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Everything posted by Maybride2009

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Yeah well I agree - the hotel apparently wanted the paperwork a month before. So I checked with them and that was right! Couldn't believe it. I do think it's funny tho that last week he was giving me the gen on St Lucia but then today he wouldn't even talk about it he was all Barbados! Great, a place I don't want to go, a miserable FI because we now have to go and buy him more shirts and we've lost our extra leg room and his sister is dying, a friend who is bringing a right arsehole with her, no photographer unless we take it up the rear off the resort and i've had to pay £350 for the privilege. I just don't want to do any of this anymore i've fucking had enough of everything I am pretty much right there with you. Wasn't this supposed to be fun? Everyone tells me that at the wedding I will be so happy and it all won't matter, but right now all I can envision is me flipping everyone off and calling a lot of people F*ckers in my speach!
  2. Ugh what a pain! Whoever came up with the "dream wedding" phrase must have been high.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by TightyWhitey Omg, I can write a novel on how dumb Air Transat is being right now! They cancelled half our guests' flights. I've been trying to get alternate flights for my guests to still make it to Cancun via the US. Guess what I found out this morning? Air Transat cancelled my guests' hotel reservations with the Royal. WTF? I had to find out by calling the resort myself. My agent has been telling me nothing has been cancelled. Really?!?!?! So, why is the resort telling me Air Transat cancelled the bookings? They did the same to my guests and now that I am re booking they are charging more for july...so they are making money by screwing us over...wtf?
  4. whoops! Hopefully she just didn't know..although it is kinda common sense. Hope you get this resolved with no conflict...hopefully it is white with LARGE COLOURful print or something !
  5. well, it seems as though my FI is right...I am very stubborn. I have decided that I will not let go of my dream wedding and am pushing it back to July. It is far from going smoothly but at this point if it happens at all i will be happy. The prices seem to have gone up...I am hoping they will come down and this whole mess of trying to fit a square into a circle will sort itself out. I will keep you posted!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis PS> titling yourself 'swine brides' is honestly giggle worthy. I truly hope in the end that all will work out. Thanks, I was trying to add a bit of humor to a frustrating and sad situation, hope everyone took it that way!
  7. I really wish that someone with a brain would have only canceled the first 2 weeks of flights in May if they HAD to an not the whole month...jump the gun much. Now that things are calmed down...my wedding wasn't supposed to be till the 27th...yet we still can't go because air transat are idiots! We are re booking in July, but now having to reschedule all of our guests and it is LESS than ideal for sure
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca I think all of us brides from the US are very fortunate to be able to choose how we want to deal with the Swine. For me, all my guests are flying American Airlines on either May 20 or 21 and at the moment they are only letting people change flights who travel through the 16th. Because of this, canceling is not an option for us at THIS moment. Even if they do allow changes for the dates we are traveling, I strongly feel that we will not change anything. like istephiez said, it would be near impossible to find another date that works for all of our guests. Given that there are no reported cases in the Quinterra Roo state, I do not feel that my health is at risk and if for any chance any of us do experience any of the symptoms, its just the flu. If treated, it is not life threatening. I am sure all of us have had the flu at some point in our lives. We will be talking Tamiflu with us as a precaution. I think that is basically it. The fact that they raised the pandemic alert level to a 5 freaked me out some, but Obama reassured me tonight I will be in Mexico 21 days from now enjoying guacamole and margaritas as I lay out in the sun! Uh--- Maybe this should be in the Swine thread? You are so lucky that you still have this option. I think/hope it will be under control by then and traveling won't be such a "risk". Unfortunately I had to cancel because the carrier jumped the gun and cancelled all of my families trips.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kara&Ryan Ya it really sucks. Who would ever think that a PIG FLU would cancel your wedding For REAL! I thought at the worst our guests would cancel and Fi and I would get married alone...but no wedding at all..not even on my radar. My stinkin rings are engraved
  10. it is most likely that I am going to be a july bride. I am so so disappointed but it was either push it back or try to find somewhere else in 3 weeks with a TON of restrictions from the place that everyone bought their packages from. I still can't believe that this is happening...I am totally not afraid of this flu...I just got screwed by air transat!
  11. just my 2 cents we chose mexico over DR for the simple fact that we could go walk down town, go to eat meals off the resort. If you want everyone to pretty much stay on resort for a week DR is great...but we hated being confined to the resort so we chose MX. The flu wasn't worrying our guests...but their airline canceled so we had to push it back anyways. I agree with the other ladies with the differences on the countries..so i guess it just depends on what type of vacation you want for your guests.
  12. Kara, this happened to me too. I wish I could tell you some way to feel better but I haven't figured it out myself.
  13. With all of the negative stuff going on I just wanted to post a tiny tidbit of positive...my FMIL who has been the source of ALL my wedding problems thus far just called to tell us that whatever we chose to do..they support us...just a little silver lining...I know it may not last but I am willing to take what I can get.
