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Everything posted by Tiffiney01

  1. congratulation.... I love the colors but I cant get into the shutterfly to view the pictures.
  2. 1. Where is your cell phone? table 2. Your significant other? sleep 3. Your hair? straight 4. Your mother? wonderful 5. Your father? drunk 6. Your favorite thing? shoes 7. Your dream last night? blank 8. Your favorite drink? gin 9. Your dream/goal? wealth 10. The room you're in? hot 11. Your ex? ass 12. Your fear? mice 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? living 14. Where were you last night? home 15. What you're not? tall 16. Muffins? blueberry 17. One of your wish list items? none 18. Where you grew up? brooklyn 19. The last thing you did? shower 20. What are you wearing? shirt 21. Your TV? flat 22. Your pets? fish 23. Your computer? mac 24. Your life? great 25. Your mood? nervous 26. Missing someone? brother 27. Your vehicle? bus 28. something your not wearing? earrings 29. Favorite Store? aldos 30. Your summer? long 31. Like someone? yes 32. favorite color? red 33. When is the last time you laughed? Earlier 34. Last time you cried? monday
  3. Congrats and welcome to the forum...You've come to the right place!
  4. I love coffee!!!! I drink three cups a days..with french vanilla coffee mate creamer and 2 sugars mmm mmm mmm....
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss, my prayers goes out to you and your family.
  6. Birthday: December 1st Astrological Sign: Sagittarius Color of eyes: Brown Hair: black Shoe size: 7 Brothers/Sisters: One younger brother (RIP) Who lives with you? FI and 6 fishes When is your bedtime? whenever i fall asleep What town (or area) do you live in: Brooklyn, Ny Favorite Sport: boxing Number of Tattoos: 4 Number of Piercings: 3 Birthmarks? 1 on my waist -----------------HAVE YOU EVER----------------------- Been so drunk you blacked out: Yup Missed work because it was raining: Yup lol Been in a car accident? Yes Kept a secret from everyone: Yes Had an imaginary friend: Yeah sometimes I think i still do lol Cried during a movie: yes Had a crush on a teacher: oh yeah Mr Storm my Junior High math teacher Ever thought an animated character was hot: no lo Been on stage: Yes Been sarcastic: every chance i get Where do you go to school at: John Jay College ----------------------FAVORITES-------------------- Shampoo: Olive organic root stimulator very very good Soap: Dove Color: green Day or Night: Night Summer or winter: Summer Commercial: etrade babies TV Show: Law & Order SVU Ice Cream: cookies & cream Drink: grey goose and pineapple juice Childrens' Book: curious george Cartoon: woody woodpecker Food: spanish Day of the week: payday Word: whatever Cookie: chocolate chip Cake: devils food with vanilla frosting ---------------RANDOM QUESTIONS------------- If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? Caribbean What is your favorite article of clothing? Jeans Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? lips Favorite nonphysical feature of the opposite sex? personality The last CD you bought? I haven't bought a cd in forever. ( exactly) Where's your least favorite place to be? the DMV Where's your favorite spot to be massaged? with being fresh my feet What's your favorite kitchen appliance? dish washer What makes you really angry? liars If you could play an instrument, what would it be? piano Which do you prefer: sports car or SUV? sports car, SUV If you could have one super power, what would it be? ESP Can you juggle? depends on what I'm juggling ( wink) __________________
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda Hey Riu Ladies...I emailed Jessica the Riu Coordinator asking her about centerpieces. She forward me these pictures and I wanted to share them with you ladies. If you would like to know prices just send her an email. jmiranda thank you for sharing..because she refuses to answer my emails so this is very helpful.
  8. OMG OMG OMG I let my co-worker talk me into doing a 45 min spin class today for the first time ...my legs were like jello, my butt was numb and I sweated so much you would have thought I was playing in the rain. BUT I loved it LOL
  9. ok besides the cinnamon streusel coffee cakes that i posted earlier on this thread, i am now in love with the twinkie bites! I cant believe these are 100 calories!
  10. Thank you ladies...I wasnt going to do it either but my aunts ( you know the older generation ) Thinks that I should..So you know I had to come and ask my second family. LOL
  11. For a DW is it mandatory to do the traditional Bouquet & Garter toss?
  12. Hi Julie Welcome to the forum and congratulations! You have come to the right place. BDW has so much info your planning will be a breeze.
  13. Tiffiney01


    Hi Jenny welcome to the forum and congratulations!
  14. Congrats & Welcome To The forum!
  15. Tiffiney01


    Congrats & welcome to the forum
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