afternoon. Today we meet in nature, surrounded by the beautiful ocean and blue sky. On behalf of the bride and groom, I extend a heartfelt welcome to the many loved ones who have travelled huge distances to bear witness to the promises that will unite Groom and Bride's lives forever. This is a beautiful and joyous occasion because it acknowledges their commitment in deep friendship and love. We come together not to mark the start of a relationship, but to recognize a bond that already exists. Marriage is one expression of the many varieties of love, though it's probably one of the most accomplished. Groom and Bride wished to being the ceremony by a reading. Let's welcome xxx xxx, the father of the groom. Reading #1 : A description of marriage, by Edmund O'Neill "Marriage is a promise of love. It is a commitment to life – to the best two people can find to bring in each other. Marriage offers opportunities for sharing and growth- a physical and emotional joining that is promised for a lifetime. Within the circle of its love, marriage encompasses all of life's most important relationships. A wife and a husband are each other's best friend, confidant, lover, teacher, listener and critic. Marriage deepens and enriches every fact of life. Happiness is fuller, memories are fresher, commitment is stronger. Even anger is felt more strongly, but passes more quickly. Marriage understands and forgives the mistakes life is unable to avoid. It encourages and nurtures new life. When two people pledge to love and care for each other in marriage, they create a spirit unique in themselves which binds them closer then any spoken or written words. Marriage is a promise. A potential, made in the hearts of two people who love, which takes a lifetime to fulfil." Today is a very special day in your lives. In the time you have been together your love and understanding of each other has grown and matured. Some say that the perfect relationship is one in which each partner brings strength to the others weaknesses, and where a balance that would be unobtainable alone is found. Groom and Bride have found such a balance. Love makes the burdens lighter, because you divide them. It makes joys much more intense because you will share them. It makes you stronger so you can reach out and become involved in life in ways you dared not risk alone. To attain such love, you will need to commit yourselves to each other freely and gladly for the sake of a richer and deeper life together. Groom brings to Bride his calmness, his serenity, his firmness when dealing with salesman and his sewing talents. She confides that she loves to listen to him, that she admires his generosity, and that he knows how to help her take things more lightly. Bride brings to Groom her strength, her focus, her thurst for adventure as well as her French recipes though consumption of snails and frogs will be an ongoing battle ! He confides that she surprises him every da, and that he knows that he is made a better man by her unwavering belief and encouragement. Declaration of consent The covenant of marriage is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly only by persons who are both legally and spiritually free to offer themselves to one another. So I ask you: Groom, do you come of your own free will and with a conscious desire to be united in marriage with Bride ? Yes. Do you promise to give to this woman the love of your person, the comfort of your support and companionship, and the patience of your understanding? I do. Bride, do you come of your own free will and with a conscious desire to be united in marriage with Bride ? Yes. Do you promise to give to this woman the love of your person, the comfort of your support and companionship, and the patience of your understanding? I do. Groom and Bride, do you promise to care for each other in the joys and sorrows of life, come what may, and to share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your life together? We do. Exchange of vows Minister to couple: Will you please, as an expression that your hearts are joined together in love, now join hands? As you begin this new journey in love, openness and understanding, you have chosen words from Roy Croft, "Love", as the opening to your wedding vows. Groom : I love you, Not only for what you are, But for what I am When I am with you. Bride : I love you, Not only for what You have made of yourself, But for what You are making of me. Groom : I love you Because you have done More than any creed Could have done To make me good Bride : And more than any fate Could have done To make me happy. Groom and Bride together : You have done it Without a touch, Without a word, Without a sign. You have done it By being yourself. Minister to groom: Groom, this woman whom you hold by the hand is to be your wife. She has given you one of the most sacred things under heaven: a woman’s life and a woman’s love. It is not what you bring her in a material way that will make true happiness; for riches without love are nothing. The gift without the giver is bare. Practice as a husband the virtues that you have shown as friend and lover so her heart will be won to your heart FOREVER. Groom, would you look into Bride’s eyes and … when you're ready Groom's vows (our vows were very personal so I'm not writing them down. Sure you will find your own) Minister to Bride: Bride, this man whom you hold by the hand is to be your husband. Upon your life, your love, and your devotion he will lean for strength and inspiration. He is going to look to you for encouragement, for cheerfulness and for confidence. May your life and love be the inspiration that will constantly lead him to greater affection and devotion to you, his wife. Bride, would you look into Groom’s eyes and repeat after me: I Bride, take you Groom to be my husband… follow my vows. To