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Everything posted by jplovesme

  1. No card box for us. I'm doing what karly did, and just have one person in charge of the guestbook, and the guests can hand a card to her if they have one. I feel bad enough that people will be spending so much on the trip...
  2. Thanks, Jennifer for posting the article! $5200 sounds like a lot, but if it includes everything you are looking for (the room type, location, etc.) then go for it. We want to get the higher level suite, and our 7 day trip will probably cost the same, even though we can easily go for the lower priced rooms, but we're looking forward to the luxurious accomodations of the more expensive suite... just don't break the bank!
  3. I Loooove that your planning thread is so detailed with all the beautiful things you've done! Everything is gorgeous! Thank you!
  4. Congratulations, and Welcome to the forum! You'll find lots to learn from the DW brides here! Happy Planning!
  5. This is a wonderful review of the Royal and Gran Caribe! THank you! Do you or anyone else know DJ Carlos' contact info?
  6. Congrats, and great photos! I'm so glad you shared the info, especially for the lounge furniture!
  7. Wow, what a great review. Thanks so much for sharing your experience, and all the photos! Congrats and what a gorgeous day you had!
  8. I need to know if they coordinate linens and all that. It's been 3 weeks since I last heard from Susanna, my assigned WC. I told her I'll put a deposit down as soon as she replies to my questions, but she still hasn't gotten back to me. Is this place worth the loooong wait between emails I originally wanted the chapel, but now we decided not to go through all the preparation and just do a beachfront ceremony.
  9. Hi Boo: What kind of laser printer is it? Is it using colored toner? Solid ink? Some printers have different ink, that prints color differently. Or have you tried to change the settings of your printer according to the style of paper? Most printer settings allow you to set it to "glossy Paper" so it adjusts to that type of paper to keep the quality good. don't worry - it takes a few practice runs to get the print the way you want it. if it happens to plain paper, then it might be the printer settings.
  10. I haven't bought my dress yet -- and I dont know how to hide it from him when I do, since we live together, and I don't trust to store it anywhere else. But I don't think I plan on letting him see me WEAR the dress before the wedding, but I don't mind him seeing the actual dress. he knows dresses look different on the hanger, compared to on the girl... although I do kinda believe in the tradition... As for those fitting posts -- how dare those dress shop employees make comments about your size!! Don't they want to sell their dresses? Sometimes people say things without realizing how it sounds. Don't let the comments get to you, and rest assured, every bride is gorgeous on their day, and we don't all look like the models on the designers' web sites.
  11. Yeah, seriously. These are going to be fantastic stories to share with everyone else who wasn't there. I think we all share the same concerns for our guests since they are putting in a lot of money in to be there with us -- but no matter what, it's all worth it.
  12. Oh wow. So sorry it was too short! Especially a Maggie dress! I would ask the owner what her suggestions are... and if any of them do not satisfy you, then you should not pay for the alterations. I don't know if you were able to look at the hem on the front to see if there was ANY room to lenghthen, but is it possible to wear flats so your foot won't show? Let us know how your call goes ... good luck, and I hope it works out!
  13. I've read wonderful things about Le Meridien on this forum... put the name in the search box, and see what pops up! Welcome and congrats!
  14. I never looked into that resort, but I know that most do a complimentary wedding based on how many nights you book. You can add on "options" if you like. I think the intimate weddings are totally romantic. I'm sure the on-site photographers can take some fantastic photos of the two of you as well. Happy planning!
  15. Soooo cute! Your guests will love and appreciate it! Very unique and different from the other wedding sites.
  16. Wow. Thanks for sharing (I will definitely stay away from SunQuest). Makes me rethink the date we chose for our wedding day, which is around the same time next year. I'm sorry you had to deal with the weather and worries for your guests. I'm sure it's still a memorable experience for all that was involved. I think that after some more time passes, and you see the photos, the negative stuff will fade away... But congratulations on your union!!!!
  17. Wow. I love some of the excuses posted here. But we're sending out a bunch of invites (50), and we only expect 20-30 inviduals to come. Some of those invites are just "courtesy" invites to certain family members that we're not that close to, but HAVE to send them an invite to be polite (i.e. nosey/rude aunts & cousins)... I've already gotten confirmations from my closest friends and family, so as long as our parents are there, and a few close friends, we'll be happy. It'll be a couple months before we send the STDs, but I'm looking forward to hearing some lame excuses too. People should know that the DW bride and groom don't expect everyone to make it.
  18. I AGREE. This is YOUR day. We chose to do a destination wedding so that the guests who actually GO, are the ones who care enough to be there with us. Most of our guests have been supportive of our decisions, and the ones that I am really close to are willing to take the time off to be with us. We haven't sent notice to family members, but I know we'll probably get some negative feedback on our choices, but you know what? if they hate the thought of our destination wedding so much, then they shouldn't go. They might end up causing negative vibes at the wedding anyway. Better for us, and better for them. I really hope you keep your date in November. Best of luck!
  19. LOooove everyone's unique rings (especiallly with the colored stones)! Mine is more on the simple side, but I love it cuz he actually picked it out himself without my input!
  20. Congratulations, and welcome! I'm planning for 1/2011. I haven't booked officially yet, since it seems to be too early to do so at the resorts. But I love this site, and I've been following it for a couple years now. So enjoy getting some fantastic ideas from the brides on this fabulous forum!
  21. Oh noo. I'm so sorry to hear that things have gotten tense lately, especially so close to the date. Just so you know, I've known a few brides that got into it with their fiances right before their weddings, and I know each couple has different issues, and life does throw a lot of crazy things at you --for a reason you'll see in time. I hope you are able to sort it out --- remember to do what makes YOU happy. I agree, make a list. But whatever happens, I wish you the best.
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