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Everything posted by Ayita

  1. I have another one... I went to a wedding in Tunisia (I lived there for about a year). Well first, the wedding lasts a week ! Every day you have to go to something. And everything is SUPER BORING. The day of the bride and her family : everbody is there except the groom. It's usually in the bride's house. The bride is sitting on a chair, on an elevated stage. By herself. Everybody else is at table watching her. Sometimes, somebody gets up, talks to her, shoots a picture and gets back to his seat. There's a "band" "playing" Kuran surats. It's like having Church songs (not gospel) as your lounge music... You have the hamman day (the best one) where all the girsl go to the hammam and you get the henne done on the hands and feet. You have the groom day. You have the legal day. Best of the best, you have the wedding day. The last one. Same as above bis repetita : the bride and groom are sitting on big huge ugly chairs by themselves. Side by side, not even together. Promiscuity, blaaaa. I found a picture for you : http://family.webshots.com/photo/100...l?vhost=family Sometimes somebody comes to them, talks to them and takes a picture and goes back to their seat. Also, it's muslim so, there's no alcohol at all ! And to that, the one I went to was in a terrible "salle des fetes" (like a big warehouse), and the foods was chips and sweets. Nothing else ! THAT was the worse wedding ever !! At least the double one was funny.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy I went to a wedding (as a date, so I didn't know the people) that was held in a restaurant. The WHOLE thing was in the restaurant. There were about 20 of us there, we were seated at a table that was a U shape and were offered drinks. The bride and the groom showed up about 20 minutes later and got married at the opening of the U of the table. We all just stood and watched. I had a new camera so I was trying out the video, they had a video camera and after the 'ceremony' they went to turn the camera and realized they never turned it on. So, their video is a very shaky, blurry 5 minutes from my digital camera. After the 'ceremony' was finished they sat at the table with us and we all proceeded to order dinner. At the end of the night they asked if we wanted dessert, the bride and groom ordered some cheesecake but no one else really did. To top it all off, after the meal was over the servers came and gave us all our checks, WTF? The bride and the groom stood up and said, "thanks for coming" and walked out the door. We all just looked at each other, started laughing and then went to the bar. Worst Wedding Ever! This one and the one where the groom's head was hidden by the gazebo are my favourites I went to a wedding last year, that was in a little chapel. First it started super late like - 1 hour after the hour on the invite. The bride later told me this was so taht everybody is on time. Then they get married, and THEN we RE-DO the WHOLE WEDDING, only in accelerate, without music, priest talking, readings or vows, to take pictures !! Yes even the wlking down the aisle of the whole party and the rings, EVERYTHING ! That was the WEIRDEST thing EVER !!!
  3. Wow. I feel for you ! I'm an expatriate so my party is all over the world (one in Peru, one in Paris, my flower girl and ring bearer in Singapore), my parents are also in France, the only difference is, I'm living with my FI... but I understand cause I've been a regular of long distance relationships. With Boyfriends always in France and me in Tunisia, Angola, Algeria, Equatorial Guinea... Switzerland for the closest so I could come back every week-end, but still. What is FI doing ? What are you planning once you get married ? Do you join him ? Does he come back ? This reminds me of the other day in Court, the groom was in Irak and he got married by POA - he was not even present (in TX you only need to appear in person when you get your license).
  4. I just ordered plantable wedding favor from Botanical paperworks. I did the flip flops. They were super responsive. They sent me a proof the next day (I did not even expect one !), and today - 2 days after my order - the order is already processed !! I'm super glad. This was the smoothest order ever.
