Sammysgirl - I think it would be hard not having my family at my wedding but your parents are offering you something amazing too. This is a very hard decision you have to make and I wish I could help you more but I have no idea what I would do in that situation! sorry...let us know what you decide though
LadyTrunck - I was super nervous too the first few times I went dress shopping, I don't know why because I also love shopping and I had my mom and all my BM's with me. I think it's just the unknown part, we have never done it before so it seems a bit strange to us! I can't wait to see your photos!!
Josie - Have you picked anything for hair and makeup to show them at the resort?
I am trying to decide if I should have blond hair or dark brown hair for the wedding, usually I have blond in the summer and brown for the winter, so I like my hair both ways... all my BM's say dark. What do you ladies think??
My hair is long right now, these photos are older...
Yesterday I had my final dress fitting and paid for my alterations so I am so excited that everything for my dress is finally done and paid for!!! now I just have to pick it up a few days before we leave.
Is anyone else nervous about having thier dress in the room? I just thought about this the other day and now I am nervous. I just really hope nothing happens to it.
Oh, it's also my bachlorette party tomorrow night!!!!
I am soooo excited, I can't wait to see everyone and party it up!!! Just a prelude to our trip!!
Sorry for the long post...I had a lot to say apparently...