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Everything posted by jetsbride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE Girls- I think after much going back and forth I decided to do the resort photog. Juan Carlos. Do any of you know how far in advance you're supposed to book him, or do I assume that because he works for the resort he's available? I feel like I havent done much for the wedding lately and I just got nervous about it Thanks! Hey ladies, I contacted Ael, the wedding coordinator at the resot and this is what she had to say about booking the photograher in advance: Please note that we cannot book photographers in advance as they have a weekly schedule and alternate weddings with other photographers. May I say that all of our photographers offer a superb service and quality and I am sure you will be very pleased with any of their work. I will be in touch with you 2 months prior to the wedding date to assist you with the remaining details. So I am okay witht his as long as they are going to be avaliable to book. Hopefully this helps.
  2. I love the gringo in the sun kit, I got a good laugh from that! I like that you used the organza bags and made the OOT bags smaller, I was also under the impression they were big bags but this is definately easier to get to the DW location and for guests to take home.
  3. Desiree, did you just do at home microdermabrasion and peels or did you go to a salon and have it done? how much of each treatment did you need and how much do you think you spent? I have a little acne scarring on my cheekd and I'd like to try and get rid of it by the wedding.
  4. This is my engagement ring, I just love it! My Ring 001.pdf My Ring 004.pdf
  5. Josie, your ring is beautiful!!! I have an antique looking ring so I am just getting a simple wedding band made to fit around it, nothing to flashy because the engagement ring is already pretty detailed and beautiful. If you don't get a band what do you exchange at your wedding ceremony?
  6. Welcome to the forum Bird! I agree with MegaShay, I think because you sent your STD a year in advance it should not be a problem to down a deposit.
  7. tata2 - we have the same wedding day!!! I want to lose weight just like you before our big day, i am definately here to talk if you need any motivation. I think it is important to remember that if you mess up once it doesn't have to mean you've messed up your whole diet, just realize it and make sure to make healthy choice for your next meal or put in an extra 15minutes of cardio. I have never had tried to lose weight before so I am not even sure what will work for me. I have gained 40 pounds since I met my FH 3 years ago and I want to be back to the same size as when I met him at for our wedding. Lets keep the motivation going and we can do it!!! Josie - I also joined the sparkpeople, its a good way to track calories.
  8. I am wanting to get my info together to send out my formal invitations however I don't know what time the cocktail hour will be or the reception, I only know the wedding ceremony time. Is is alright to put on the invitations TBA or following ceremony or something like that? I won't know this information until September probably. I could probably just put the times on the welcome letter I will be giving to each guest when they arrive at the hotel...Any thoughts on this?
  9. Josie - I'm not sure which package you booked for but I got the caprice package and it includes photography so I am assuming I don't have to book it, maybe when you talk to the wc a couple months before the wedding just let her know if you are wanting just what your package includes for pictures or if you will want more. If you find out otherwise let me know.
  10. I 've seen the flower ceremony before in a friend of a friends wedding photos and really liked it. This is something that is done in Hawaii but I'd like to bring it to Mexico. This is what it's about: Circle of Love If you are planning a Hawaii wedding on one of the beautiful beaches, then consider incorporating a Hawaiian love circle into your ceremony. A circle of flowers surrounds the bride and groom, as they stand together in the center during the ceremony. This is a great way to incorporate the colorful floral and fauna of the tropical landscape surrounding you – and it also symbolizes the eternity of your love. Many wedding designers can help you choose beautiful tropical flowers that match the colors you have chosen for your wedding in Hawaii and your Hawaiian beach wedding dress. Yellows, oranges, and reds are particularly popular with most couples – and they look beautiful in the photographs. So what I was thinking is to give every guest a flower create the ring that my FI and I would stand in, it would be like a blessing from each guest for the two of us to join together.
  11. I am undecided between a flower ceremony and a sand ceremony...I like both a lot. The cons to a sand ceremony is the weight during travelling and the con for the flower ceremony is the cost of flowers for every guest, that could get expensive. Obviously I still have some more thinking to do on this...
  12. Wow, I am so happy I found this thread!! Once I get on the hunt for OOT bag stuff I will definately share any good deals!
  13. I love BB, I can't wait for this season!! I can't believe I have watched 10 seasons already!!
  14. Has anyone else got this product? Soccergurl - do you have before and after shots of yourself?
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