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Everything posted by jetsbride

  1. Julia Roberts:Ocean's Eleven
  2. I love your wedding day timeline!!! Do you have a template for it at all? if so could you PM me please and thanks!
  3. Where did you get your sunscreen and maracas? I love all the stuff your selling, I just need larger quantities!
  4. First Wives Club: Goldie Hawn
  5. Home Alone: Macaulay Culkin
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Congrats to everyone who lost weight this week! Whoo Hoo! We are all gonna be hot mammas as if we aren't already!! Lisa that is a good cheat day, don't be scared of you next one just eat smaller sizes. Well I am onto week 2 I lost 4lbs last week and I do have to say I did cheat Thursday and Friday night I had a couple of drinks bc DH and I just found out we are adopting a 1 year baby boy and will be getting him on Friday!!! So I had a couple of drinks to celebrate so I was very happy to still have a weight loss. Congrats on your new little boy, that is so exciting!!! I agree with Lisa, great reason to cheat!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck 5.5 lbs lost the first week! Yay! Way to go!!!
  8. No, I totally agree, it's pretty funny!!
  9. Has anyone heard of this? Here is the link: The Heidi Montag Workout, by Chad Waterbury Just wondering if anyone has done this and what the results/thoughts are...
  10. Fallendragonfly - Thanks for the review, I love hearing everyone's experiences at the rprm!
  11. I know, I am thinking the same thing!! I wanna talk to them now!! I am just sooo excited!!!
  12. Thanks for your help Josie! I should hear from them soon too. For some reason I don't think Desiree talked to them until like a month before the wedding though, I could be crazy but that's what it seemed like.
  13. Oh, okay so we are having a private recepeption anyway because we are going to have over 50 people so we will be paying the $1700 anyway. If I wanted the DJ would I pay on top of the $1700? or is the DJ included in the $1700?
  14. Seiously, we have to pay $1700 to use the equipment even if we bring our own Bose & Ipod? I did not know that!!! Then there is no point in going out and buying the ipod and bose. Does anyone know if this is a for sure thing? We were going to buy the ipod and bose tis weekend but I will hold off until I find out forsure.
  15. finzup - Congrats on your 6lbs weight loss so far!!! Those sausages sound delicious!!! I am going to check here in Canada to see if we have those. If so I am totally getting some!
  16. Fallendragonfly - anything you can share with us about the do's and don't of your rprm wedding would be awesome! We also loooove pictures!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by fallendragonfly Does anyone know what to do after your get married in Mexico? What is the legal process? Maybe check out these links as to what to do now. It seems like you will just have to have your documents from Mexico translated to English. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t45797 In this link back http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t47223 it says: In order to have a legal wedding in Mexico, you'll need to be there 3 days before your wedding, have a blood test done and have at least 4 people to witness your wedding (usually not a problem) Also depending on your state law, you may be required to have your marriage license certified and translated into English. It sounds like a lot, but I did a legal wedding and IMO It was worth it. A lot of people will get married either before or after their dw in their home town, it makes the legalities much more simple.
  18. I have also been weighing myself daily..I can't help it, I like to see progress. Anyway so far I have lost 6 pounds, since Sunday, that seems crazy to me!! I haven't been finding it hard to stay away from carbs and I am a huge carb person, anything bread, chips..mmmm. not anymore. I just went out to grad a salad for lunch and as I drove past all the fast foos places I realized how bad they are with all the carbs.
  19. I think the design is awesome I do agree that the font needs to be bigger though.
  20. I have some questions for you ladies.. 1.Are you doing Speeches, either at the RPRM or at your AHR? If so what speeches are you doing? 2. Is anyone having a slideshow at rprm? I want to but I don't know if they have the equipment avaliable. 3. Have you got your garter yet? I don't know where to get one...??
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