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Everything posted by fudgie

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamgirl08 Fudgie, I'm confused...is Etsy and Mikiye the same company? I found the perfect flower from Mikiye, but I don't know how to go about ordering it. I sent an e-mail out to them on Aisledash. Can you please help me. Here's the link to the flower I want - Google Image Result for http://www.blogcdn.com/www.aisledash.com/media/2008/06/starlight-gazing-silk-wedding-hair-lily-pin,-$54.jpg I think that it is the same person but you will probably have to order it through the etsy website. Etsy it is a website where individual sellers/businesses can have there own little "store" of the things they make (handmade items). Ordering things for my wedding was the first time I used etsy and now I love it! Mikiye was great to work with, she answered all my questions, mailed it the next day and it came in a case with ribbon, tissue papper and a personal note from her. Below is the link to her page on the site. Hope that helps oh, and I LOVE the flower you are looking at! Mine in the "Dainty Delight" on Mikiye's page. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id...ller_usernames
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kla.Kari I keep having those crazy dreams... you know where you are in the airport and someone asks "where's your wedding dress" and your response is "Oh CRAP!"...... These dreams are so stressful!! I had a few of them a couple of months ago and woke up crying my eyes out, then I realized it was time to start getting the rest of my list crossed off
  3. Etsy is great! I actually just got mine in the mail today from Mikiye and I love it!
  4. We aren't having a wedding party. There are 17 guest in total, I have 2 sisters so that would total 4 out of 17 standing (plus FH would have to figure out who he would want to stand) so we decided to not have any. We wanted to keep things as simple as possible. I think you can do whatever it is you want, it is your wedding and what is important is doing what makes you and FH feel comfortable and special
  5. Beautiful dress, you look awesome in it Congrats!
  6. Thanks for posting, I was going to mention this too. I haven't seen any of these in person but they look great and for a great price.
  7. I have lots to do...I feel like I have lots to do anyways I feel like I get too excited to actually get things done, it doesn't even seem real but now that time is getting so close I am starting to realize that it is - I will actually be leaving in a month and I really need to get everything done now. Just one more month before it it the wedding month
  8. Welcome to the forum! The forum is such a great resource of ideas, people who have been there and people who are going through the same planning process, you'll love it!
  9. Welcome to the forum! The forum is such a great resource of ideas, people who have been there and people who are going through the same planning process, you'll love it!
  10. Welcome to the forum! You so lucky to have a friend designing your dress-how fun!! Enjoy you planning:)
  11. How exciting for you!! I love stories like that that too. We are having 17 people plus the two of us. Enjoy you planning
  12. I don't have a Michaels here so I just phoned my FSIL, she will pick them up for me tonight and mail them. Thank you for sharing the info punkie!
  13. Wow, this is a great thread!! I am a smoker but do plan on soon setting a quit date. I can so relate to everything that is being said....missing out on something....trying to lose weight for the wedding...having an excuse like drinking....! I quit last year for 6 months and felt better than I have in the last 10 years, I actually said I was never going to be a "smoker" again. But of course thought is was ok to have a cig when I was out with friends and it just continued from there. Great for you who are quitting right now, it is so hard, and I honestly feel like something is missing so it is a good idea to replace it with something else (a hobby/gym). I WILL try to quit again soon, it's all about setting the date. Good luck ladies:)
  14. I am so happy to say that my Sister's surgery went great! Thank you ladies for all your words and thought She didn't get a gas bubble (so she will be able to fly) but they did some laser work and put a band around her eye. Poor girl has to lay for 16 a day on the left side for the next two weeks. Sparkles8300-I think the 8 weeks was the worst possible scenario. I did a little research on the internet and it said depending on what type of gas it could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 8 weeks. I hope for the best outcome for you mom, that everything goes great with the surgery and that she will be able to fly in April.
  15. Etsy might be an option. I ordered my veil from etsy seller BellaBridalVeils. She is doing mine custom for an excellent price (about $25 with shipping) but I haven't received it yet.
  16. I totally understand you. My FSIL got engaged after us, is having a local wedding this summer (ours is in April) and now none of my FH's family is coming to our wedding. She did phone a year ago, before we had our date booked, and asked if it was ok for her to reserve her date. What was I going to say - no? I told her that was only fair seeing how we didn't pick a date (but we did tell everyone Spring 2009), BUT I was assumption that they would all still save for a year and a half and attend our wedding also. We changed our wedding date to accomadate those that are coming, some with tickets paid for still don't have their passports and the actually expense keeps growing. But, if you did chose to have a wedding at home I guarantee you would still have problems, maybe not the same problems but still issues from people. What is keeping me going is knowing that my FH and I are actually doing what we want to do and how we want to do it. Some how it will all work out in the end, there will be troubles along the way but in the end you will still be getting married and enjoying you day where and how you want to
  17. First off, I am extremely worried about my sister. She is going into surgery today for her eyes. On Friday she was sent out of her home town to the "city" for emergency eye problems. Her retina is almost completely detached from her eye and today they are going to fix it. I can't imagine how worried she must feel and I am praying that what they can do for her is enough. I hate to even progress the story because I know that the most important thing right now is her. The trouble that I am facing now is that due to the surgery she may not be able to fly. Once they get into the surgery they will know if they have to put a gas bubble in her eye, and if that is the case she may not be allowed to fly for up to 8 weeks. We are very close and one of the most important things for my wedding was to have both my sisters there. I also know how important this trip is for her and her family. It is not only the idea of the wedding but also all of enjoying a great vacation together. I just feel so bad for her. Her and her family will be the only ones not there and I can't imagine how crappy that would feel. I don't know what to do!! Everyones trip is paid for, about 5 weeks until departure and I feel totally helpless I hope this doesn't come across as selfish - the priority right now is her surgery but I can't help but think about this in the back of my mind. She is so important to me. I am worried about her surgery, the outcome and how disappointed she (and everyone else)would be if she can't come. That is all I can think about this morning and just needed a little vent.
  18. I got my Spanish phrase book online at Chapters for a good price. All the items for the bags came from Michaels or the dollar store. Tons of great finds at Michaels dollar section...travel note book, packing list note pad, travel candle, beach ball.
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