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Everything posted by fudgie

  1. Congrats! Your wedding is going to be fantastic! You did so many great DIY projects
  2. I know that birth control drives me crazy and my hormones wacky. I tried about 7 or 8 different kinds, but eventually gave up and decided it isn't the best thing for me right now. My sister actually went through the same and don't take them either. Do you think that maybe it could be a "post wedding" thing? I have been thinking alot lately about what is going on with myself now that the wedding is over, realizing that there are tons of things that I didn't deal with while planning the wedding and am now feeling overwhelmed. Also, it is the fact that I know that I am not counting down the days anymore to go on an awesome vacation and have an awesome wedding! I love the fact that I am now married and had an awesome time but now that it is all over is kind of sad. I think that there are many possible reasons that lead to depression, some that we aren't even conscious of. We may spend endless hours on our own trying to figure out what is bothering us so much but never come to a clear and easy conclusion. Definitely go and talk to someone, put your thoughts and concerns out there and then hopeful you will find a persepective that will help you figure it out. Or go to you doctor and get their advice. At least then you won't be wondering what you should do and hopefully you'll get some answer. *Hugs* to you and I hope you feel better soon
  3. You definitely won't get "what the hell was she thinking??"! The dress looks great on you and you look so happy in it! It is a beautiful dress and you should go with what makes you feel the best and happiest! Both dresses actually look amazing on you Don't let the fact that you are have a DW determine what type of dress you should get, your still a bride. When I went dress shopping the moment I told the sales lady that I was having a DW she would immediately say "oh, well come over here a try on our selection of DW dresses" and everytime I had to stress the point that I still wanted the wedding dress of my dreams, and it might not be in the DW selection.
  4. I think #1 looks amazing on you! They all actually look great, once you figure out what it is you want and get that feeling you won't have any troubles because they all seem to suit you well! You still have time, keep looking and you'll find exactly what you are looking for
  5. Wow, you haven't had an easy wedding planning experience! I am sorry about everything you had to go though to come to this point and I am glad that everything is finally starting to come together for you. I truly believe that things do happen for a reason, we may not see it right away but hopefully you'll look back and everything will make sense and fall into place. You'll have a beautiful wedding, fantastic time in Cuba and most importantly you'll be returning a MRS!
  6. Oh wow, it looked like you had a blast and enjoyed every minute of it! I LOVE LOVE your dress! Congrats and I am so happy for you that everything turned out great!
  7. YAY!!!! It's beautiful! Congrats on successful wedding shopping
  8. Love the dress and shoes! Great finds and they will look awesome together
  9. All I can honestly say is do what you and your FI want to do, it is your wedding. Stick to your guns and eventually people will understand and if they don't then there really isn't anything you can do about that. Please don't listen to your step mom, but if you are really worried about it you should bring it up with her and/or your dad. What she said really doesn't make sense, how could she not even think about you FI family? From the beginning we knew we wanted a DW, we are from different hometowns, and neither of us are really rooted there anyways, so we figured it wouldn't even mean anything to us if we got married at home. We were both prepared for peoples complaints and excuses not to come, and eventually understood it was typically all part of having a DW. Now reflecting back, I couldn't imagine getting married any other way! Everything was what we wanted and it created such a relaxed, exciting and comfortable feeling for us on our wedding day Maybe try talking to your families and explain to them why you want a DW. Good luck and enjoy your planning, things will eventually calm down
  10. You pictures are so cute! Congrats on finding a great deal
  11. I think it is a great idea. Go for it, everyone loves to get something from Bath and Body Works!
  12. Welcome to the forum Nadine! There are so many great reviews on here from just about everywhere, it will really help you narrow down you search. Congrats and enjoy your planning
  13. Welcome to the forum, you've come to the right place for ideas and advice. Congrats and enjoy you planning
  14. Welcome to the forum! You'll get some great advice and ideas here. I am not familar with Florida but you reception idea sounds awesome. Congrats!
  15. fudgie

    Hello ladies!

    Welcome to the forum! If you give your guest time to save, know if advance what they are expected to pay then I think it is a reasonable price. Good luck and enjoy your planning
  16. You'll be my date twin (but a year later)! I was married on April 13th this year, it was the only date for that week the resort had open, I felt a bit funny about it first but it really makes no difference. You'll still be married and have an amazing wedding Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  17. Congrats on your wedding!
  18. fudgie

    Newbie here!

    Congrats and welcome to the forum! Enjoy your planning, you'll find great ideas on the forum
  19. It is great of you to be helping our your friend! Enjoy the forum and congrats to your friend!
  20. I did get my hair done at the salon but not my nails. I wasn't going to but decided the day before that I would. I was worried doing it but my plan was to keep it simple. At the salon they didn't have the products or equipment that I was use to so that made me worry more. I just told her that I wanted really loose curls, half back with my veil and hair flower. She started putting velcro rollers in tight to my head all over, wrapped a net over them, and put me in the hair dryer for about 45 min. I was so worried but it turned out great. She definitely knew what she was doing and I was more than pleased. I even did test curls at home and couldn't get the curl I wanted but she managed
  21. I think you should go ahead a buy the dress, you'll save a ton in the end. In all honesty, I really don't think anyone would notice if you use ivory instead of the white in your colours. I definitely wouldn't go and change anything you have already done, and if you want to add white to other things I don't thing anyone would pick it out. I was amazed at my wedding about how the things I obsessed about really didn't matter, I really appreciated them but not everone else noticed how I tried to put a flow to everything, including the colours. Either way, you will have the dress you always wanted, look beautiful and all at a discount price
  22. fudgie


    Welcome and congrats on your upcoming wedding!
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