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Everything posted by Ayita

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* So with shutterfly can we do the thing where we set up a login and password for the wedding and give it out to guests, and they all upload their photos to one account? Sorry, I know that's probably a dumb question... Yes I think you cna authorize the members to add pictures to your site. I did not do it but you can check.
  2. Oh and you can also email pictures. But given that there is the share site, I've never tried it so I don't know if it actually emails the pic, or a link to the pic.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by emme I just recently posted this..."Best photoshare website for Canadian brides"...so would you say that Shutterfly is an option? I think Amarillis is better placed than me on the Canadian-specific questions (FX rate etc), but definitely shutterfly does not require you to have a username, unless you chose to protect your site and require it, or unless your viewers want to order prints. You can order prints from shutterfly, but you can also download the pics onto a USB key. The only minus is that they don't have (yet ?) a bulk download option (I think it's on purpose so that you order prints from them). So you have to open each pic to download it, it can go a bit slow.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan sometimes the green circle means the person is online. do you see a pattern there? although I'm pretty sure once I've seen a blue one it was always blue & didn't change. want to give me a negative rep & we can see what happens? NO !!!!!!!!!!! I cannot give you a negative rep even for the sake of science ! You see you were right
  5. Hello Chantelle, start by reading this thread : http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41422 It should bring a lot of answers (why, dollar amount, what happens if not, etc) Now you don't need faux receipts if your receipts show less than 300$ total by person (ie 600$ for you and FI).
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis I too LOVE LOVE LOVE Shutterfly... In my siggy there is a link to the photobook I made of the wedding -- we ended up making one for ourselves, and one for our parents (my mom, MIL, and 2nd Mom) and our 4 members of our bridal party -- what we did with the first two pages for these ones was writing a thankyou note and putting a pic of the receipent that was from our collection of pro photography. I also did DH's BD book from shutterfly... with all projects, I am super impressed with the results... AND for you Canadian Girls... I NEVER PAID DUTY ON ANY OF MY PROJECTS!!!! This is exactly what I'm doing right now ! I'm making our own album, and I'm going to make one for our parents, one for DH's parents, one for my brother (with more pics of the kids ). I can't wait to receive them ! OK I have to stop being excited about this and start working now
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan it isn't 1 karma = 1 rep point. I've also gotten a blue rep point that said something like "thanks" so it wouldn't have been a negative rep. I don't think there is a way to negatively rep someone & if there was no one would EVER do that to me So I still don't know what the blue vs green is all about & what exactly factors into getting karma. We know it has something to do with time served, because you will find people who joined long ago but didn't contribute a lot & they have a lot of karma. I think it follows a pattern of a blue dot ever x # of reps. I'll go look at my rep points in a sec. We also know that you lose karma when you steal points. If you solve more mysteries of the karma, post them here. The mysteries of the karma... a vast subject. You can actually give negative karma ! When you click on the reputation icon, you can chose good or bad... by default it's on good, so hopefully we don't have mean people (or mean actions) on the forum... My reps were : 1st green, 2 and 3 blue, 4 and 5 green. It's different from you. So if there is a pattern, it would be different depending on the members ! The mysteries of Karma have deepened.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I love Shutterfly and have been ordering from them for years. I made photobooks for my family and bridal party for Christmas and ordered the 8x8 size. We got them at a discount, but since I had to order so many we chose the smaller size. I made one for us as well, but ordered the larger size. I was so disappointed when I received the books because the smaller ones were not hardcover. I didn't notice online when I was making them, but if I had known I would have ordered the larger size for all the books. The hardcover was so much nicer. The hardcover is in option for the 8x8. You can definitely get a hard cover !
  9. I was thinking about you yesterday !! Wondering how everything was going for you. Glad to hear it's aaaaall good Have a blast ! Enjoy every bit of it ! Have a wonderful wedding day !
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Girl! Do you know I had a note on my pc to come back periodically and check for your pics?! lolol! I knew they were going to be phenomenal and they soooo are! Congrats on a BEAUUUUUTIFUL shoot. You guys look amazing together and the pics came out just insanely gorgeous. Perfect mix of hot, playful and loving. Just fabulous. Wow, thank you so much ! I must say that I am quite amazed myself ! I did not expect this to be SO good. I guess we owe a lot to the talent of Claudia and her team, of course, but also Anne-Marie who did my make-up and hair for both shoots !
