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Everything posted by jetsbride

  1. I am sooo relieved!! I just heard from our TA and we can still go on The 6th of November as previously planned for the wedding, I don't have to change my wedding date or anything!! The only thing is I have to tell people that if that want to go at the same time as us they have to book asap. I am not very good at that kinda thing. Otherwise they will have to leave on a different flight (the Tues or Weds) and it's kinda lame cause we wanted our second week to be just us but hey, as long as we get our wedding date I'll be alright! Thanks for the support ladies, it is very appreciated!!
  2. Josie - Weird, we are the same!! I was just looking at that thread but thanks for pointing it out!
  3. Yeah, tanner, he is definately a creep. It was sick when he was rubbing her foot on his face...ewww!!
  4. Congratulations ladies, you deserve it!
  5. Bachatabride - I am totally with you I love Jake and Ed is is a very close second for me now! Dave, Juan and Wes all have to go, they are no good for Jillian! I was shocked when she let Sasha go though but I guess if you know you can't get passed it then they are both better off.
  6. Megan - I do like the suit your picked for your FH, I think that the same color pants and a white button down shirt would look good. Josie - I am pretty sure we are the same!! I think in your case the guys should wear white button down shirts too and then you could just have an orange boutinere (sp??) My FH wants to wear all linen which I am fine with but I am unsure how all white will look, I was thinking gray pants with a white shirt and blue flowers for the guys and the girls and then hopefully a pink dress for the girls, then I am incorporating all the colors I want. My FH does not want to wear gray though because if he sweats it will show through. Blah, I just don't know what to do! I am with the no hawiian shirt though and I think it would be to much of the color if the BM & GM were both wearing it. Who knows. I need to see more pictures!!
  7. I am obsessed with BDW too, I'll be doing homework then the next thing I know I am checking out the BDW site. It's crazy!! All I have done so far is STD, my dress, place so it looks like we are on the same track Josie! I have looked for everything else and have an idea of what I want but nothing set in stone. Oh, question, what are your FH & GM wearing? I am curious and I have looked on the attire threads and haven't got any inspiration yet. I was thinking all white linen for FH and white linen pants with a white linen blue/pink shirt (depending on the color of BM dresses) for the GM. Do you think that would be too much white?
  8. I'm thinking the same thing too ladies, I have so many other things going on in my life right now it's hard to get time to think about wedding stuff. I need to get on it!
  9. Never have but I am going to put in for a quote right now. Good idea!
  10. I am finding Sunquest to be very frustrating too!!! I found out the other day that our flights are leaving on either Tuesday or a Wednesday, since when do charters leave then? Its always been Thursday through Sunday. Now I have my wedding booked on a Thursday (Nov 12th) but becasue the Riu states you have to be there 2 full business day ahead of time to get married (even though we are not having a legal ceremony) I am going to have to go on either the 3/4 of November and stay until the 17/18. its a good thing we planned on staying 2 weeks but I was hoping to have the 2nd weeks to ourselves but now all our guests will be there too. I did just look into the Westjet flights that you are all talking about but they don't start flights from Edmonton to Cancun until December 8th. I am so flustered right now I am really hoping my TA can pull a rabbit out of her hat and make me happy cause right now I'm not.
  11. So, nothing has really been figured out still today. Our TA apparently waiting to talk to some other co-ordinator to get this all figured out but I will keep you ladies posted!!
  12. Congrats, everything looked amazing!!! Thanks for posting this!
  13. I am just trying to stay calm, my TA gets in at 9am so 1 1/2hrs to wait still. The flights from here are charters so they only fly certain days, I might be able to catch a different flight and pay for a land only at the hotel but it's usually cheaper to go with flight and hotel package. I don't understand why if it's not even a legal ceremony we need to be there for 2 full business days before the wedding, anyway, hopefully this will all get worked out, I know my FH will be calling the TA if I am upset about anything cause I am no good at getting mad at people. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
  14. Welcome to the forum, you will find tons of info on this site for your planning! Have a good time with it!!
  15. Welcome Nashay!! Your wedding is right away, this site has tons of helpful info for DW's but you must be pretty much all planned now! Only 19 days to go, how exciting!!!
  16. Okay, I have to vent... So the flight schedule just came out for our trip the RPRM for our wedding and the flights in November are leaving on Tuesday & Wednesday (the 3rd/4th or 10th/11th) so far we have sent out our STD's to say November 12 and thats when we booked our wedding for at the RPRM, the problem is if we go on the 10 or 11 we can't have our wedding on the 12th because of the 2 business day rule before the wedding!!! (We are having a religous ceremony, not civil) I am not sure what we are going to do, I am just very anxious to talk to our TA tomorrow and see what she has to say about it because she swore up and down to me that the flights would leave on either thursday, friday, saturday or sunday, if that was true my wedding date would be no problem and it's not easy to just change the date. Blah!! sorry I am done now, just had to get it off my chest. Do I have full right to be upset? I was totally prepared for things not to go as planned for a DW but to have to change the date is crazy!
  17. Ange, that bathing suit is pretty awesome, I'd just take the risk and get it to see if it fits! It will be well worth it if it does fit. I think I may just look into getting the bathing suit.
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