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Everything posted by jetsbride

  1. Last night we made our protien shakes in the magic bullet, they came out way smoother and were pretty tasty! Just a thought if you have one you might want to use it...
  2. What seller on ebay did you use for the great deal on totes and mugs?
  3. This is really cool, does anyone have photos of a completed sand ceremony frame?
  4. finzup, good idea, I will only have one scoop at night. it did seem a little excessive to me but I just did what it said! Thanks for the link Kathy, I will have to try that protien powder next.
  5. All this is fabulous Amy, you didn't miss anything!!! Thank you so much for sharing and all the hard work and time you put into this!
  6. I started this yesterday, so far so good. I haven't felt hungry yet because all the veggies keep me full. I got my protien powder from Walmart, it's called Six Star Muscle, Muscle Building Milkshake and for 2 scoops mixed with 6oz of cold water it has: 280 calories 9g fat 33g protien 16g carbs (5g sugar) Does this seem right? This is not bad tasting at all though, I was dreading it after reading all the posts but it was actually good, a little chunky though!
  7. Nice shoes Katie, where did you get them? I am looking for my shoes right now and can't find anything I like...
  8. Very interested in all of them, do you have photos? How much for all 50?
  9. Hey ladies, sorry I haven't been on for a while I was on vacation in Newfoundland...it's very beautiful there! shellk - the jewelry you picked is awesome! MrsMarch - 1 - I have my rsvp's due by August 31 so 2 months is about right. Unless you want more time for making OOT bags (which I kinda wish I had done...) 2 - Yes, we are having a reception with dancing at the rprm. We are not having a AHR though so this is our full blown wedding.
  10. Desiree, you are such a beautiful bride! Congratulations to you and Tyler, the wedding looks amazing and thanks so much for the review! I can't wait to see the rest of your photos!!
  11. Welcome back Mrs!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  12. Welcome back Desiree!!!! I absolutely love your new siggy pic!!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip and wedding! Welcome Lindsey!!
  13. I pm'd you....I'd like to see pictures pleaseand thanks!
  14. Samira - I sent you the menus and I do believe they are they same whther the dinner is private or semi-private. Edoherty - Congrats on your dress, your job and the condo! What a busy few weeks you've had! I'd love to see pictures of your dress. That sucks that we can't have fireworks but thanks for looking into it Samira! Desiree was back yesterday so we should be hearing from her soon...I am too excited!!
  15. Wow, thanks for sending me this Lisa, it seems pretty straight forward and easy to follow and it's great to hear that another carb lover is not having too much trouble following the plan. I have to get started on this but I am headed on vacation on Thursday so I might have to start when I get back...
  16. I was wondering about fireworks too, that would be awesome!! Maybe desiree can fill us in with that info when she gets back. I can't wait to hear all the info she has for us and see her photos! The private dinner does have the same menu at both restaurants - Chili's and Bota Fogo. Restaurant_Bota_Fogo.pdf Restaurant_Chillis.pdf
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