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Everything posted by Ayita

  1. Hello all, I've not been here in a while (got married May 2009 in Playa del Carmen) but today I came upon a facebook post about a lost wedding ring on the s Riviera Maya... it's from Octobber and not sure the ring has found its owner so I thought I would just repost here. Ok, so while scuba diving around Playa Reef, Playa Del Carmen last week, I happened to find this ring... I'm quite certain it is a wedding band, because engraved inside is "JESSICA 16 02 13 TYYJCEM". Unfortunately there is no way for me to know whether it was lost, or intentionally thrown into the ocean... Assuming it was not the latter, I'd like to find the owner so I can send it to them. If you know a couple who was married on February 16th, 2013, who lost a wedding band (likely while diving) near Playa Del Carmen Mexico, please have them contact me at [email protected]. If not, please take a second to share this. Let's make some social media magic happen! -Daniel #thelostweddingband https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=365902026897566&set=a.126954207459017.26785.100004333146847&type=1 If you recognize your band or know who that could be...
  2. Well if that can bring good luck to all you ladies... after my miscarriage in Mar 2010 I went to see a specialist and started all kinds of tests. I did not go through all of them though as I ended up pregnant again in July 2010. My first trimester was difficult and complicated - with no right to travel, gym, intercourse, nothing... also had some kind of scary news at the 2nd trimester ultrasound (the anatomy one), but in the end my baby stayed in and - although delivery was a bit difficult - I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl on April 29 . I'm 38 so you see, hang on in there !! It can happen !! I spent a lot of time on babycenter, it helped me a lot through my pregnancy - specially when I hit the hard parts of it, lots of info and reassuring advise. If you saw what docs can tell you sometimes - like this poor woman who was told to come in for a D&C, refused and ended up having a live baby !! I hope things will get better for y'all !!
  3. Hey Mrs j, there is no such thing as vitamin overload, except in thec ase of vitamin A. The body will naturally get rid of the excess of vitamins you absorbed. As regards prenatal, if youhave a hard time with vitamins, I suggest going for one that is only one a day. I also strongly suggets one that is "food-based" because absorption by your system will be better, which means technicallly a food-based vitamin does not have to contain as much vitamins as a non-food based one because your body will get more out of it. A good "once a day" one is Rainbow light "once a day" (be careful they also have prenatal that are 3 a day). It is food-based, and because it's once a day it ends up not too expesnive (I recently refilled, got a 150 or 180 caps for 30 dollars that will take me throughout the whole remaining 5 months of my pregnancy).
  4. This couple went to Maldives to renew their vows and the officiant just insulted them all along in a language they could not understand ! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1324275/Western-couple-mocked-infidel-wedding-minister-luxury-Maldive-resort.html
  5. Hello, I hope everybody is doing well and that their projects are moving forward !  I wanted to share some good news as this week marks an important milestone for me as I reach 13 weeks on Thursday. Yes it's the end of my first trimester and now the risks of miscarriage are in majority behind me !! So happy Today I went for my first trimester screening and the baby was moving so much it was hard to measure the nuchal translucency ! We saw all his hands and feet and fingers it was awesome  Next big step is the results of the screening... and maybe the amniocentesis... and then opening the baby registry lol !  Good luck to all !
  6. Usually first urine of the day means that you have ot have not peed in like 5 hours in order to allow for the hormones to concentrate in your urine. So if at 4am you did not pee since 11pm it's good. If you get up at 3am try to wait until 8am... Â
  7. Thank you for asking seaprincess ! Well actually, you're right on time : today was a big day for me as I'm just our from my doctor's appointment and saw my baby's heartbeat for the first time !!! I'm 7.5 weeks so he's no bigger than a peanut but the peanut is alive  I did two blood works and one ultrasound during my vacation - to confirm everything was on track and that the pregnancy was in utero. Just back yesterday and first thing today was doctor's appointment. HCG levels keep rising steadily (I was at 89,000 today) and should cap now. My progesterone levels are low though, actually going up and down and up and down, so I'm on twice a day progesterone suppositories (and I'm going to add a little bit of my progesterone cream to this, knowing this !). My belly stopped hurting as bad as it did in the first weeks, whcih is good, and still no morning sickness ! Yeah me !  Now I'm going to try to relax (well, until the nuchal translucency ultrasound, that is !).  DH heard from the doctors' mouth that we are still on a no-intercourse regime, but he was so excited to see his baby's heartbeat that this should help him through the rest of the first trimester  Keeping my fingers crossed !!