  11. So I started to use shutterfly when kodakgallery decided to start to make you pay to keep your pics in storage... and I am soooooo glad this happened ! The first amazing feature of shutterfly is that instead of sharing your pics through email, or through an album, you can just make a website out of your pics... and it's SO easy ! In 5 minutes, it's done, like, select to share on a site, change the three pics on display, add or delete pages, snap, done ! You have a number of designs to chose from, you can display in a slideshow, or thumbnails, or filmstrip, you have a guest book if you want to... you can even make your "wedsite" there ! And what's more, every time you share, you get free prints !! Plus, you can also upload videos to your site. Perfect, perfect for sharing. Another awesome thing is thaqt if you want to share in facebook or myspace or twitter, just one click ! And you don't have to upload your pics to FB as well ! And then, I discovered the photobooks. First, because I got one free just because I shared pics !! An 8x8 that I will use to make a TTD album. And then, I got another one from David's Bridal. So I started and wow ! Not only easy, but spectacular results ! I'm not big on captions so there are not a lot, but check my project : Shutterfly | View share And as you can see, you can share your projects, too ! And all this is FREE. Except when you order a goodie of course, but it is. FREE. Well, I am happy happy ! So happy I wanted to share !
  12. Well, I must say that I've waited a long time to get these pics but it was soooooooo worth it ! Claudia did an amazing job, she managed to capture great moments, and the TTD pics are simply perfect, even though I was fearing they would be too "posed"... well not at all ! I am so glad I did this. Not only was it fun to do, but I have unbelievable pics that are the best keepsake ever ! My parents loved them too ! Well I don't manage to post some samples I guess it's because I cannot obtain a link with a ".jpg". But I don't want to put these on photobucket so... You can see all the pics here : http://murielandjovan.shutterfly.com/ On the home page there's a "best of" with my favorites of both wedding day and TTD shoot. Then is you go in "all the pictures" you can see them all. There's also a link for the whole TTD on the home page.
  13. My table "numbers" were made from pictures... well actually it was not numbers, I gave my tables names, but for the numbers you could for instance put pics of you at age 1, age 2, etc. I'm not sure to understand how you cna have pictures of your wedding already done to make table numbers for your wedding ? I might have missed something here. Anyway, I did not want to do frames, so I did a bit of crafting. I got some cardboard and nice pattern paper and made up some table numbers. I used photo holders to make them stand. They looked like this : I did the same with scavenger hunt I could make them match : Not sure if it answers your original question ?
  14. I don't know about resveratrol for fighting cellulite, but my mom SWEARS by it for its anti-aging and pro-health benefits. She has to get it from the US or from Luxemburg (it's not yet sold in France) so believe me she's motivated ! Our family doctor (a naturopath) confirmed to her that resveratrol, although not much researched yet, has potentially high benefits. For celullite, and this will go in the same way than what estella1007, the best I've ever tried is "drainage lymphatique" - OMG how am I going to translate this lol !!! It's a special technique massage that is supposed to help you drain off water, toxins and fat. It's called like that because the massage is supposed to make the lymph circulation easier.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl Ha! Thanks! I know that sounded like a dumb question.... I was just thinking of using colored printer paper for that part of it but thought the glue might show through lumpy. Maybe cardstock would be better. Did you use cardstock for the green paper? Also, my colors are brown and turquoise. I have created a jacket with turquoise fonts and designs. It looks great on white! But I don't think it will show up on brown. Did you happen to try any other colors on the brown paper, besides black? Just wondering if it didn't show up. Sorry for all of the questions! I just love the way yours turned out! Ha now I understand your question ! I used a glue roll-on like this one : Staples® Roll-On Permanent Glue Tape | Staples® it's all flat so there's no lump ! For the jacket, I had the same issue. Mine was written in purple, and when I printed it (originally on orange) I realized well, the color would not show. So I left it as it was, I thought it was OK. If you want turquoise, yeah you will have to use white. For the green paper, I actually use a translucent, shiny paper. I wanted something a little festive. Originally, I looked for something grass-like or leaves-like, I even tried felt, lol ! Then I found this paper (at Michaels or at Hobby Lobby), and I just thought it was perfect. The also had some copper colored, shiny too, that were really nice. It was actually pretty thin. I think it was velum. Maybe. Hum. You can try there for a lot of colors : Metallic Speckled Vellum Paper - Paperandmore.com Pearlescent Metallic Paper, Text Weight, 25 Colors - Paperandmore.com They also have metallic cardstock if you prefer cardstock.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan i haven't figured that one out. looks like you just a blue one every so often. I thought they were negative at one point, but they are not. I actually think they are. I have received 5 kudos, but 2 are blue and my profil only show 1 point. I guess, 3 minus 2 ? Not sure how this works... Hopefully it's useless ! Lol !