the congregation: Do you, their family and friends, who have heard these vows, do you promise to do your best to honor, encourage and support the commitment that Groom and Bride are making to one another here today? If so, each of you please respond by saying: “We willâ€. You, Groom and Bride, have pledged your devotion to each other. From this point on you do not stay together simply because you love; you choose to love because you have made the commitment to be together. Let's now hear a second reading. We welcome xxx xxx, brother of the bride. Reading #2 : L'éternelle chanson, Rosemonde Gérard (note : this is "home made" translation so absolutely not official ) "When you and when I am old When my blond hair turns white In the month of May, in the sunshiny garden We will go to warm up our shivering limbs As spring will put joy in our hearts We will believe that we are young lovers again And I will smile at you, with my head wobbling, And we will be such an adorable old couple Sitting beneath the climbing vine, we will look at each other With little, tender, sparkly eyes When you and when I am old When my blond hair turns white On our friendly bench, greenish with moss on our good old bench we will come back to chat We will have a soft and tender joy The sentences always ending with a kiss How many times before did I say "I love you" ? Then with great care we will recount again We will remember a thousand things, even little nothings that we will ramble on about A ray of sun will come down, and in a soft caress Will lay, pink, on our white hair when on our friendly bench, greenish with moss on our good old bench we will come back to chat. And as everyday I love you more Today more than yesterday but much less than tomorrow Little will matter the lines on our faces My love will grow more serious - and serene Think that everyday memories pile up My memories will also be yours Those shared memories more and more embrace us and constantly wove more bonds between us it's true we will be old, very old, weakened by age but every day I will clutch your hand harder As you see everyday I love you more Today more than yesterday but much less than tomorrow" Exchange of rings Officiant to couple: Do you have the rings? The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two loyal hearts in endless love. It is a seal of the vows Groom and Bride have made to one another. A fitting symbol to represent the covenant you are making today, a circle, the emblem of eternity, reminding you that your love, devotion and commitment to one another are to be forever. Officiant to Groom: Groom, place this ring on Bride’s finger. Hold her hand and please repeat after me: Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. Bride, I give you this ring… as a sign of my love and faithfulness. With all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. With this ring I thee wed. Officiant to Bride: Bride, place this ring on Groom's finger. Hold his hand and repeat after me. Bride : Groom, with this ring I thee wed.… This ring is the sign of my love and faithfulness. From now on, I commit to stand by your side under any circumstances and to give you the best of myself. May this ring shine on your hand just as your love shines in my heart. Your lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Let these rings serve as locks, not binding you together, but as keys, unlocking the secrets of your hearts for each other to know, and thus bringing you closer together forever. Sand ceremony Today, Groom and Bride have chosen to commemorate their marriage through the celebration of the Sand Ceremony. This ceremony symbolizes the inseparable union of Groom and Bride into a new and eternal marital relationship. The bride and groom will simultaneously pour separate containers of sand into a common vessel. Each grain of sand in their separate containers represents a separate moment, decision, feeling, or event that helped shape Groom and Bride into the separate and unique individuals that they are today. As they pour their separate containers of sand into a common vessel, those separate and independent individuals will merge into a loving and supportive marital community. Groom and Bride, just as the grains of sand can never be separated into their individual containers again, so will your marriage be. Music while the sand ceremony lasts after these words : I'm yours, Jason Mraz Just as two threads woven in opposite directions will form a most beautiful tapestry, so too can your two lives merged together make a beautiful marriage. To make your relationship work will take love, much love. This is the core of your marriage and why you are here today. Leo Buscaglia said it like this: “Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain." Establish that your love will never be blotted out by the common nor obscured by the ordinary in life. Let me borrow the words of the poet Khalil Gibran in the Prophet to give you this last valuable advice : You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days. Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God. But let there be space in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow. May this day shine eternally in your lives. May it add brilliance to every achievement and cast a light over any misfortune. May you care for each other in sadness. May you give cheer to each other. May you give vitality to each other in all undertakings. May all that is virtuous, beautiful, and honest, remain with you always. Prononciation of marriage Because you Groom and Bride have exchanged your promises of faithful love, and because in our presence you have exchanged symbols which make your covenant visible, we now recognize you as husband and wife. You may now kiss each other. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Groom's Family Name.
