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Everything posted by nikkib

  1. Welcome to BDW and Congrats!!!
  2. Welcome to the forum, and try to relax. I know planning a wedding can seem overwhelming, but i'm sure you will see that things will come together just fine in the end.
  3. Your review was so cute... I saw my own wedding in your review... or what i woud like my wedding to be. Congrats, and thanks for the great review.
  4. Congrats!!! Thank you for the wonderful review. You looked amazing.
  5. My FI and I have lived together for a little more that three years, so he has seen me looking my best and worst. I plan on staying apart because I think that it will heighten the anticipation of seeing me for the first time that day as I prepare to become his wife.
  6. Congrats! Great review... and it wasn't too long. Just perfect for those like me who obsess over these reviews.
  7. Congrats! Great review... and it wasn't too long. Just perfect for those like me who obsess over these reviews.
  8. Congrats! Thank you for the review. Since I plan on getting married at RMB also... it was great to read your review so I feel like I know what to expect.
  9. They finally went through with it... Singer Chris Brown has been charged by the Los Angeles District Attorney with two felonies: felony assault and making criminal threats. Brown will be arraigned this afternoon. Rihanna may not be testifying against him, but she is listed as the victim in the case under the name “Robyn F†(her full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty). If found guilty, Brown could face a maximum of four years and eight months in prison. [TMZ]
  10. Great question. I was wondering the same thing. It seems like I have a million things to take down with me. I'll just have to make it work with my suitcases.
  11. I love the idea of the "Oh Sh*t" Kit". Too cute. Great job with the bags.
  12. Wow. I have been battling back and forth with which Jamaica Riu to choose, and this makes my decision no much easier to actually be able to visualize my vision. Thank you for posting.
  13. Thank you so much for everyone who responded. I feel soooo much better now. You guys have no idea how much your responses meant to me.
  14. They will look sooo nice together. I love the dress.
  15. So... I love the color turquoise for a beach wedding, and thats what I want my main color to be, but I also want to add hints of black, white and silver as well. When I had mentioned that to a friend, she was like "NO, you can not have black at a wedding, thats more for a funeral" So what do you think? I added inspiration pics below
  16. Everything looks amazing. I know it is going to be a beautiful ceremony.
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