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Everything posted by jplovesme

  1. OMG, congrats! And what a great idea to have everyone stayin private homes! I thought of doing that in Cabo, when we were deciding on the location... There's tons of advice and feedback here on this forum, so you'll see a bunch of locations in the wedding reviews and you might find yourself torn between a few places because there are so many. One of the more popular is The Royal Playa Del Carmen, since it's in the middle of downtown. Or there are so many others a little further, more secluded... but since you're not staying at the hotels, you may want to contact the WC's at the hotels to get more info and availability. Have fun planning!
  2. Hey, I'm from San Diego, too! Are you going to the one in Point Loma Or Coronado? Anyway, here's my experience as an MOH. I threw a High Tea Bridal Shower for my bride, and since there were 4 other bridesmaids, we split the bill for the 25 guests at the tea house. I didn't read up on the proper etiquette, but there was no question amongst us all, that we weren't going to have the bride's shower guests pay for their meals. But I had help with the bill with 4 other girls, so it wasn't as big of a financial hit. If it's too expensive to have it at the tea house, then you can always throw the shower at someone's house and create your own high tea atmosphere (there's a ton of info on how to do that on the internet). I had decided NOT to do that option because it was too much work (someone always ends up doing more than others), and the cost actually wasn't as cheap as I thought (for the food, decor and setup). It was really nice to just have the tea house set it up and run the whole thing. We did it a Eloise's Tea House in Long Beach, which was a tiny cute and highly rated tea house, so we had the whole place to ourselves. Our guests LOOOOOOVED it. Good luck, and I know it will turn out fantastic for you and your guests, no matter what. They are there for you. Have fun!!!
  3. Del Sol Photography!!! Matt is great (we talked on the phone, and he's so cool)! But all of the ones listed here have been great about replying and emails. I LOOOOOVE Elizabeth Medina (but she was unavailable for my date) -- you'll need to pay for one night at the hotel for her to work your wedding, since she lives 4 hours away. Ivan Luckie does good work too.
  4. Hi Tiffany! GREAT choice of a venue (we're doing the Gran Caribe next door)! Welcome to the forum, and enjoy reading up on all the wonderful ideas and feedback from the girls here! There are some awesome vendors that contribute as well! Have fun!
  5. I was thinking this this week on FB! I had searched before, but nothing popped up, so I just joined in!!! Thanks!
  6. Thanks, TA Maureen! I'm going to email Jennifer right away. As for the other questions on when I originally sent my request from the link above, I started filling it out the first time a couple weeks ago (with no particular TA). Then last week, I did one requesting a TA (I can't remember who), still no response, so I went on a cancun thread that suggested Jennifer, and so I made a 3rd request a couple days ago. So it's s till too early to tell when she'll get back to me. But now that I have Jennifer's email, I'll hopefully get something started, because I'm pretty anxious to get things going. Good luck to all on here! Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen You can start working with a TA a year or more in advance especially if you still need assistance choosing the right location for you although complete package pricing may not be available. Airfare is published 330 days in advance.
  7. Gorgeous photo of you! It was such a great poll, I went ahead and voted in the other categories as well!
  8. Welcome to the forum! Hope you hear back from the TA from here. I have a date around the same time as you do, and I still haven't heard back from them (I sent my info through the link above a few times in the last couple weeks). I read on other forums from the other TAs that it's a busy time for them (arranging upcoming travels), so hopefully they get back to both of us soon! Happy Planning! Quote: Originally Posted by YIweddings I just sent in my TA request form and I'm excited to hear back. I've heard great things about the TA's on this site. I want my wedding in Feb of 2011 but can't book travel yet. We've already sent out the word to our friends and family. Will do a save the date in March with more specific days and to remind them to start saving, an invite in the summer when I can book trips (I wish sooner). I am the least patient person and want to book everything now!
  9. Great info! I know that the local photographers here in CA are requiring I pay for 3 nights stay -- still trying to verify with the resort if I need to pay for the outside vendor fees if I'm paying for their rooms. Love that I read this thread, cuz I didn't even take into consideration any permits, or customs...
  10. I want to bump this thread, especially if anyone has a web site for Fernando. My date isn't for a while, so hopefully he gets that airbrush machine in soon!!
  11. Thanks so much, girls for sharing this info! For some reason, I'm obsessed with looking into entertainment this week, and I will definitely be emailing Ivan... we're going to Cancun for my FI's business trip in a couple months, and we'll be spending a day meeting with vendors and sites to finalize the details... I'm getting more excited!
