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Everything posted by sunstarsmoon

  1. Â Thanks for the update it gives us those about to start some hope!
  2. Oh boy this is a major concern for me. We are going for 2 weeks. The 2nd week my son will be home and will care for Bandit ( yorki-poo) As far as the first week, I have 2 friends that can look after him, but I am so afraid that he will run out the door and they will lose him. I am sure he will be fine, but I am so paranoid lol. I am home all day long, so he is use to going pottie at least 4 times during the day, but I know he can wait. I am going to ask my friend that lives the closest, I am pretty sure she is not coming to the wedding. What I am going to do is have her drop him off at the house in the morning so he can be in familiar surroundings plus he has the cat to bother all day which he loves and spends hours licking his ears. Then she will pick him up after work and take him to her place. If she can't do it, then my other friend has 2 dogs that Bandit somewhat likes, but she lets her dogs out for hours on end and again I am worried he will some how get out of their backyard and run away. For me a kennel is out of the question, only because of me being afraid they will lose him. I know kennels are totally fine and there are some amazing ones out there (other friends have used them), is just me being paranoid again lol
  3. hmmmm thats a good question. your dress has alot of detail, so if you did wear a necklace I don't think I would wear anyting to big. maybe something that falls just below the neckline. But honestly it looks great without one
  4. hmmmmm think I might just have to do that, now that I am wondering what the meaning is!
  5. wow, your dress, the setting, everything was absoutely beautiful and breath taking. Thanks so much for sharing your review and pictures. I am sure you have helped any other brides getting married in Costa Rica!
  6. Thanks for the info. I drink 2 cups of green tea in the morning so thats good to know I am doing something right lol
  7. I might contact her because I would feel better giving her a deposit, instead of the full amount the day of the wedding. Â
  8. me to and the email confirmed everything. I just got worried when I was reading other brides sending deposits. I have talked to Marcia, put quotes and confirmation was done via email. Â I am so looking forward to her talking my photos, she seems so nice and bubbly! Â
  9. I am going camping this long weekend actually leaving tonite after work. I did not do very well this week. At least I stayed the same. I plan on hitting it hard core Tuesday when I am back. No more excuses! Â Hope everyone has a great long weekend Â
  10. LUA we are all waiting to see your dress you bought! lol
  11. Well, I have requests my group rates as well but just more for curosity. I have no intention of booking anything until late fall or early 2011. (wedding is july 8/11) I will be booking my own wedding, since I am a part time TA. So I can answer your question about booking groups with Canadian tour companies. If you can't book your group within the time frame, your TA just has to contact the companies for a re-quote. If you do book your 10 people that secures your rate and you have usually until last payment date to add more to your group as long as there is room in the hotel and flight. Those booking late in your group may have to pay higher taxes if they go up. Â
  12. are they still available. If they are I will buy them. I am only 30 mins from Toronto!
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