Hi!! I am back from my travels!!!
Andi we should try to meet up, I am pretty open any time after Saturday May 30th, Thursdays are also bad.
What works for you??
I confess that since my best friend had her baby in late April, I know now 100% I am not ready. It makes me feel a little selfish that I do not want to give up all my acitivities and stuff yet, but I am sure the reward is wonderful.
Michelle everything looked so amazing and you were a stunning bride. I am so excited for you I have tears in my eyes!!
Congrats and thanks for the review and pics !
I have been looking at the site for awhile. I really like them but I am still not sold on the price. But I have not been able to find anything else that does not have the foam bottom.
Okay I just ran out in the rain to check it out LOL. It is Porter's DarK Cherry Hybrid. Simliar size and shape to roma tomatoes. The take longer but do well in hot an dry climates like Colorado.
Bonnie Plants