  5. I guess it's my turn, I need to vent !!! We're now 1 month and a half before the wedding, and we only have 10 people booked – over 32 that said they would come !! The wedding party is not even booked, only 2 BM on my side that's it. 2 weeks ago … first this couple from LA calling us to say they had a passport issue because FI did not file their marriage license … WTF ? OK he was the one the marry them, but then you take care of your business and you take your license and you register it… we did it for ourselves and mind you, we got married in the very Court by a Judge and they let US do it ! Why would FI have to do it ? For one. For two, where does this impede you to get a passport ? Ask it under your maiden name ! Then, FI's oldest brother lost his job. So he could not come no more. OK, we decided to pay for him. We booked the ticket, the room, and now what ? He does not have a passport either and did not even apply yet. Then, the wedding coordinator for the hotel quit, and now I'm left with no WC, 1 month and a half before my wedding ! I found another one quickly, this is just going to cost me the peanut of 2,500$ !!! Then We call FI's niece because we were about to book a room for her (she's a student) and her friend, and she says she's not coming ! We ended up booking her room AND ticket, and her friend definitely is not coming. Then I find out that FFIL is getting surgery for a hip replacement in the coming weeks !!! He "hopes to be OK for the wedding". What ? He's 82 ! Why don't you plan it AFTER the wedding, can't it wait 2 more month at this age ? But this whole thing is about family !?!?! This is why we did it in the first place ! We wanted to elope ! YOU were the one to say "some people want to be here" ! And, 1 month and a half before, one the GM "might" come with his girlfriend, we don't know if the best woman is coming with a guest or not, and … Welll you know what I don't take no more guests ! I close my guest list ! I can't take it any more ! And all this for what for God sake, WE'RE ALREADY MARRIED !! We had our legal day in February ! Honestly, I'm on the verge of cancelling. I just purchased two dresses, the BM dresses, the FG dress, and the OOT bags content. Everything can still be resold. I have not paid anything else, but the honeymoon and I have a cancel for any reason insurance on this. I would just lose the non-refundable deposit of 1,500$ paid to the hotel. I could use all this money to travel to Maccu Picchu (always wanted to go), book a dream honeymoon in Tahiti, buy my FI a brand new motorcycle that he's been dreaming of for years… The only thing that is detaining me is that my parents are coming from France and my brother from Singapore. They were booked since even before I sent the save the date ! I feel I should be doing this for them, to the least. But boy, I am so discouraged. So hurt for FI whose family is bailing out. So hurt that people don't respect their word. I don't want to throw this party for them God I think I really want out. Or do I. I don't know. I know I want to cry that's for sure ! Thanks for being there listening to this...
  6. I just took a test two days ago... and relief ... take it... not taking it is like not wanting to get on the scale : when you get on it, not only it's already there (or not...), but on top of this, you have kept on worrying about it for days !!
  7. I was invited once to a wedding with no kids, and nobody brought their kids, even though it was not a resort but a private venue. This is just inconsiderate. However, given that this is a DW and a vacation for most of the guests, I think it's fair that your guests bring along their kids with them to the vacation. They should just be politely, but firmly reminded that kids are not welcome to the wedding ceremony and reception, and that they should make their own arrangements for that day (i.e. find a baby sitter). You can eventually help with that - and most probably the resort will be able to help too. If they are several in this situation, they should even be able to share the cost of the baby sitters (I would say 1 per 4 kids... depending on their age you can adjust). Good luck... On my side, most of my single guests on FI's side are bringing along a friend to share with them ! And what can I say ? Nothing... His 20-year-old nice brings her 20-year-old roommate... they are going on vacation... his best woman brings one of her friends... well she could have come with her boyfriend but no... at first she was talking of bringing her mother !!! WTF... Another groomsman "might" come with his girlfriend (that I don't even know !!)... but if I say something I sound... I don't know. Cheap ? Unkind ? FI implies that if they cannot bring somebody they will not come... or that they could bring this somebody, and this somebody will not come to the wedding... nice, now, how do I look like ? A guest in a room by him or herself while we all celebrate ? At least the "no-kids" on the invites can be reiterated... and be fair to everybody.
  8. I was desperately looking for cake toppers for a mixed couple, and frankly, there are not a lot on the market... and I finally stumbled upon magicmud. This guy is Canadian and has been doing clay cake toppers for over 30 years ! They are ENTIRELY customizable, this is awesome !! They are expensive but really great. He has a huge backlog but is also able to "rush" some orders... He was so cool on the phone ! And very responsive. here is the site : Custom Wedding Cake Toppers and Personalized Wedding Figurines More on the blog : Mixed Race Wedding Cake Topper - Vox If you click on the pictures, then you can scroll through even more. Imagination illimited !