  8. Now it just went from hilarious to whack and cheesy !!!!
  9. So - update ! Level 160 this morning, so it's looking good ! Going back Thursday morning. Dr said I could fly but it was a risk I was taking. Hellz yeah I'm taking it, I still believe 2 weeks vacation is better than 2 weeks stressing at work, even with the flight ! He says if I'm starting to bleed over there, I need to take care of it over there. Hey, France is not an under-developped country I also offered to do the blood work in France and fax the results over (in France we get a copy of all labs we do - one copy for the doc, one copy for you). So, it's easy !! We'll see what he says on Thursday. Happy today !! (even if no intercourse or work-out green light yet... at least I get part of my life back )
  10. So - update. My hcg came back at 28 which is low - but in the range. I cancelled my business trip to Brazil (my boss was GREAT !), am getting started today on progesterone suppositories and will be back in Dr's office first thing Monday morning for Ultra sound and more blood work - and from there we can confirm if this is a healthy pregnancy, or a doomed one. From what I understand, there are many reasons why HCG could be low - one of them being that date of conception could be later than we think. But if HCG increases properly, it means it's fine. So final diagnostic Monday. I cannot hellp but feel confident because the home test came back negative on Wednesday, but positive on Thursday (ie huge increase from Wed to Thu) and today I started to feel slightly nauseous - which is usually linked to high rise in your hormones and that I did not experiment in the last pregnancy. I have not yet cancelled my trip back home !! seaprincess - you're absolutely right about the nurse !! I stopped listening to her this morning : when I called, she said doctor did not review results yet, and she told me, your level is 28, it's low, it could be chemical. WTF ????? Of course first thing I did was google it and no - it's in the range ! WHO ARE YOU to tell things like this to patients ?!?!?
  11. I actually have another Dr already - because this guy is not a delivery Dr, just a fertility one. You know, thinking about it, I just talked to the nurse, so maybe she gave me the stuff that is standard for all the patients he has - in majority ladies that REALLY have fertility issues - you know, IVF and IUI and multiple miscarriages... I went there to check I was OK - because I'm older and don't have that much time to lose trying and trying with no success. I did not hear anything to the contrary so far so... I cross my fingers that this morning I still don't hear anything to the contrary and that I can go on as usual
  12. For now, I'm waiting for the results of my blood work, tomorrow at 10am. After the exhilarating feeling of this morning I feel very down right now, because the nurse told me I could not work out, not even yoga, not have intercourse before week 13, and above all not travel, when I have my annual trip to return to France and see my parents and friends planned for next week. I've been depressed all afternoon. I know the baby is a good news but should I really be almost on bed rest ? I mean, if this is a bad apple, it will fall... even if I do nothing. I really need this trip, this is my only opportunity to see my Mom and Dad. I know it's a long trip but I have comfortable seats (Premium Coach, between coash and business - lots of leg room and a seat that actually does allow to sleep). Nurse said it was because of take off and landing. I don't understand why . I read tons of stuff about travelling in first trimester (and actually, I'm only in week 5 !) and they all say it's fine ! that there's not even an appearance of it being linked to miscarriages, except for stewardesses that worked more than 74 hours in a month in a plane (and they work, like, they don't sit and watch a movie). I mean, I should probably cancel my business trip to Brazil planned to Sunday to Wednesday, but my much needed vacation ? I have a very stressful job ; I've been in the office until 10pm every day since 2 weeks due to crisis-kind of period (I start at 8am). Last week I had to go to Mexico and nest I'm supposed to go to Brazil. I am living in a foreign country with almost no friends. My family is thousands of miles away and I only see them once a year. I was really, really, really looking forward to this. I don't know what's better : the stress of not going (and staying at work because of course I would try to go later, in second trimester), or the take-off and landing ? Nurse said that the Dr I'm seeing (who is really good) is very strict with her patients because he wants to put all chances on their side. He also wants to see them every week for ultra sound and hormone check. And that if I was not available maybe I should "consider not seeing him". God. I feel awful. I don't want to resent this yet to be born child but right now I kind of do and now if I miscarry, I will feel awfully guilty !!! I hope blood works tomorrow show everything is fine and maybe I can get a clearance. I mean, pregnant women have a life, right ??? I don't even know if I'm an at risk pregnancy. Yes, I'm 37 and yes, I had a miscarriage before, but I did get pregnant twice since we started (in Oct 09, less than 9 months ago) and 20% of all pregnancies do end in miscarriages just because of chromosomal defects... so who said I'm not just perfectly OK ? Actually - the extensive blood work done 2 weeks ago show nothing wrong. I read this on a frequent traveller forum : You can't shake a green apple from a tree and you can't easily damage a healthy fetus. Live your life. If you have always ridden horses, run or flown, keep doing it. You don't lose babies because of anything you do, you only lose them because they arent growing right. That is nature's way of making as sure as possible that moms have strong, healthy babies. This is so much the advise I want to follow right now !! OK, that was a long rant, sorry. Maybe it's the hormones and I will feel better tomorrow...
