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Everything posted by jetsbride

  1. That is an awesome idea!! I would totally do that if I had more time!!
  2. Hey, I am from Edmonton and I am also a November bride!!
  3. I agree with jennybell1 that it will be used more after the wedding because of the smaller logo. Jennybell1 - Thanks!! I am getting very excited!! I have minor things to do and if they don't get done then it wouldn't be the end of the world!
  4. I think your mugs look excellent! I also ordered my mugs from discount mugs and when they sent me a proof and my design could only be 1" x 1" I was a little annoyed but now that I have the mugs I love them! If you are not happy though I would keep telling them until something is done about it.
  5. Paige2010 - That is so exciting that you found a dress!!! I can't wait to see what it looks like!!! As for the shower I talked to my friend yesterday and she had talked to my SIL to be (who is also a BM) and they are going to have a shower for me. There is a long story that goes along with all this but it makes me upset to think about it so I will just leave it at that. I just have to say I am very happy to have such great friends!!! Thanks to all you ladies for your support on the topic also!!!
  6. Yep, I agree with Mayalove, put it onto a iron on transfer (you can get that from Michaels or Walmart) and then you can add crystals if you want or just have the transfer. You would just print it off the computer I am pretty sure.
  7. Thanks Shellk - I am going to talk to my friend tonight and see what she says...I will let you ladies know.
  8. LadyTruck - Have fun dress shopping and be sure to take photos to show us!!! Josie - I think I am just going to get my makeup done their too and keep my fingers crossed. I was going to buy MAC makeup and get my sister to do it but i don't wear a lot of makeup on a regular basis so I would have a lot of makeup just sitting at my house for special occasions... Thanks for your thoughts on the shower, I didn't really think I wanted one at first but the more I think about it the more upset I feel. I just can't believe that I should have to say anything. I don't want people to think I am being greedy but I have been to everyone's showers so why shouldn't I get my own? I think I may say something to my best friend even though she is not in my wedding party, I just hate putting that on her especially only 4 weeks before the we leave! Would it be weird to have one after the wedding?
  9. Wow, there are tons of good ones there! Thanks!! I found these ones as well: Here are some that I just found... Romantic Together Forever Eternally To Infinity Yours Always All My LoveHappily Ever After Worth the Wait Till Death From This Day Forward To Have and To Hold I Love You Love United Love, Honor, Cherish My True Love I Do Kiss Sentimental Amen A favorite Bible verse or reference number Remember Soulmates Song titles or phrases, especially wedding songs Past, Present, Future Dates, including the wedding date, proposal date, or first kiss date Claddagh symbols or crosses Two Friends Become One Yours Initials of the couple Humorous Taken His and Hers in the appropriate wedding rings Put It Back On Nonrefundable Cute nicknames the couple uses Gotcha Resistance is Futile Mine XOXOXO (Hugs and Kisses)
  10. Has anyone engraved their FH's wedding band? I definately want to do this but I need some ideas for what to put and I knew all my BDW ladies would have tons of ideas...please share.
  11. I posted this before but I think you ladies may have missed it.... Ladies, I have a question...I haven't heard anything about a shower so far and apparently my best friends mom was suppose to have one for me but I know that no invites have been sent out or anything. (she is upset that I didn't use her travel agent and she has made that clear to me) Also, I have made it very clear that I do not want a surprise for anything to do with the wedding because for some reason I have been very emotional the last few months. Anyway, it does kinda suck when we are paying just as much to have our wedding away as it does to have one here and people do not realize that. Am I being stuck up? I just think that this is my one and only chance to have one and I think I will be upset if I don't get one...
  12. Here is the info I got as far as payments: Can we pay for the following items with credit card? what credit cards are excepted? Credit cards accepted are Visa, Master Card and American Express Wedding package - Yes Private reception @ Botafogo - Yes Cocktails at reception - Yes Photographer - Yes, but through the Photo Shop not the hotel. Overhead for slideshow - No, this must be payed in cash on the day of our interview. Rember that this cost is only for the projector and screen, you must bring your own laptop. Extra bouquets & boutiners - Yes Dress steaming - No, must be payed in cash upon request. Also with the caprice package it says that two rose petal bags are included, do I need to get baskets for the rose petals or is that included? The basket is not included but you may choose to use them for the ceremony or as part of the dinner decoration. WE can discuss this in further detail on the day of our interview.
  13. Josie - Are you getting the hotel to do your makeup? Archie - Did you get your makeup done there? Any thoughts on this?
  14. Ladies, I have a question...I haven't heard anything about a shower so far and apparently my best friends mom was suppose to have one for me but I know that no invites have been sent out or anything. (she is upset that I didn't use her travel agent and she has made that clear to me) Also, I have made it very clear that I do not want a surprise for anything to do with the wedding because for some reason I have been very emotional the last few months. Anyway, it does kinda suck when we are paying just as much to have our wedding away as it does to have one here and people do not realize that. Am I being stuck up? I just think that this is my one and only chance to have one and I think I will be upset if I don't get one...
  15. I know, I am soooo excited!!! We leave on the 8th and come back on the 22nd. Ahhh, I can't wait to get married and have a relaxing vacation!!!!
  16. I was going with that assumption too but in an email Ael sent it said we had to pay cash the day of our interview for the screen for the slide show. I have sent her an email for clarification, I will let you guys know.
  17. Everything looks awesome Josie!!! Hopefully work will get less stressful soon, we miss you hre!!! I will have to share all my OOT bag info with you ladies too, although I am doing a lot of the same stuff as Josie! Question for you Josie (or Archie)- do you know if we have to pay cash for our wedding package and all that or can we pay by credit card?
  18. Shellk - it's good to know that she hasn't disappeared!!! Also, I will ask Ael about the baskets and let you all know.
  19. Morning Ladies...I am jumping back on this wagon today. I had totally stopped doing it and I am not sure why because I was having such good progress. Anyway I am starting again today and hopefully I can lose some weight in the next 30 days before the wedding! Lisaloo - 1.5lbs is a minor set back, just try not to be mad about a bad weekend and start eating right again today! Hopefully all you Canadian ladies enjoyed your Thanksgiving, I know I did!!!
  20. Does anyone have answer to this I am getting the caprice package and it says that two rose petal bags are included, do I need to get beskets for the rose petals or is that included? The statement is not very clear to me.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by sammysgirl Lisa- do you feel prepared?? I feel as prepared as can be. I have to finish making my OOT bags but really thats all I have to do. I am sure I will probably add other projects but I am making sure I don't get stressed. I have already had more stress then I ever wanted so just trying to take it easy from here on. Shellk - I would probably wait a week and see if she gets back to you. If she hasn't by then then i would worry about finding her. As you had mentioned she may be on a holidy. You are right though she should say that she is going to be out of the office for certian dates... Don't stress though, I am sure it will work out.
  22. Emme - Have a great wedding!! I can't wait to hear about everything when you get back and you are a MRS!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_reeves Jetsbride - your's is coming up pretty quick too - NOV 12th! Yep - it's coming very fast. if you ladies get together for dinner in oct or Nov. i won't be able to make it as i am booked solid every weekend now but I would love to hear about it!
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