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Everything posted by jetsbride

  1. Kris, where are you going for your fitting? I got my dress from Bridal Debut in Sherwood Park. I agree with the other girls that the fitting shouldn't be until November.
  2. Hey all, I am thinking of getting this. Does anyone have before and after photos they are willing to share?
  3. Thanks a bunch ladies! I did try the rsvp on the wedding website but nobody was replying, that's why I have made reply cards with my invites but that is awesome that it is working out for you NaM! That is a great point finleys7, why would people not write the names of those attending...thats strange. Anyway I just night do that.
  4. Thanks Josie - Maggie dresses are the greatest!!! I love your stamps by the way!
  5. I am really confused as to what I am suppose to have on the reply card envelope. Is it just suppose to have a stamp and my address on it? What about the guests address, does it need to on the reply envelope at all?
  6. Thanks for all your comments on my dress Ladies, I love it!!! Jannae - I did tell my guests they could stay other places but no one has booked any where else cause they know that the party will be where everyone else is. I didn't send the info out in an email or invitation or anything but I did tell them if they asked.
  7. Thanks HappyBride! I tried on a lot of dresses before I found this one, maybe like 30.
  8. Thanks Josie! That's what I mean cause I don't think you can go to the exact post either... shellk - here's a link to my wedding dress photos (Page 116, post # 1151) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t85
  9. shellk - I already posted photos of my dress and I want to make a link to it, do you know how to do that? Does anyone know how I can make a link to a previous posting?
  10. shellk - I already posted photos of my dress and I want to make a link to it, do you know how to do that? Does anyone know how I can make a link to a previous posting?
  11. You deserve the best and I can't wait to hear all about your day when you get back! Thanks for being such a great contributor to this forum. I will be thinking of you while you are gone! Talk to you when you are a MRS!!!!
  12. Oh, I also love the passport covers you got, what Etsy seller did you get them from? How much were they?
  13. Desiree - Glad to hear you had such a great weekend, I can't wait to see your photos! Your tickers says 5 days till your wedding now...crazy!!!!! Jannae - I didn't tell any of my guests this, I just figured most would stay at the same hotel and so far everyone has booked at the same hotel. My weekend was very busy and really great! On Saturday my parents had a BBQ for us and invited lots of people who will be at the wedding so my FMIL could meet some people before we went down to Mexico. It was sooo awesome we had a blast! Then on Sunday we went over to my FBIL and FSIL and they had a surprise shower for us (so that the FMIL) could be here for a shower. It was really fun and totally unexpected! I am so emotional though I was crying for absolutely no reason...it was strange! My visit with my dress on Friday was also amazing, I love it sooo much, every time I see it I love it even more!
  14. Everything looks fabulous!!! I can't wait to see you photos and see your review when you get back!
  15. Hi!! My name is Lisa, born and raised in Edmonton. My FH is from St. John's Newfoundland so you never know we might move there one day, it is beautiful there, I am just not sure if I can sit and relax! I am so use to the hustle and bustle of city life!
  16. oh yeah, I got my invitations yeaterday now I have to find some time to put them together this weekend! I'll post pictures when they are all done! I am also going to "visit" my dress today, my FMIL is in town so I am going to show her, it's gonna be a fun day!
  17. Wahooo, happy legal day Desiree!!!! Have a blast today!!! Can't wait to hear how it was and see pictures!
  18. Josie - To get your OOT bags down there I saw somewhere on this site (can't remember where) that someone was just packing their second piece of luggage as a plastic storage tote and filling it with OOT bag stuff. If you need 2 or 3 I am sure someone would be willing to help you out and take one as their second piece of luggage. I think thats what I am going to do and then I will just leave the tote there. I guess it depends on the luggage amounts you are aloud to have too.
  19. Wow, Desiree, I am sooo excited for you!!! You are going to have the time of your life and I can't wait to see your photos and hear all about it. Thanks for being such a great friend, you deserve all the happiness in the world!
  20. Josie - I am definately with you on the stress of getting over 50 OOT bags down to Mexico. I think it might be costly but I gues I will find out! I also agree with you that to have large OOT bags with small items in it might be a little strange but if it really doesn't matter to you and it makes your mom happy then I would just do that. Samira - Don't worry, I don't think you are behind, we sent out our STD's about 10 months before the wedding. Do most people know the plan anyway?
  21. I am soooo excited for Reid to come back!!!! Can't wait for Monday!
  22. Jannae - we are not getting an outside photographer, we are just going with the one the RPRM provides. We went with the Caprice Package but I think we will probably add photos on top of that and the package we are looking at getting is $1200. Elizabeth Medina does do beautiful work so I would totally go for it if it's in your budget! Josie - try not to worry too much about the OOT bags, have you thought about what you are going to put in them? and you are not the only one, I haven't started mine either!! I am hoping to get started on them in august.
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