  13. It's a bit early for congrats - remember last time I miscarried at 6 weeks... so, hold your congrats I don't want to jinx it
  14. Well, temperature did not go down this month so took a test and it's positive... I'm making an appointment with the doctor asap... they should take me in today or tomorrow ! Definitely, I don't know what it is to "feel" pregnant because I surely did not feel anything different this month Good we have those little pee sticks lol. I keep you posted !
  15. Hello there, I was wondering if you managed to find a mid-way ? Let us know !
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Valentine_Baby We have been trying to conceive for almost 2 years. It's me not him. I had the dye test done in November last year and everything was clear, no blockages and good to go. Problem is I don't get a regular cycle therefor not ovulating. I've been on clomid, provera, something else and just came off of 3 months of Metformin - my body isnt responding to either. I am giving my body a break, maybe try again soon but on our own. Ever since then I've lost 15 lbs from exercising and dieting, trying to help my body start to ovulate on its own because sometimes that is all it needs is a little weight loss - but we all know that plus sized woman or obese woman can and do get pregnant! It's just heartbreaking seeing all these prego mommies but than I think to myself - I don't know what road they had to take to get to where they are. It's heartbreaking nonetheless but i'm sure our time will come. The part that I am not fond of is all these teenagers who go out to the bar for a good time and are knocked up by some random. That's where it really bugs me. Sending baby dust to all of you TTC~! Well I hope you'll be successful eventually ! Good luck to you ! As regards the teens - the doc I saw was really good at explaining. You're the most fertile when you're younger. Even after 25 your fertility already decreases... and you have to keep in mind that human chances to conceive each month are just about 20-25%... yes not more... and that's when everything is fine ! While listening I thought he was very good at his job !! For instance he says when he puts you on chlomid he'll measure your estrogen levels when you ovulate to assess the quality of the eggs. Also he advises IUI to increases your chances if eggs are good (half the work already done for the little swimmers). And he advises not to stay on Chlomid more than 3-4 months and move to hormones injections if it fails after 3-4 months - because even if the eggs gets fertilized you still have to get them to implant and the longer you wait, the more your implantation success rate decreases (I don't know how old you are but for me time is of the essence, specially if I want 2...) Did you have any of this done, or were you "just" on chlomid ?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen_S I also had the HSG done like Carly said it is not bad at all a little uncomfortable. They will give you a antibotic to take for 3 days to prevent any infection. I think it is good to make sure your tubes are clear. I was also told that you are more fertile up to 6 months after having the test. My doc told me that she has a patient every time she wants to get preg she has it done and 2 months later is pregnant. Yes, doc told me it would sometimes flush stuff that could obstruct the tubes like old blood etc and therefore, they are well open and it facilitates the way to the egg and then the way for the gg to the uterus...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I had the HSG (hysterosalpinogram, is the full word, I think) test done since I had an ectopic pregnancy last year and lost a tube, they wanted to confirm that my other tube was ok. It was a quick procedure performed at the hospital. Only slightly more invasive then the internal u/s b/c they insert a catheter and inject dye. But it was super quick and for my problems, I'm glad that we did it. I'm thinking that maybe it's a good idea for me to take, cause if I'm trying "naturally" for a few months just to realize one tube is closed, then I'm losing a lot of time (and I'm turning 38 in Nov so I do not have so much time to waste)... Plus, we do not know if my prior miscarriage was a tuball miscarriage that could have damaged the tube, or another type of MC (given I never got an ultra sound before I lost my pregnancy). I'm just a bit reluctant to the idea of the dye
  19. So I went to see the fertility doctor yesterday. I cost me an arm and a leg (I hope insurance refunds me ! Good that the invoice says Ob-Gyn and not "fertility" !!) but I got a lot of reassurance. The part I prefer is that, if I get a positive test again, they bring you in the very same day to check on your hormone levels and see if you need anything - in particular progesterone supplementation. I love this given that my concern is not egg meet spermie but rather will that bb stick inside ?! And I got blood test for all possible hormones - including some that fertility doctors usually don't look at such as prolactine and FSH. It feels good to know I started something in case nothing has happened by Oct-Nov and that I don't wait then. So keeping fingers crossed ! He told me about the dye test - to see if my tubes are both open. Any of you have done it before ? I'm not sure how I feel about getting chemicals in my uterus... (I'm all about organic and I track down labels on my cosmetics... so you see...)