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! Ugh, I'm definitely hitting a freak out point. Still no veil, jewelry, shoes, flowergirl basket, ringbearer outfit, and I don't even know what else. I think I've been so focused on everything involving my guests that I have forgotten to focus on what I need. This should be an interesting 2 months! Don't freak out - there's still more than 2 months to go ! I have like a month and a half now - still no FI outfit, GM outfits, ring bearer outfits, or on-site planning done - given that the wedding planner of the hotel quit and supposably was to call me back, but did not... I just hired a new one... also no music yet, and the ceremony and vows are not done either... brrr. I know what I'm going to do my coming week-ends ! Yesterday I was home sick and ordered everything for my OOT bags ! So now I just have to make my DIY welcome letter and "who's who" and at least this will be done... Question : what do you do for the ceremony in terms of - not sure of the exact term - walking down the aisle ? Is there an order ? Will the groom walk down too, or will he wait for you ?
  10. I am doing plantable wildflowers seeds favors from Botanical Paperworks : Plantable Seed Wedding Favors from Botanical PaperWorks We chose the flip-flops : Plantable Flip Flop Favors - Plantable Seed Wedding Favors from Botanical PaperWorks They were shortlisted with the bookmarks : Plantable Seeded Bookmarks - Plantable Seed Wedding Favors from Botanical PaperWorks
  11. I got mine at OTC, large hibiscus tote bags, 12 for 9.99$. Large Hibiscus Tote Bags They also have some at this online dollarstore : http://christiandollarstore.stores.y...lahitobag.html but i preferred the colors of the other ones.
  12. Stuff that I've not seen so far : I'm going to put in my OOT bags some plantable wildflower seeds wedding favors from Botanical Paperwork : Paper that grows wildflowers - read about how it works I'm rather green, I loved it ! The other "green' items in my OOT bags will be : - some DEET-free mosquito repellent - energy patches from Naturopatch of Vermont (to put in the hungover kits).
  13. Not too sure where to post this as they do not only wedding favors, but also invitations, thank you cards, confettis, boxes for other favors, etc. Anyway, I was looking for special wedding favours and I stumbled upon this site : Plantable Seed Wedding Favors from Botanical PaperWorks Botanical paperwork, they have a HUGE selection of plantable wildflower seeds products. They even have some flip-flop shapes favors for the destination weddings ! And they do it for babys too (not only weddings). Loved it, I thought I would share.
  14. I know what you mean... when I told FI what I wanted to put in the OOT bags we almost had a fight... he wants something "unique" and tells me " why would you put in there things that people could get in the dollar store ?" Great. Then his best friend (also his best woman) came over and when SHE proposed luggage tags, and he said why not, I was like " oh so now you're OK with non-unique gifts ?" Anyway... I managed to sell him the medication presenting them as "hungover kits"... we'll put some travel size advil, alka seltzer, immodium, scope, a pack of tums, and an "energy patch" from Naturopatch of Vermont (goes well with my greem side). I found some travel size non-DEET insect repellant and I'm going to put them in there, also goes well with my "green" side. Together with some after-bites soother from the same brand. We are putting some water-guns (sold by 25 at OTC), flip-flop bookmarks, spanish for dummies for the engligh-speaking that don't speak spanish (I will have to find something else for my french-speaking not speaking english nor spanish), and I'll try to make a "who'who" and a welcome letter. And finally, the "unique" touch will be our wedding favour, some plantable wildflower seeds paper wedding favors from Botanical Paperworks. The bags I got from OTC (the large hibiscus totes, 9.99$ for 12) and I just need 5 more backpacks (I think drawstring) for my 5 single guys. Total budget : 324$ without the backpacks for 25 bags (we aso have 32 guests and 25 OOTbags like yoAzul, that's funny), ie 10$ per person. I think it's reasonnable, given that this is the "wedding favours". I must say I love the shot kits
  15. I know what you mean... when I told FI what I wanted to put in the OOT bags we almost had a fight... he wants something "unique" and tells me " why would you put in there things that people could get in the dollar store ?" Great. Then his best friend (also his best woman) came over and when SHE proposed luggage tags, and he said why not, I was like " oh so now you're OK with non-unique gifts ?" Anyway... I managed to sell him the medication presenting them as "hungover kits"... we'll put some travel size advil, alka seltzer, immodium, scope, a pack of tums, and an "energy patch" from Naturopatch of Vermont (goes well with my greem side). I found some travel size non-DEET insect repellant and I'm going to put them in there, also goes well with my "green" side. Together with some after-bites soother from the same brand. We are putting some water-guns (sold by 25 at OTC), flip-flop bookmarks, spanish for dummies for the engligh-speaking that don't speak spanish (I will have to find something else for my french-speaking not speaking english nor spanish), and I'll try to make a "who'who" and a welcome letter. And finally, the "unique" touch will be our wedding favour, some plantable wildflower seeds paper wedding favors from Botanical Paperworks. The bags I got from OTC (the large hibiscus totes, 9.99$ for 12) and I just need 5 more backpacks (I think drawstring) for my 5 single guys. Total budget : 324$ without the backpacks for 25 bags (we aso have 32 guests and 25 OOTbags like yoAzul, that's funny), ie 10$ per person. I think it's reasonnable, given that this is the "wedding favours". I must say I love the shot kits
  16. My parents and my brother were supposed to stay at the Azul Fives for my wedding (the cosest hotel accepting children), but it will still be closed... we tried the Gran Vels but OMG it was SO much more expensive ! My brother would have been ok (there's a promotion where kids stay free) but for my parents it was the double.... how did you do it ? Did your TA negotiate prices ? PS : They ended up booking Hacienda Tres Rios. Also never heard of. But also looks stunning.
