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Everything posted by Ayita

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie They have some linen on there also. Yes ! I saw them
  2. Check out this website : Houston Boudoir Photography, through a woman's eye - classy, sensual, and fun portraits This is where I will go if one day I want to do one. Maybe for our first anniverary, if I'm not pregnant. lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I'd go for orange. What are your wedding colors? Burnt orange, dark pink/light purple, lime green. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl definitely the orange! if your colors are pink and orange, maybe you can just change the ribbon to pink ribbon on his bout. i think it's pretty cool that he's wearing a pink suit. why shouldn't he have something unique? we brides are so intent on getting exactly what we want for our weddings that we tend not to give our guys much say in the process. if he can rock a pink suit and look hot in it, i say he should go for it! Love that it's probably why I let him do it The best part is, the suit was only 79$ ! He's goin to have the pants lined by his tailor but that's it !
  4. Thank you all girls it really helps ! Quote: Originally Posted by DWbride09 yeah definitely the orange!! Where did you get it from? I got them from <company name removed>. They are matching my bouqet, and the white ones are matching the BM's bouquets.
  5. Cell phones will work. Another alternative is using pre-paid international calling cards. At least only the call recipient will pay some roaming, not the calling person. Did you know that all French (and most European) cell phone plans DO NOT make you pay when you receive calls (apart if you're abroad) ? I discovered this scam when arriving in the US. I was in shock ! Paying for receiving calls ?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie Ayita check out this site. I ordered the FI, BM, my dad and brothers all from here and they are really nice. Beach Wedding Shirts | Guayaberas, Linen Pants, Boys Linen Shirts, Mexican Wedding Shirts. This is the one I think I ordered them all. Cubavera Men's Bedford Cord Camp Shirt: Beach Wedding Shirts | Guayaberas, Linen Pants, Boys Linen Shirts, Mexican Wedding Shirts. Thanks Cattie ! I know this site, I visited it already But, I don't want rayon or polyester, because of the heat ; and as for cotton, he has a ton at home so we would not need a new one. I'm going to look for linen too, and, oh, he wants long sleeves...
  7. I votes for dress 1 because of course, it's the one I like the most... my advice to you would be to go to some salons, and try on some dresses that look like these. and then, decide based on which ones look better on you, which ones you feel better in. I ended up with a dress completely different from what I was originally thinking... because on me it was really different. Good luck !
  8. OK so today we found DH attire (yeah) but as he wanted something unique we ended up with a suit that is... pink ! (boo) Light pink, but pink. I'm not sure why I let him do that. Anyway Now, the thing is I have his boutonniere since like 4 months already, and it's orange !!! I am debatting taking the GM boutonnieres flowers (that are white), undo them, to make a new white DH boutonniere, and use the orange stems for re-making some GM boutonnieres (and as they will be wearing white shirts, it kinds of make sense). I put all of them on the jacket of the suit and now I'm thinking, well the orange is not that bad... maybe better than the white. What to you girls think ?
  9. I want to thank you all girls for all the amazing ideas in this thread ! I spent like 5 hours yesterday night listening to all your musics on YouTube and discovered some jewels that I had never heard before !! When DH came back home I had him listen to everything and he was loving it all ! So thanks to you my WHOLE ceremony music is now set ! Last song for guests sitting : Somewhere over the rainbow, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - YouTube - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole 'IZ' ~ Somewhere over the Rainbow HQ Groom and bridal party entrance : You're so cool, Hans Zimmer - YouTube - True Romance # You're so cool! - Hans Zimmer My entrance : At last, Etta James (I cried when I listened to it yesterday... hope I don't on the big day ! I have to listen to it a lot to get used to it ) YouTube - Etta James / At Last Sand ceremony : I'm yours, Jason Mraz - YouTube - I'm Yours Jason Mraz [Official Music Video] Recession : Better together, Jack Johnson - but the latin remix version done with Buena Vista Social Club, from the album Rhythms del Mundo Cuba (same album that also has this awesome latin version of Clocks from Coldplay) You can listen to this version here : YouTube - Jack Johnson & Buena Vista Social Club - Better Together Again thank you, really, this was sooooo helpful
  10. We found DH outfit today ! Well, almosts, still need a shirt and... it's not gonna be easy cause the suit is... pink... yes... he wanted something unique, finalyl went for linen but the uniqueness is the color ! It's very light, so it's cool, but we need a shirt. Anyway, it's a relief. And yesterday night I found my ceremony music thanks to this forum. So cool I have been working on my planning thread since a few days now, and it's already 9 pages long on word ! OMG, it was such a good suggestion to start it on word and do it as it goes. Not sure I would have had the time to do this right before leaving ! Good luck for your shoes Kristy !
  11. I was wondering if if was holding on to them during the whole ceremony until the rings moment ; or if he was carrying them down the aisle, placing them on the table and leave then there ?