  14. I have emailed the hotel to see what my options are...they have not responded, but I'm sure they are SWAMPED with calls/emails right now. The part that really sucks is my mom can't go in june and my FI did NOT want a summer wedding...so he is pretty upset. I'm not sure I can pull off planning another destination wedding in 3 weeks or if I can even find an air transat location that is the same price that can do a wedding. Just insane "flush" oh..is that the sound of my dream wedding going down the toilet? Awesome!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jennyatk well my wedding is in 3 weeks and well I am going!! both of our familys said were just going to do it. My TA just got back 3 days ago from the resort I am getting married at and she said the media is blowing this all up!! I could get the swine flu here. I am a nurse in the ICU we have several cases that they think might be swine flu. So I could catch it here or there. Hi Jenny, We wanted/tried to go. I totally agree that it is being blow way up, but my guests booked with air transat and didn't get cancellation insurance so they HAVE to fly through air transat...and they won't fly there again until June...so we have no choice. The other option is to try to book another destination and wedding in 3 weeks...and I don't know if my brain can do that at this point...either way between my mom and Fi's schedule...it sucks for someone
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ OMG girls, I'm so sorry! I can't stop tearing up. I don't even know what to say. Can you girls taking canada flights fly into the states and then fly out to Mexico from here on flights that aren't cancelled? Please keep us posted. Hey Stephanie- for me personally...we can't. My FI's side of the family didn't get cancellation insurance so they don't get a refund...they just get a credit for another trip and so I can't book them anywhere else. I have to either push it back or find another destination that their carrier goes to and re organize my whole wedding around a destination that is available for my dates...assuming I can get a wedding date at one of the resorts they travel to...in 3 weeks.
  17. thanks mummergirl. I know it is silly, but every one of my cousins has been married on the 27th of a month and it just felt right and I am having such a hard time coming to terms that it isn't going to happen. Even if we go somewhere else the chances of getting to have the wedding on the 27th are so slim...plus it is an INSANE amount of work to re book and re organize everything. I have tried to stay positive...but now I am not planning our wedding...now I have to plan around everyone's schedule that can't get their money back and only have a credit with air transat...so it isn't really even our wedding anymore. The worst part is the FI just wants to cancel the whole thing...just breaks my heart that he is so frustrated. He is really supportive and had flowers for me when i came home today, but understandably he is out of patience.
  18. Hey Ladies, As the number of us who are being forced to cancel our dream weddings rises, I thought I would start a thread where we can come and support each other as we try to sort through this mess and come out on top. Tears, support, complaints, anything you need to get out is welcome and hopefully we can help each other get back on the track to having a wedding of some sort. Hugs to all the swine brides out there...we are up to our ears in ETA: As of this afternoon...everything in my signature is B.S
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Shay2679 Air Canada Vacations announced the cancellation of all flights to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta and Cozumel tonight. We will NOT be having our wedding in that freakin gazebo, on that god damn beach, in Mexico. If I weren't so tired from all the crying...I'd ... punch something! I don't know what to do. Shay, I am in the exact same boat...it sucks..so so so bad. Our rings are now engraved with a date that we will not be married on....that bugs me the most...I know it's silly, but it really bugs me
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i understand completely ... all the news of canada's canceled flights has had me freaking out today ... i had a "nothing will stop me from going" attitude up til now but canceling the flights certainly would. what company owns royal? can you possibly be rerouted to one of their resorts in another country (this is what dreams is proposing, either that or postponement)? this is a total shitstorm. wtf? The problem is that a certain problem side of the family didn't get cancellation insurance...so the HAVE to go through air transat...so I either have to book a different air transat destination in may or push the wedding back to July. The problem with booking another destination is that ...well that just sucks! and I will lose cancellation money. The problem with pushing it back to july is that FI is just fed up and wants it over with...he is off work now due to seasonal work and that will be right in the middle of his busy season...which is why we chose may in the first place. So I am stuck...srsly just stuck Also...pushing it back deals with the possiblilty of losing my photograpers...who are friends and were traveling with us
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl omg, i'm so sorry ... is it possible to fly into the states first and then to mexico from there? I am just afraid that if I re book everyone (24 people) though the us that they will cancel flights there too and then I will be really screwed.
  22. soooooo...air transat just cancelled the flights for both sides of our families! hmmmmm....I called american air and the said my flights arn't cancelled....but they expect they will...so technically...we have no way to get to mex.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by TightyWhitey I just got a message that Air Transat has postponed all their flights to Mexico until June 1st. That means 90% of my guests now cannot come. I'm now looking into other locations. ME freakin too! WTF! We were planning on going either way but BOTH of our families are booked with airtransat..or were
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Well all the flights out to Mexico today have been cancelled and our Foreign Office has declared mexico no go so think that's my wedding fucked! That is totally ridiculous! I live near toronto...if you want to stay here and catch flights to mexico just let me know. we have room!
  25. My Fi and I talked last night and we decided that...well it's the Flu and it is not in our area so we won't worry about it. If people want to cancel that's their decision, but I have never avoided leaving my house during flu season here so I am not going to start. I understand that people that are older or have compromised immune systems are at risk...but none of them are coming to our wedding...so really..it's just the flu and it isn't around us...so we will be careful and carry travelers health insurance and go and have a great time. Over 36000 people die of the flu every year, so I am trying to put it in context, not trying to belittle the issues that a lot of brides are having here...I fully understand that they are coming from outside sources. ltl_leah- I am so sorry everyone is telling you that you can't go...I have a lot of friends that are not even going emailing me and asking me if I am canceling...which honestly...who does that to a bride right before her wedding?? It is stressful because everyone is projecting their stress on to you..and you don't need it. I just told my friends "thanks for your concern...but it's the flu and I could get it here or in the US as well...so I have no plans cancel my wedding because of the flu." Hang in there ladies...hopefully this will pass soon.
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