  17. The pdf solved my font issues (I used almost only downloaded fonts). If saving them to a pdf does not work, can't you try saving them to a jpeg, and then resizing to the exact size using photoshop elements or another similar software ?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by egsarah Those of you that have done your own Save the Dates have you had any issues printing on cardstock? I've printed my ticket jackts on three different printers and every time it prints the top gets cut off. It prints fine on normal paper. FI and I have tried changing the paper type on the printer and everything. Advice??! I had the problem with the jackets of the boarding passes, but not with the invites themselves. My guess, the cardboard for the jackets was thicker than the cardboard of the boarding pass. I took the carboard and the pdf template to Kinko, and there everything went fine. I was also not expensive at all, as the price is cut in half if you bring your own paper.
  19. They are not available any longer ! I tried to order and nope !
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lgarner83 Here are some ideas from victoria secret! Victoria's Secret - Adhesive push-ups Victoria's Secret - Adhesive front closure push-up Victoria's Secret - Adhesive invisible lifts Victoria's Secret - Push-up shapers And they are all on clearance!!!! AWESOME !! Just what I need for my backless, low-plunge dress !!!! Now, how does the one with front closure work with low plunge I'm not sure ? (They say it in the descriptive though). Did you try any ? If so which one would you recommmend ?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Ayita, I posted a link to it in #15. But if you just google it, there are lots of places that I found it... Now I only wish I could afford it! Thanks ! i'm waiting to see the extent of my bonus that is paid end of the month... depending on it I might or might not give in !!! Or get this one : TJ Formal Exclusive 2009 Prom Dress 15329 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I will ALSO be a three-dress-bride : one for the wedding, one for the TTD, and one for the AHR (in Paris) /or whenever lol I love to be a bride Just for this
  22. Today, after being VERY patient with my wedding coordinator still not answering the questions I asked her on February 9 (yes you read me), I called the hotel... to learn that she was no longer working for them ! Great, thanks for informing me ?!?!?!?!? Apparently, it's only dating from last week (I guess she must have been busy getting her new job rather than working on my wedding...) but still I would have apppreciated some update (from either the hotel, or herself, as apparently she kept her email up and running !) Long story short, she went to work for an "event company" - not even sure this is a wedding corrdination company - and she's going to contact me next week. WTF !? If I were to work with an external WC I would have picked up my own ! I don't even know how much this is gonna cost me given that I don't have a contract with her, or her new company !! I don't know what to do now. I could research an external WC (starting from scratch, right where I was at Nov end) ? Knowing that my wedding is less than 2 months from now so... I know it can be done, but how many WC will still have the date open, that's the question !! Or, I can still go on with her, capitalizing on the work already done, knowing though that I absolutely DO NOT trust her any longer !! Last email I received was three weeks ago saying she would get back to me shortly, and still nothing (although I wrote to her at least three times since). Or, wait two more weeks until the hotel get a new WC - but them what if I don't like him/her ? What if he/she quits again, right before my wedding ? What would you do ? Pfff, what a bummer.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by KHarrod The second dress was made by Jovani and I got a awesome deal on Ebay for $350, the dress originally cost $500. I LOVE Jovani dresses so much and this dress is BEAUTIFUL ! I browsed a bit and could not find it though, do they still sell it ? Do you remember the style number ?
  24. Blue, Green or Purple would work for all of them...
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