  5. So, this is the program we put in out welcome booklets : Welcome drinksThe bar Friday, May 1st Starting 9pm We’ll kick off the festivities with some welcome drinks on Friday night. Come and join us at the bar, this is our treat ! Whether you feel like a tea or a martini we’ll be glad to see you after dinner. Ceremony The beach Saturday, May 2nd 5:30pm Please start to gather by the beach bar at 5:00-5:15pm. The ceremony will last approximately 30 minutes before you can get some drinks ! Cocktails – Pictures The beach 6:00pm- 8:00pm Cocktail time will be by the beach from 6:00-8:00pm, while the photograph shoots the official wedding pics ! DinnerThe restaurant 8:30pm PartyThe restaurant / the bar 10:30pm Mexican BuffetThe restaurant Sunday, May 3rd12:30pm And this is the program of the ceremony itself that we had in the ceremony programs : The Wedding Ceremony Prelude SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole Processional YOU'RE SO COOL Hans Zimmer AT LAST Etta James Greeting First reading A description of marriageEdmund O'Neill Read by xxx Wedding message Exchange of consent Exchange of vows Second reading The eternal songRosemonde Gérard Read by xxx Exchange of rings Sand Ceremony Music I'M YOURS Jason Mraz Pronouncement of marriage Recessional BETTER TOGETHER Jack Johnson & Buena Vista Social Club Hope this helps !
  6. You know that in France it's actually compulsory to get married legally before doing anything religious ? You cannot - I repeat cannot - get married in Church or other if you're not married in front of the Mayor first. Traditionnally, not a lot of people get invited to the civil ceremony - the big thing is of course the religious and the reception is after Church, not after Townhall... so... not so "cheating" in other parts of the world ! We actually got married in Houston legally before going to the Riviera Maya. In my case, getting married in Mexico meant headache for transcription in France (for me) AND headache for transcription in the USA (for DH). I chose to go with only one headache (getting legally married in Houston I still had to do the necessary for the transcription in France). Our Mexican wedding was still perfect and my mom said it was the best wedding she ever went to (and I'm not an only child), even though she knew I was already married legally and was not attending that one. And DH cried when he saw me coming down the aisle. That makes it the most real of all.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by omsampad Thanks for all the great tip guys!!! What's your top 5 "HIT" with OOT items? Top 5 "NOT POPULAR" with OOT items? currently.. My list includes Tote Bag Silk Fan 20z Cup Spanish Phrasebook Pashmina Waterproof Card Holder/Pouch Planning to get little things, but which are the ones people will use more? Survival kit? There's a thread on this topic : see here : http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...nt-used-35759/
  8. For recessional we played "better when we're together" by Jack Johnson, the buena vista social club version. You can find it on iTunes under "rhythms del mundo - Cuba". They also have an awesome version of "clocks" by Coldplay. In our beachy music we also had the ones cited above - Ismael and over the rainbow for prelude, Jason Mraz for our sand ceremony. We also put some reggae music - although it's more Jamaican it's still very beachy We used also "I can see clearly now" by Jimmy Cliff.
