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Everything posted by jetsbride

  1. Your planning thread is awesome Erika!!! You look fabulous by the way, healing up very nicely!!! Thanks amandaseth for the info. I am definately going to have to try Mudhoney Salon, sounds awesome!! I might have to wait until my next cut/color though, that is pricey!!! I do like to splurge for hair cuts/colors every now and again but the last few times I have done it I have had terrible experinces. Paying like $250 to get it done and leaving unhappy with what i got.
  2. Wow, I agree with Kathy, just tell her that if she is going to attend the wedding then that means she needs to support it. That is what it is all about is it not? If she can't support it she needs to keep it to herself.
  3. I checked walmart and canadian tire so far for floaties and haven't had any luck...I will keep looking but if anyone sees them anywhere else please let me know. Thanks!
  4. Wow, everything looks amazing Erika, here's to a wondreful trip!!! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
  5. hey ladies, I haven't been here for a bit but I always keep up with your posts, just no time to wirte!! How exciting that we are all so close to our wedding day/month!!! Best wishes to all you ladies that are leaving soon, I can't wait to hear all about your wedding and trip when you get back! Amandaseth - Where are you going to get your hair done? I don't have anyone that I go see on a regular basis, although I would love to...
  6. LadyTrunck - Beautiful dresses!!!! You look amazing!! Doesn't it feel good to have your dress picked out now!!?? Thanks for your opionins on my hair also ladies.
  7. Has anyone seen where I can buy inflatable water wings and floaties?? I have been looking but I have had no luck finding them at this time of year...
  8. Sammysgirl - I think it would be hard not having my family at my wedding but your parents are offering you something amazing too. This is a very hard decision you have to make and I wish I could help you more but I have no idea what I would do in that situation! sorry...let us know what you decide though LadyTrunck - I was super nervous too the first few times I went dress shopping, I don't know why because I also love shopping and I had my mom and all my BM's with me. I think it's just the unknown part, we have never done it before so it seems a bit strange to us! I can't wait to see your photos!! Josie - Have you picked anything for hair and makeup to show them at the resort? I am trying to decide if I should have blond hair or dark brown hair for the wedding, usually I have blond in the summer and brown for the winter, so I like my hair both ways... all my BM's say dark. What do you ladies think?? My hair is long right now, these photos are older... Yesterday I had my final dress fitting and paid for my alterations so I am so excited that everything for my dress is finally done and paid for!!! now I just have to pick it up a few days before we leave. Is anyone else nervous about having thier dress in the room? I just thought about this the other day and now I am nervous. I just really hope nothing happens to it. Oh, it's also my bachlorette party tomorrow night!!!! I am soooo excited, I can't wait to see everyone and party it up!!! Just a prelude to our trip!! Sorry for the long post...I had a lot to say apparently...
  9. Hi ladies - Here is the picture of the mug and gift box I got from discount mugs...
  10. I am pretty much ready to go just need to pick music. I am still waiting for some items from oriental trading company to get here for the OOT bags also but that's my bad, I waited so long to order. Also my wedding band was getting made and it should be done by the weekend. That's it. I am sooo excited and can't wait to get to Mexico for the wedding and a nice 2 week vacation!!!
  11. Here's all the info I can give you, it's not exactly the same as that frame but it's close. Metal frame: Urbane Online Store-StoreFront Product Detail Page Brown Frame: Urbane Online Store-StoreFront Product Detail Page Here is a link to a how to guide: How-To Guide To Make the Sand Ceremony Frame - Bridalinsider.com Also check this out: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...i-found-49284/
  12. I have never been but I definately want to try it. i will probably start when we get back from our wedding. I've heard great things about it!
  13. I do not have a picture but I did get the gift boxes. They are just plain white card board boxes. nothing special about them. I just find it easier to pack in my bag then a bunch of loose mugs. I can take a picture tonight and post it.
  14. I just wanted to see the layout of everything. I had picked BotaFogo for my dinner but I kinda wanna change it to Chilis now. I am sooo undecisive!!! we had 4 more people book today so we are ayt 57 guests so if 3 more people book then we can have the buffet at Chilis!! I really hope that happens!!! We have 5 more people who plan to book so who knows!!
  15. lors03 - I take back that it doesn't tell you the names of the restaurants...I am blind!!! (and maybe a bit crazy!!,haha)
  16. lors03 - yeah, I was looking for that type of map. It's strange it doesn't tell you where each restaurant (specifically by name) is located. I am trying to figure out where chili's and Bota Fogo are. and also where the salon/spa is. Josie - I looked at your shower pictures, looks like a great time. I love how they even had it beach themed!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth ALERT! I found REALLY cute beach bags at the La Vie en Rose swimwear store (Aqua?), 2 for eight dollars!! What do they look lie? Do you have photos?
  18. Hi ladies, hope you all had an awesome weekend! Josie - How was your shower? Are you gonna post some pictures? Does anyone know where I can find a map of the RPRM resort? I have been searching on google and I am not having any luck...
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