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Everything posted by badrianne

  1. Ginalyn, Oh I see. They sound very organized.... maybe I won't worry about a rehearsal.
  2. Aug, thanks for posting Jacy's answers. Interesting about the rehearsal in the morning. I was assuming we'd be able to do the rehearsal Friday night before our Saturday evening wedding. Also, I'm glad the outside photographer requirements are clear. Ginalyn, you mentioned your rehearsal dinner... when did you have your rehearsal? Monica, great to hear that Sandra is awesome. Thank you so much for posting the cost of your decorations! Can't wait to see pictures and congratulations. Enjoy your honeymoon.
  3. Great inspiration invitation! I love your theme.
  4. Beautiful details! Thanks for sharing. I love the hair inspiration.
  5. Everything is beautiful. Thanks for the templates.
  6. WOW so many details I love it. I am so glad you added the packing photos. haha
  7. Wonderful planning threads! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Your reception looks like it was absolutely stunning. I love all the details. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Wow you spoiled your BM. I love the brown wicker boxes.
  10. Thank you so much for adding the ceremony wording. Very helpful. And I love your choice of readings.
  11. What are you talking about... your DIY skills are awesome.
  12. I love the idea of adding invitations for the cocktail party to the OOT bags. I really like the umbrella place cards and the photo scavenger hunt. Would you mind private msg me what was including on your phot scavenger hunt list? The pic is to small to read.
  13. I love your jewelry and hair comb. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Wow everything looks awesome. I especially love the reception change for the groom. I'm going to suggest it to my FH.
  15. I love the custom maraca idea! Thanks for sharing
  16. everything turned out super cute. i like the red/orange for the wedding
  17. Wow everything looks great. I especially like how you combined the dinner menu with the table number.
  18. Wow wonderful planning thread. thank you so much for including all the timelines and ceremony info! i especially loved the fans and the drowned orchid centerpieces. Congrats
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