  17. I really had 6 must-have, without which I would not have selected the resort I married at. My top 5/6 wedding-related were : 1. Allow outside guests without a day-pass ; allow children and the wedding day even if not allowed to stay there otherwise. 2. Allow outside vendors with no conditions (no fee, no restrictions, etc) 3. Privacy of everything : not a crowded beach with people in bikinis eating fries in the background, or not an area reserved in a huge restaurant with people I would not know 2 tables further 4. Beach wedding 5. Awesome food ; and I have to add because it was a must-have, bring-your-own-bottles allowed (indifferent to corkage) - I wanted real (French) champagne and the price is insane on hotel price lists. ... My top-5 non wedding-related were : 1. Not a huge mega-resort ; not something that looks like towers or big buildings 2. Design of the rooms (I cannot stand bed covers with flowers or tassels on curtains...) 3. Short flight from Houston 4. Not an AI (too expensive for most guests) 5. Price !
  18. The paper was just thin cardboard (that can go in the printer). I think I got it from Office Max. For the eyelet I used an eyelet setter that I got at Michaels.
  19. Come to Houston ! We've not seen rain in weeks ! It's sunny and between 90 and 105 every day. The swimming pool is packed on week-ends
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl I think these look so nice! I'm thinking about using the hole punch on the jacket as well. How did you attach the green paper on the back so that it would show through the hole? Err... I just used glue ! I glued it inside of the jacket. I cut it a little bit smaller than the jacket.
  21. Oh wow ! Your wedding looked so amazing ! The venue was stunning ! The flowers were art ! Your dress was flowy ! You were beautiful ! The candles make me jealous ! Your pics are incredible ! Wow ! Congratulations ! Just not to make me regret mine - how was the food ? (Please tell me so-so) Byt the way, what is the password to the slide show ?
  22. My most memorable moment was when I got locked in my room with my Dad, just before going down, because of a violent wind gust ! haha !
  23. The idea of my guy going to a strip-club does not really bother me. I think this is first, because i really trust him, and second, because I know he's been there hundreds of times - for the reason that his best friend, who was also his best woman in our wedding, is working as a waitress in one of them ! So he often goes to see her and discuss and I know that for him, it's just as random as going to any other bar. He was going way before he met me anyway. He talked to me about it a lot and it's often not pretty what he has to say about it. For sure, he does not want to be compared (even in his own mind) to the regular clients... Also, having seen the other side of it, he knows that all these girls want is the dudes money, so it really helps to put all this in perspective. And I know he likes to watch porn, but this does not change anything (I also don't mind porn, honestly, better this than cheating). Anyway, i also remember a bachelorette party at a club on a Sunday afternoon. The other girls had booked a stripper. The guy came and made the "cop search" number. It was pretty funny. The guy was nice to look at. And then what ? nothing, the party went on. I think we maybe fantasize too much about what a "stripper" is and means. Maybe we've watched too many movies, haha.
  24. So I have not yet done by BD pics, because I don't want to do them until I reach the weight goal I fixed for myself... so it's not for the wedding, hopefully it will be for our 1st anniversary... Here are my thoughts on it though. 1. Who were you really taking the BD pics for? I will be taking these pics primarily for me. Giving them to my husband will be great - a way to share them and I know he loves my body so it will really be a gift for him. But primarily, the pics would be for me. 2. What syle did you want for your pictures? Sexy & seductive? Glam? Elegant? Classy? Maxim-like sex kitten? A bit all of this except Maxim-like... what's for sure, I don't want anything skanky. 3. What was your motivation for wanting to take the pictures? Reward for weight-loss. I discovered that having pics taken by a photog are a lot of fun, and make me look beautiful (not always the case with amateurs !) and I'm looking forward to the experience and to seeing me after all the efforts I will have made to get there ! 4. Who do you think enjoyed the pictures more? Cannot answer this yet ! 5. Did seeing the pictures make you look at yourself differently? I hope they will ! After losing weight (my target is 40 pounds), I need to get rid of the chubby mental image that I have of myself. 6. Was the experience good for your love life? I hope it will by making me more confident about myself. and by making hubby see me in a different light, too. 7. If you did them again, would you do a different style? 8. Do you think BD pics make sense for single women who don't have a man to gift the pictures to? Totally. I think it's important that every woman has the opportunity to see herself in a flattering light - and this can be one of the means to do it. Or, like me, a gift to yourself, or again, a funny thing to do between girlfriends ! 9. Did you care if your photographer was male or female? Yes, I definitely want a female. First, I could not feel comfortable with sexy poses with a man. Second, I would not want hubby to think of the guy that took the pictures he's looking at...
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