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Everything posted by jplovesme

  1. jplovesme


    Congrats and welcome to the forum! 2 Dreams resorts to choose from Tough decision, but when you read more insight from the girls here, you'll probably have an easier time choosing! Have fun!
  2. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  3. Thanks so much for sharing! My girlfriend just showed me her DIY photo album (it was a gift for both their parents -- she had the professional one made too for herself). And these DIY albums are phenomenal!
  4. lol. I live in CA, so the divorce filings was all over the radio news for Simon and Tamra when it happened. I laughed when this week's episode showed her tatooing his name. She gets on my last nerve. Since last season when she got Gretchen drunk at that part, I just HATED Tamra. Biggest attention whore of all of them. Vicky's such a biatch. So controlling. I admire her drive to succeed (I'm all for female power), but her drive to put everyone else down and her freakish emotional tirades are too much. She only gets upset if things don't go her way. I'll say she controlled herself a bit more this season, but I would not be sad to see her go. Lynn Yikes. I hate moms who try to be "friends" to their kids. Discipline please!!!
  5. Thanks ladies! I'll definitely have the styles researched before I go in. And no more than 2 peeps. Knowing myself, I'll get stressed by too many opposing opinions. As for mom, if I have a friend with us, maybe she won't be so controlling or vocal. woo hoo! Can't wait to get started!
  6. $650 in Cancun through one resort. But it would be 10-15 minutes of Wow
  7. Young Guns: Emilio Estevez
  8. Young Guns: Emilio Estevez
  9. I likey! If this is what your FI is into, then go for it! Oh, and I like the calendar idea too. I know u are not comfy in lingerie, but photos as a pinup would be awesome. If u do go with some photo idea, i heard those photographers usually do a great job of making u comfy and taking shots of you so that you look great. Let us know what u decide to do!! Love the pinup tattoo idea!
  10. Congrats and welcome! I agree -- when you take on all the details and planning, small weddings can be just as stressful, but you'll find some great ideas here! Have fun!
  11. I'm starting to make appointments in a couple bridal shops in my area to start trying on dresses. I have an idea of what I want (hellooooo, Maggie of course!), but I don't know what to expect on my first appointment. Or who should I bring with me? I thought about bringing mom, since she will pay for the dress, but if I bring her to the first fitting, I KNOW she'll get on my nerves and pick things that I probably wouldn't like, then we'd end up arguing. I will definitely bring her after I narrow down the choices. So i guess my real question is, what did you ladies do in your first dress shopping experience? Who was with you the first time around? How many times does it take to choose your dress, or was it immediate? Do I need my shoes yet? Geez, i feel lame asking. Thanks for any input!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ Hi ladies, So, I came across this dress twobirds bridesmaid online awhile ago and fell in love with the idea because I have all different sized BMs, and this dress offers plenty of options. I have a sample at my house right now and all my BMs have seen it/tried it on. They all really like it, are ok with the price, and believe that this really is a dress that they will wear again. What I am wondering is if anyone has actually ordered this dress from them? Up until this point, the service I have received has not been great. I gave my credit card number, they charged it immediately and I didn't get the dress till a month later. When it arrived, it had my wrong house number and street name spelled wrong even though I had given the proper one. They also sent me a shorter dress with a butterfly hem, when I requested the long ballgown. I have also emailed them about their trunk show that is coming to Toronto and have had no response as of yet. Basically, I am just wondering if you have an experience to share about this company. I know there are similar options (Dessy, Victoria's Secret) but so far, this is the best quality and fit. I just don't want any major bumps along the way. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! I didn't get to read through all the responses to the initial thread, but I wanted to suggest Isadora Clothing from Etsy. Isadora by isadoraclothing on Etsy Her Cameleon Dresses are identical to TwoBirds (which I saw on David Tutera's show too). I ordered three pieces from her cuz I loved working with her. So easy. Her name's vanessa, I think. If you already decided, that's ok, but anyone else interested in the versatile style, Isadora Clothing makes awesome dresses (I think she gives discounts for bridal parties).