  9. I have spent about 20$ per bag. There are no "MUST HAVE" items in a bag - remember that it's a gift and most guests won't actually expect it. So you put whatever you want in them. For instance, I did not do any special gift (no mug or else), I just included stuff that I thought would be useful - welcome booklets, "survival" kits (ie medecine I thought would be useful), pens (personalized, see at Oriental Trading they are very affordable) and post its (for doors messages), water guns (for fun !), spanish phrase books, and the favor I had picked (which was plantable paper). everybody was really happy with that (and everybody actually used the medicine). There's a master list available in here : http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...e-items-28059/
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cbell I would love to do my bikini area but I'm too chicken, hats off to you ladies that have done that! But I'm curious...when I put the numbing creme on my underarms I had to wrap saran wrap around them to make sure it stayed in contact with my skin and didn't rub off on my clothes. How did you use it for your bikini area? Same thing... you get a roll of suround wrap and you kind of make a big panty by unrolling it between your thighs and going back and forth, and around your waist (and in between your cheeks if you're doing this area too). Then when you walk it makes a weird noise . Not the best part of the experience The first time I got a nurse to help me with it and then I did it myself.
  11. You might not like this suggestion at all because it involves changing the dress not you but I'm writing it anyway because it could be an idea... release the top of your dress and add spaghetti straps ? If it's the corset bra... try some adhesive bra instead ?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by greysgirl I have had my lip done twice, my legs done 3 times, and my armpits and bikini area done 4 or 5 times (this was all a few years ago). I went in for a complete touch-up a few months ago, and won't have to again for a few years I'd bet. That being said, lasers REDUCE the hair, not REMOVE....thus you will regrow some hair. It's just so nice to not worry about shaving all the time. Plus, I was really prone to ingrowns, and nothing is more embarrassing than having a nice big ingrown hair in your bikini area ;-) I have to disagree with what you say, maybe it is because you did not do enough treatments ? In my case the hair is GONE forever, the only place where I currently need a touch up is my arm pits (and I have only maybe a dozen under each pit, and they are very fine and lightly colored). But for my legs and bikini, nothing came back at all - not ONE hair. And it's been 3 years now. The place I went to explained this very well - the hair has a growth cycle. First it grows, then t regresses and falls off, then it rests befor growing again. If the hair is in regressive phase, it's not stuck to its roots any more and so even if you see it and the laser catches it, it does not achieve the burning of the root, which is what does remove all the hair. So if you want to catch them all, you have to come every 12 weeks during at least 6 times, because every time you will catch new hair that was not out when you first came, or that was in its regressive phase (called anagen or catagen phases). If you come regularly over a period of a year, you actually have a pretty good chances of catching all of your hairs - because they will all have been in their anagen phase during that period of time. It worked for me.
  13. Make sure to have a make-up artist and a hairdresser so that you can feel at your best ! also - you don't have to wear lingerie if this is not your thing. You can do the man's shirt for instance. With high heels and not buttoned up, and maybe a hat ? it's very sexy ! You can also try the baby doll, it's less intimidating than the panty + bras !
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by KelZavs20 To me, the main reason for a "cocktail hour" is to keep your guests occupied between the ceremony and the reception while you are taking pictures - I think its important to have something during that time for your guests, but i do not think it has to be anything extravagant. You are serving appetizers, and i think its perfectly fine not to have alcoholic beverages during that time, just so long as you have some sort of beverage....maybe a signature lemonade? just a thought! I agree with this - pics took us about an hour so it was important that guests would have something to entertain them ! However for me it was out of the question NOT to have alcoholic beverages. Even if we had a lot of guests NOT drinking, we also had quite a few that were. Plus, it's a tradition in France to have champagne at cocktail hour so I would not have skipped this - it was a reminder of my country ! And honestly, if I was at a wedding and there was not even a glass of wine with the appetizers, I would go look for some (and pay for it as needed). Suggestion - maybe you could try and count how many of your guests are drinking, and agree on a few bottles of red and/or white and/or sparkling wine that would cover for 1-2 glasses each ? That way, they would have something, and you would also ensure the quantity is limited and nobody gets drunk before the dinner, and you would still remain in a limited budget ? Now of course, if you're in an AI it does not make sense to pay extras - when guests can just go get a drink at the nearby bar !!
