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Everything posted by sunstarsmoon

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by kaitlin422 My blaire is finally in!!!!!! Pics to come soon!!!! Great news can't wait to see the pictures
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx I AM NOW A DEFINATE 2011 BRIDE TO BE!!!! WE BOOKED OUR WEDDING PACKAGE TODAY!!!! YIPEE!!!! I AM AN OFFICAIL RIU PALACE RIVIERA MAYA BRIDE Iam so excited xoxox Congrats! Once you book with the hotel it makes it so real!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jennybell1 as much as i was loving being a part of this thread (ringless ladies) - i have to say im even happier now that things have changed for me.......i'm engaged!!!! He finally proposed last night!!!! So excited and surprised...i had no idea! So glad it finally happened - now i feel like i really can plan the wedding. Dont worry ladies - your rings are on their way - i have been planning for over 9 months without a ring ....and there is nothing wrong with that! Just wanted to share bc i was so excited - but i feel everyone's pain from experience.... Excited to see who is next!!! congratulations!!!!!!
  4. Well I am going to stay on track today, the last few days I have not been totally good. So I promise today I will stay on track! Congrats to all you that are not swaying and be strong to those that fall off once in a while we can all do this!
  5. Welcome Sandy, I am 48 and my FI is 52, so 2nd time around for both of us. We will be getting married July 8, 2011 at Couples Sans Souci, Jamaica with only a few friends and family going. Congratulations and welcome!
  6. wow girls I love love love all your shoes. I wish I could wear a high sexy heel but I would probably fall flat on my face LOL
  7. I did okay this weekend, ate more then I should but not junk, so I guess thats an accomplishment. Made a promise to myself this week to stay focused. Good luck everyone!
  8. My son and his girlfriend just got back from GBP saturday, they had won the trip with a local radio station (I was so jealous). I got to view their pictures last night and its a beautiful resort. They took lots of pictures of the wedding gazebo. You will not be disappointed. A few things they noticed. Wednesday late afternoon Margarritville comes to the resort to promote, my son said that he could hear a wedding going on, so he was pretty sure they could hear all the partying going on with the promoting of Margaraitville. So I am not sure what day you are planning on having your wedding but you might want to stay clear of Wed around 4. It could of been a fluke, but its something to consider. Also he is 23 and they went to Margarrtiville, he does not suggest this to anyone. The first time he went to the bathroom he had natives trying to take his wallet, they were bothering his girlfriend all the time. He said of all the clubs he has ever gone to he was really scared, the next time he had to go to the bathroom he took one of the guys that also won the trip that was a bouncer back here in Toronto. He did mention that maybe during the day it would be better. I still plan on going when I am in Jamaica but not the 11p.m. -2 a.m. excursion.
  9. beautiful thanks so much for sharing
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Leigh17 Another tip for ordering...play around with your cart to see which items add the most shipping & which ones you can add for minimal addition to your shipping costs. I noticed the craziest thing yesterday...when I would ADD a free pen to my order, my shipping cost went down! In one order it was just by a few pennies, and in another order it lowered my price by about a dollar. It makes no sense, but sometimes it pays to play around with what you put in your cart if you have some extra time. great tip thanks
  11. I love that dress, it has been on the top of my list.
  12. Well I stayed the same in the end. I was up and down like a yo-yo lol. Just going to leave the ticker as is, to motivate me!!!!!!!
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!
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