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Everything posted by Tiffiney01

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Oh, I just found this, seems like great info to have, we definitely don't want to over condition...a little blurb about deep conditioners & reconstructors & how they should be used: Deep Conditioners vs. Reconstructors - MotownGirl.com - Natural Hair Care - Natural Black Hair Care - Black Natural Hair this is good info...because i was going to use the penetrate every two weeks so i guess once a month is good. thanks
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MsSunshine Thanks for replying. I'm going to try it out no problem....let me know how you like it.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Yup, more so with the Emergencee. I used the Penetrate for a bit but then stopped but really don't remember why! LOL The Emergencee I use regularly, especially now that the weather has changed. It seems like my hair sheds like crazy now & the Emergencee definitely helps with that & my split ends. Now, I deep condition with Emergencee maybe about every 3 weeks. I also noticed that I HAVE TO get my ends trimmed every 6 weeks...sometimes I skip a month, but I can see a diff when I stick to the time frame. I think that not trimming regularly contributed to my breakage. I think you would be good with using either, or maybe both from time to time. Maybe alternate. You know they say that sometimes your hair gets used to a shampoo/conditioner that you use regularly & that you should switch up. But I haven't had that problem with the Emg. Oh, I also had good results with Dudley's DRC. It stinks like crazy, but it does work! OMG sounds like my hair..I have been using optimum for years and like you said I believe my hair has gotten use to it..The SHEDING (sigh)I swear I'm sweeping up hair everyday and night dont let it be time for a perm! my FI jokes with me like " Damn do you have any left on your head" lol I have pretty long hair and I would like to keep it that way. So I will be buying the Emg TOMORROW and alternate like you said. So Dudley's DRC thats a deep conditioner also? I'm going to have my own beauty supply store smh.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MsSunshine Oh I forgot to ask you. Is Sebastian's Penetrate conditioner something that can be picked up at any store or do you have to get it from your salon? I'm always on the hunt for good conditioner. My salon sells it but I brought mine from a beauty supply store.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO I use Penetrate occasionally & love it too. I also alternate that with Nexus Emergencee. The Nexus is a little pricey but it really works! Yes Yes Yes she did mention Emergencee also I just couldnt remember the name. so you seen a difference using both?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 Speaking of Beyonce, has anyone else seen this? YouTube - Shane Mercado Does Beyonce's "Single Ladies" - The Bonnie Hunt Show Wonder how long it took him to learn all those moves?!? yes I almost passed out from laughing so hard!
  7. Thank you ladies for all your help I'm going to try this deep conditioner my beautician recommended called Penetrate by Sebastian. I go to a dominician salon and I love how she does my hair it just feels and looks wonderful when she's done.she said its great!
  8. Wow how did I miss this thread? I started going to Ballys again 4 times a week I figured I'm paying for it I mine as well go..lol I love love the elliptical machine I put it on Total Body Workout and it actually works out my whole body upper and lower and you can feel which part by the resistance of the machine I do this for 30 mins, then for the next hour I do leg press, thigh and hip machines and end it with the booty blaster ( thats the real name) lol I will be in a two piece next summer if its the last thing I do! lol
  9. Yes Yes Yes I love Beyonce as well and I got her album I love it.. I must admit " If I Was A Boy" had to grow on me but thats what I listen to before I leave the house in the morning....lol She did it again!
  10. congratulations Celina and welcome back! I'm sorry about the photographer. I'm sure between your family and friends they will have some great ones...I cant wait to see the ones that you do have.
  11. I love scary movies as well and I just saw The Stranger last night and even though i jumped once or twice it was very disappointing, But you have to see it for yourself you may think differently. watch it on watch-movies.net for free before you spend your money.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by YoursTruly Okay I caught wind of this show couple of Saturdays ago during a marathon and the show was addictive. These women are full of drama and I absolutely LOVE the show!!! I hear it is one of Bravo's highest rated Housewives and I can see why? Anyone out here indulge in guilty pleasure reality time and if so--who is your fav character?? I think Kim is hardly 29 and can't sing herself out of a bottle, Sheree is very masculine and NeNE--DRAMA!! The other two are "safe "characters-I hope it gets picked up another season. OMG I love this show also NeNe is my fav because she doesnt care. Hell no Kim is not 29 and her singing please Sheree does look kind of manly lol...Yes I agree Lisa & Deshawn are the safe characters they try to keep the peace..Did you know that Lisa is keith Sweat's ex wife? Dont miss the reunion on Tuesday DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA!!!
  13. Does anyone know a good hair treatment or deep conditioner to stop breakage?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by nicmicj I really wish I was in Brooklyn (but I live in Texas) because I have a Bally's membership and hardly go because I can't stay motivated! Good luck finding someone to work out with. Thanks I wish you lived in brooklyn also or me in Texas...that is my problem also I can't stay motivated because I dont have anyone to go with... that extra push is what I need...some people say just take your ipod but that sucks lol.....
  15. seven- days i was in Cancun last week
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Ladies, I saw Oprah today & thought of this thread. Today Dr.Oz was on & he was talking about beauty. Anyway, they got to the topic of cellulite. He explained what it is & how you get it. I DO NOT want to be a killjoy but figured it was nice to be informed and based on that I decided to post this. Now if you're using something or doing something & you feel that its working then by all means, continue to do what you do. But medically, this is what he said: He said that THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN DO FOR IT. YOU CAN NOT GET RID OF IT AND PILLS & CREAMS DON'T WORK. I was sooo not expecting him to say that & found it depressing. Then I thought about all of the things that are out there on the market for cellulite & realized that it sucks that so many products are labeled to "cure" when it can't be cured. Here's the link from Oprah.com: Dr. Oz's Beauty Book "If there's one thing women want a magic pill for, it's cellulite. Dr. Oz is here with some bad news. "You can't cure it. There's nothing you can do about it," he says. Cellulite is actually a collection of fat cells next to arteries that get larger when they take in extra nutrients, which increase as you age. "As those molecules of fat begin to accumulate in the individual fat cells, those cells become nice and big and plump," Dr. Oz says. As the cells grow, they suck more blood supply toward them, which helps them to keep growing. "They blow up like individual balloons."" I know I caught the 7pm show and wanted to die I started to feel like everything that I have done so far was for nothing, But my FI insist that I keep up the leg exercises because he sees a difference.
  17. Congrats Mrs Ellis I hope it was everything you wanted and more.....
  18. Are there any Bally Sports Club Brides in Brooklyn? I have a membership but it is so boring going alone...
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