  12. Happy !!! )))) Went to Gap (I had to go to 2 stores but success) and found ring bearer attire ! Went to Victoria's Secret and found my adhesive push-ups half off ! Went to the seamstress and retrieved my dress from the first alterations (straps + bustle). My office looks like an annex to the post office : I have 8 boxes that I can see (I have discarded all the other ones but oh my !), the dress of my FG hanging on the door knob, the GAP bag, my "just married" flip flops, plus all the stuff for crafting, invoices... hum... let me open my budget spreadsheet tonight !The only thing I'm missing is my second shipment from OTC (with the coin purses, the personalized pencils, and the sticky notes), and DH's attire ! In the last two days I received everything else : frame for guest signing ; FG dress ; OTC bags, flip flops and water guns ; all the hangover kit contents + the first aid (mosquito + sun burnt), the fans, the frame for the sand ceremony, the plantable favors... yay ! Need to finish my ceremony and I'll be almost ready I see the seamstress in 2 weeks for my 2 dresses and I need to go to the hairdresser but that's about it ! So COOL I see the end of this ! Oh I also need a cute dress for the welcome drinks and the sunday buffet but hey - that's the fun part
  13. I didn't do either because : - I need a real program because of all the French/English stuff going on in my ceremony. So not fitting on a fan. - I figured the raffia fans not only would take place to pack and time to put up, but also would be kind of inconvenient to hold during the cocktail... So I went for nice silk fans from efavormart, that I received in no time and are absolutely great ! If you want to decide between paper and raffia, I would vote paper, for the convenience of them. My DH is against thinking "convenience" but I can't help it ! lol
  14. Just give them to the minister ! Or to the wedding coordinator. You have a WC ? If so he/she will get them and prepare them on the ceremony place. Otherwise, best solution is in FI's pockets ! and plan to have the minister ask : "do you have the rings ?". So cute
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i said i hope you're not feeling too hurt over this, and his reply was, "i couldn't care less." so i joked with him that it was because he'd rather be in disney too (he's a disney freak!) and he said, "no, it's because i know she doesn't give a sh*t about me." ... so, he says he's not bothered, but he is. a lot. i feel bad. Wow. It's hard. Unfortunately, you don't chose your family. And it takes a lot of work to be at peace with not getting along with close family members... I'm glad his father reacted decently though ! At least he can feel some support on his side (with yours of course).
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride yikes!! are there anyother gaps near you? maybe u could look there first... ... ya we havent booked a photographer yet.. and im not sure if i should be worried or not... my mom thinks that getting one is a waste of money because 'everyone has digital cameras' but i dont think she realizes that we want REAL wedding photos... its like.. since we are having a 'destination wedding' its not as important as one at home... Anyone else dealing with these kind of issues Yes, I did not go in person, I was online... so I'm gonna go check the stores tonight, and if unsuccesful, this week-end. Also going to my second fitting tonight ! I had the straps length and bustle done. In three weeks I go again for the chest and waist... My seamstress even told me I could go even closer to the wedding but two weeks and a half before already stresses me, so... maybe I'll even go in two weeks. Hum, I should be better with my diet for the 14 days to come ! I have not lost a pound since January !
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl major facebook family drama today ... tom's half-sister who told us she wasn't coming (because of money) posted about her family's 10-day trip to Disney the SAME WEEK as our wedding. her father saw it and got PISSED OFF and commented on her page ... and major back-and-forth family drama ensued ... but the funny thing is that now her husband has now deleted us all from his friends list ... what is this? grade school? LOL Lol. And sorry at the same time. this reminds me of DH best woman. Her boyfriend is, well, not a gentleman. One night, he got her so pissed that she walked out of the bar they were in, and started to go back home walking (note that NOBODY walks in Houston). She ended up crying, walking with her shoes in her hand at 2 in the morning (of course do you think he would have driven her back ? nope...) So DH went to pick her up and then went to see her boyfriend. They had words... and the next morning neither he, I or BW were on his friend list any longer ! LOL ! I got the exact same reaction : WTF ? First thing he has to do is delete us from his friends on FB ? How OLD is he ? I feel sorry for your FI thoughh... is he close to his half sister ? How does he take all this ? I'm glad to see her father had at least a civilized reaction !
  18. Drama. Gap does not have the linen trousers and havana shirt in my ring bearer size any more. Hope to find it in shops tonight or else I'll have to order from wedding tropics and it's gonna be so much more expensive !!!
  19. 1 MONTH AND 12 DAYS. Everytime I look at this ticker I freak out a little more !
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride have you ladies looked into photgraphers yet? or are you going to be going with the ones on the resorts?? I booked my photog in Dec. I'ts gonna be Claudia Rodriguez, for the wedding shoot, the TTD shoot, and the video.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by meghanmbm i have recently noticed that when I am out in the sun I develop sun spots, they are so gross!!! I normally tan and get a few more freckles, but this is larger than a freckle and it isnt as dark. I wear uv 15+ daily, but I am hoping someone has another tip. 15+ is not enough ! It's OK daily I guess, but not when you are planning to spend time out : more than an hour (sitting at a terrace, going to the park, work out, etc), you should wear 30+. At least. To get rid of your ugly spots, if the whitening pencils don't work, use laser. I did laser on mine (at the palce where they took off my hair...) and it completely disappeared in 2 sessions. so glad.
  22. 23 is a bit young but there has been younger flower girls in history Instead of a basket with petals give her a kissing ball ; she will walk just before you so you can encourage her with your voice if she hesitates. Otherwise, you can walk down the aisle without your bouquet and have her come to you and give you your bouquet...
  23. They look great ! You wdding date says 5/15/09 in your profile so I was shocked at the sight of STDs... but now I read the date ON the STD and it all makes sense. great job !
  24. DH and I live together (and are already married legally). We are going to stay together the night before, then kiss good-bye in the morning (ceremony is at 5:30). It's your choice !
  25. I'm trying to plan an AHR in Paris when I'm back in France this summer. I cannot get anything under 95 EUR per person, which put us at 6.650 EUR for 70 persons - ie 8.500$ approx. I'm trying to find cheaper but did not succeed so far...
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