  12. Mandulhlea: Thanks so much for sharing your experience on this thread. Congrats! I'm sorry that the hurricane came through on your wedding day, but it sounds like it was beautiful anyway! I don't have Patty, but right now it sounds like they're really swamped after losing someone (i think someone quit). But I hope other brides continue posting here! Quote: Originally Posted by manduhlea Hey everyone!!! I just wanted to drop a quick message to you all. I came online to write a review on The Royal and your thread caught my attention. I got married on November 6th, 2009. Just my luck, it ended up being the weekend that Hurricane Ida decided to drop us a visit. Anyway's, My wedding coordinator was Patty Hernandez. She was awesome! From the moment I met her she complete took all my nerves and doubts away. She had EVERYTHING under control. She had emails from over a yr prior when I had first began working with her. She was so well organized and kept saying "Don't you worry, it will be fine". Anyway's, we were originally supposed to get married in the gazebo and have a beach-side reception. Well, needless to say that did not happen. We ended up having our ceremony in a room beside the ballroom. They set up it so beautifully that I didn't even care that it was inside. It was just perfect. Do I wish that I could've had beach-side wedding photos, yes. Was a wishing that I had brought a few extra things to decorate the reception room with, yes. I was banking on the beach and beautiful ocean being decoration enough. But honestly, The Royal truly made my wedding the most amazing experience of my life, and I wouldn't change a thing about that night. If anyone has any questions please let me know. Your day will be perfect. I'm going to try and write a review either tonight or tomorrow, so you can look for that. Good luck brides!
  13. Hi Faye! Welcome to the forum! There is seriously tons of info here, especially on Mexico, so have fun browsing all the threads and happy planning!
  14. Thanks, Suzanne and Matt for the input from your point of view! Here's my experience and observence of both fake and extensions. I was an MOH for a wedding, and the makeup artist put fake lashes on me. Unfortunately, since I was the last to get my makeup done, there was only one set of lashes left: the longest ones. She didn't trim them or anything, and put them on me. And when I looked at myself, I was like YIKES. those look too long, but the other girls said it looked fine. Saw a photo, and I HATED it. I felt like a clown. SO yes, always do a trial run before going out in public, especially if you are the center of attention. I have zero photos from that wedding experience because of my fake eyelash mishap. I will say that the other girls that had shorter lengths looked great. As for eyelash extensions: the bride had those put in the week before her wedding, and they looked phenomenal -- in person and in the photos. She was kinda afraid they'd fall off the day of the wedding, but she looked good in the photos, and that's all that matters. It was hot as Heck the day of, and I didn't see any hairs fall out from the heat. It was money well spent. Personally because I have not been blessed with my mom's long lashes, I will be getting extensions a couple weeks before. I'm sure most people (my FI included) wouldn't notice a difference, but I know i'll feel prettier because of it. Quote: Originally Posted by Matt May Here's some helpful hints from a photographer's point of view... - Wear them for a full day in advance---a practice run. If you have never worn them before, it's good to see how comfortable you are wearing them. Some bride's eyes have gotten irritated or they blink non-stop. Some women have gotten headaches from them (I'm one...Suzanne, not Matt). And some brides just find them annoying after a couple of hours. - The extensions look phenomenal since they are much more realistic!!! They seem to last longer too. They photograph beautifully...so natural looking! - Make sure that if you use the full lash, it fits the shape of your eye well in its curve and length. Again, the test run will help with this. Some lashes are too long and brides don't notice until it's too late. A fake eyelash that looks fake does not look suddenly "real" in your photographs. The ends that are too long can start poking out in odd directions. - Water proof, smudge proof mascara is important, especially in the humidity of the tropics. - When you do your test run, take a snap shot and see if you like the way you actually look wearing them. - Sephora has the best selection of eyelashes. They carry all the best ones and you can see all your choices in one spot. Don't hesitate to ask the staff about them and tell them it's for your wedding day. These hints are to help prevent discovering all of this when your makeup is done and your are in the middle of your wedding and photo shoot. The camera sees everything! It will see if your lash does not end in the correct place or is affixed precisely along your natural lash line. We have had to do some photoshop magic on occasion to correct improperly applied fake lashes. Have fun, Suzanne & Matt
  15. Congrats and welcome! Happy Planning!!!
  16. Congratulations!! The photos are gorgeous, and you two are a beautiful couple! Thanks for sharing so many photos!!!
  17. I just found the thread (it was bugging me cuz I knew I posted in it). Hope this link works. Someone posted a whole list of flowers for blue http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...flowers-54218/
  18. Bright flowers would add some pop to your decor (especially for photos), but if you have blue as your theme, it's tough to find blue. Hydrangeas are some of the few blue flowers (and you'd have to check with the resort or coordinator to see if it's available where you are getting married). You can't go wrong with white or cream flowers... YOu can always add color with your linens or paper decor. or use blue or brown ribbon for the centerpiece vases. There is a thread here with blue flowers as the subject...
  19. Great location choice! That was one of the hardest parts for us-- choosing WHERE. Get ready choosing which resort -- you'll find lots of great info here in this forum. Congrats and welcome!
  20. jplovesme


    Welcome! Congratulations on your engagement, and I know you'll enjoy this forum! Happy planning!
  21. jplovesme


    Congratulations! I know what you mean about being the only DW bride around. This forum will offer lots of insight and great ideas. Happy Planning!!!
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