  13. Woo hoo! You heard back from Suzanna! Good to know she's doing SOMETHING. I guess i'll have to call tomorrow too. I'm so glad someone heard back from them today!
  14. You know what? Tell your FMIL to suck it. If she wants to invite more guests, then she can make the invitations herself, or at least give you the $ to buy the supplies. If you don't want to say "suck it", then I like McToasty's advice. I know how much work goes into that stuff, and it costs a lot to get those supplies (money-wise and time-wise). Don't overstress yourself. YOu have other things to tend to. Don't give in! Good luck!
  15. I saw this thread, and with the Feb Siggy challenge of posting your boudoir photos, I am totally on board to get this done! Thanks so much for the tips! If anyone lives in Southern Cali, here is a link to an AWESOME studio (award winning) that specializes in these photos (they have makeup artists, stylists, and all the extra costumes you'll need) San Diego's Premiere Boudoir Photography Studio
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by IvanG Hola! On the next link you can see some photos from the last wedding reception at the Gazebo Gran Caribe Real, they were 12 people. Wedding at Gran Caribe Real Cancun Best, Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa DSO None of the bouquets really match my colors; do you know if they will customize your bouquet with your requested colors? Also, are there just two options for bridesmaid bouquets? Oh, and same applies for wedding cake ^. Naturally I have asked these questions of Angie, but well.....you know. Good question, cuz I had asked Susanna, my WC that question last month, and I still haven't heard back from her. She had emailed me that they've been swamped... any Royal/Gran brides, let us know if you hear ANYTHING from your WC.
  17. love! Cutting your own split ends
  18. I'm a strong advocate of Del Sol Photography's TTD sessions! Gorgeous photos, even if you don't do the underwater shots!
  19. Neve Campbell: Wild Things
  20. still getting timed out, and double posts, and slow downloads of pages.
  21. thanks for the advice! where do u get paper lanterns for a good price?
  22. I have this style in "Gunmetal" and they're so comfy Charles - Free Overnight Shipping & Return Shipping: Endless.com David Tiara Sandal&contextTitle=Search%20Results&page=1&prepic kColor=1&size=40&dept=242334011&node=242334011&nod es=242334011&brands=Charles%20David&sort=shoesbrow serel2&heelheights=519508011#__asin=B001Q3KOAQ&ref =dp_cs_7 And here's a cute pair for less than $40 Charles - Free Overnight Shipping & Return Shipping: Endless.com David Tiara Sandal&contextTitle=Search%20Results&page=1&prepic kColor=1&size=40&dept=242334011&node=242334011&nod es=242334011&brands=Charles%20David&sort=shoesbrow serel2&heelheights=519508011#__asin=B0027SLYPS&ref =dp_sbs_17
  23. I have this style in "Gunmetal" and they're so comfy Charles - Free Overnight Shipping & Return Shipping: Endless.com David Tiara Sandal&contextTitle=Search%20Results&page=1&prepic kColor=1&size=40&dept=242334011&node=242334011&nod es=242334011&brands=Charles%20David&sort=shoesbrow serel2&heelheights=519508011#__asin=B001Q3KOAQ&ref =dp_cs_7 And here's a cute pair for less than $40 Charles - Free Overnight Shipping & Return Shipping: Endless.com David Tiara Sandal&contextTitle=Search%20Results&page=1&prepic kColor=1&size=40&dept=242334011&node=242334011&nod es=242334011&brands=Charles%20David&sort=shoesbrow serel2&heelheights=519508011#__asin=B0027SLYPS&ref =dp_sbs_17
  24. here are some cute Charles David shoes on sale! Charles - Free Overnight Shipping & Return Shipping: Endless.com David Keira Jeweled Sandal&contextTitle=Search%20Results&page=1&prepic kColor=1&size=40&dept=242334011&node=242334011&nod es=242334011&brands=Charles%20David&sort=shoesbrow serel2
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