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Williams Thanks! The advice was helpful and you instinctively picked up on the fact that his cousin's wedding was in the morning. Our wedding is at 5:00pm, so they would move directly into a reception dinner in the restaurant at the hotel. The dress i have found is from David's Bridal and it is $549.99. I don't really want to compromise on the flowers. We have decided to bring a Bose ipod docking station with us and play our music from there, which would save us $ as well. The large ticket items right now are the photographer, the flowers, and the decoration. Everything else is pretty much under control. I have a pretty good creative side with a lot of time left for the wedding, so I will be doing a lot of DIY. Our Save the Dates are ready to be mailed out and I did those myself, along with my BMs who helped put them together, and this forum. I will take a look at the link you provided and share it with him. Great ! Even without sharing the terrible stories of wedding that went bad, I'm pretty sure you can have a reasonnable discussion about not going to skip dinner in order to play beach volley in the dark... Maybe he never saw it this way ?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen_S Yes acup works really good on pain. I feell 80% better by the time she puts all the needles in and leaves then I lay there for about 30 min by the time I leave I feel about 95%. I use to go to a chiro and had to go 3 times a week if I was not going for infertility I would probably only need to go 1 - 2 times a month for my neck pain. Good to know ! I'm making my osteopath rich ! I'll give it a try, thanks !!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Williams Jenn, thanks for the advice. I've had a talk with him and he's willing to give me thirty minutes of tradition at the reception, which by the way is only $1250 (including tax and gratuity) to rent out the restaurant - we're having the guest choose off of the restaurant menu and saving on the traditional platted dinner meal. However, he told me to not be surprised if our guests don't stay for the reception. I think he has some kind of warped idea of what a destination wedding looks like as a result of his cousin's wedding. Ms Williams, I've read the entire thread and a few things come to my mind. Firstly - what exactly is the timeline of your wedding ? If you're getting married late in the afternoon (say 5pm), the reception would actually be dinner time. Would guests skip dinner to go play beach volley ?!?! Presented that way it sounds very different from the idea he has - perhaps the cousin wedding was early in the day (just guessing) and they had all afternoon between ceremony and dinner - so they wanted to do vacation stuff in the time allocated... but really if the time allocated for the wedding is already late in the day, you would just have to "exchange" your regular dinner for a wedding dinner. Big deal. I'm sure he could find this acceptable. Secondly - if I planned to go some place for a wedding, I would personnally feel "stolen of the wedding" if there was no reception. Maybe his idea is different, but most people idea of a wedding does include a reception. Go see the thread "what did you see at a wedding that made you swear", read it and have your FI read it too... a lot of brides here are remembering weddings with no reception... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...u-swear-38783/ That would be for me particularly true if I had to fly someplace. I mean, the place you're getting married at is probably not a place a lot of your guests would have picked for their own vacation. They are going to have to switch one vacation of their choice, for a vacation resort of your choice. Even if it's nice, it's still for you that they are doing it. And then what, they come and there's no real wedding ? Personnally - I would be pissed. Thirdly - budget You're starting off on great grounds here. I mean, 1250$ for reception and 2000$ for photog, honestly, those are really great prices ! Some great ways to save : - bridal party. Use umbrellas rather than flowers - center pieces. Your MIL and Mom don't want you to use fake flowers ? Use glass jars or vases, sand, sea shells and tea lights... even lanterns... why not a mini aquarium (without the fishes ) - you can get a small square vase from Ikea and small aquarium plants or corals, little stones - you just need to add water ! Skip the flowers altogether. The other advantage is that you can make a lot of this yourself - dress. There are a lot of great dresses for reasonnable prices. I know it's sometimes hard to compromise on the dress. Just try not to go for the super fancy one, or if it's a fancy model you fall for - try the knock off version ! - DIY. There are so many things you can do yourself (specially given that you have so much time). All of my place cards, program, invites, table numbers, favors... were DIY. This forum is of great help for this. Good luck with your wedding planning, I hope you find a compromise that pleases you both !
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by clgriffi7 I need help!!! My anticipated wedding date isn't until November 2011, so it is way early to be looking at dresses. My work does a shutdown over the 4th of July, so I was on vacation this week and couldn't help but dress shop. I hit 3 stores and found a dress I love and it is on sale (15% off). My question to all of you is: should I buy the dress now while it is on sale even though it is 16-17 months before my wedding? HELLZ YEAH !!!!! WOW WOW !! get it girl !
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I think you can do all that in FF though too and it's automated. I know you can use C instead of F cuz the Canadian girls use it too. Not to be a FF pusher though! hahahahaa. Just thought it might make it easier for you... Actually, I like excel and, er, well, I'm pretty good at it. I'm a nerd I also make all my personnal accounting on excel with pies and graphs that's to say
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