  15. We did the following : Wedding celebration : __ Will gleefully attend __ Must painfully decline Sunday lunch : __ Yes ! Yay! __ No ! Boo.
  16. Congrats and welcome ! I'm also from Houston and we finally decided for the Riviera Maya because it is so convenient to fly to Cancun from Houston - tons of direct - and short - flights ! Other places where there are direct flights to are Puerto Rico, and possibly other places in Mexico. Good luck with your planning !
  17. Anne-Marie Cote will also travel. You can find her at Make Me Beautiful Bride, Anne Marie Cote, Hair stylist and makeup artist for your wedding in Isla Mujeres and Cancun
  18. You can try adhesive bras. Victoria Secrets used to do some, I think they discontinued them but you can still find some on the net, just type "adhesive bras" in google and see. I had a backless dress, this is what I went for, it worked well.
  19. Congrats and welcome to the forum ! You already know you want to get married on the Riviera Maya and believe me that's huge ! It took me a few weeks to narrow it down to THAT point ! The Riviera Maya has a lot of boutique hotels and you can also chose to do a non-resort wedding, with your guests staying at a resort. Somebody mentioned Tulum - there's also Akumal (check out the place where MarieSam got married) or Xel Ha, that is offering a very romatic set-up. SanFranSara got married at a place called "Al Cielo", which is on the beach. In all these cases your guests will have to stay at another place (the two first places don't have accomodation and the last one only a few rooms). So that can be an option. To find MarieSam and SanFranSara contributions you can do a search, "search by user" and select "thread started by user" after typing their name. Narrow down the search to the Riviera Maya, for the site visits, and to the wedding details (where you have the planning journals and the wedding reviews) for the details. Both did a great job on their site visits and this could really help you. I got married at a boutique hotel that I believe could accomodate all your guests as they 25 rooms. It was pretty upscale but without being posh, and very romantic. You might have to book the whole hotel though so I'm not sure if it will turn out that affordable. But if you like the place, you should just check out with them and see what they say. There's a link to my site visit in my signature below. Also check their website, their wedding section has pretty amazing pics (from Matt Addock I think). Good luck with your planning !
  20. In PDC I just loved Fusion at night ! They have this venue on the beach, it's so great ! They usually have a band and there are fire dancers about 10 pm - band and fire dancers were there every time we went by ! See the site here for pics and program : Playa del Carmen Fire Shows Live Music & Entertainment Schedule It's very easy to find, it's at the end of calle 6 (on the beach). We also went to Alux, it's a very special experience as it's a restaurant located in a cenote !! http://www.aluxlounge.net/ Also check tripadvisor !! Always a good resource
  21. You can also think about using evite. That way you can send invites AND you get the RSVPs all in one... and then you can send guests packages to whomever is coming !
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by heatherkemp I highly recommend getting in touch with Juliette Franze, who is the planner for our Isla Mujeres wedding. Papillon Weddings & Events - Ceremonies She has been so wonderful to work with & specializes in weddings on the island - we couldn't have done it without her! I used her too. She was GREAT !
  23. American Express cards are great. They are accepted almost anywhere, starting from any amount (you can pay your 3$ starbucks bill with it if you want to). It's also the only credit card accepted at Costco - but I use it litterally anywhere. The only place I can remember that did not accept it was my mani/pedi salon. They have all kind of rewards programs, but always great ! they also carry a lot of insurance in them, which helps. Some of them have no annual fee, you can check on their site. http://www201.americanexpress.com/ge...s/no-fee-cards
  24. Hello Smidge, I never heard of this before. I had a lot of items made from China in my bags and had no problem at all ! there are some links to the Mexican customs website in this thread : http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-thread-41422/
  25. Hello Kimmysals, there's a link to my STD in my signature - all the tools I used are indicated there ! Good luck with your projects !
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